
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs

Back Again

Luffy stared at a bunch of punching pads hanging down from trees in front of him. Currently, Gyatsu was teaching him how to be accurate with his Gomu Gomu no Pistol technique.

This exercise is meant to reduce the recoil done when Luffy retracts his stretched limbs. It is also meant for Luffy to punch faster with it.

[Gomu Gomu no Pistol:D+(70% completed)]

[Gomu Gomu no Bullet: D+(75% completed)]

Luffy, already has a new move in mind. But he wants to fully master this exercise first so that there will be no failures when he experiments with his technique.

Luffy started punching while Gyatsu was watching on the side while rubbing his beard.

'He is able to turn for what seems like a useless Devil Fruit into a monstrous one. Party tricks, punches, kicks. This Devil Fruit can do anything, it's only limited to Luffy's imagination. ' Gyatsu though while looking at Luffy who was speeding up his punches.

'His swordsmanship and weightlifting is coming along well too. I think I need to teach him a new sword technique. The sword techniques he has are coming to a standstill. It's not improving as much as it did anymore.' Gyatsu nodded, deciding to do that after the exercise Luffy was currently doing was over.



After Luffy was done with his punching and kicking exercises, it was time for training with his cutlass.

Gyatsu was explaining the new technique that he will be teaching Luffy. It was called Tobu Zangeki(literally meaning 'Flying Slash Attack')

He explained that it was performed by swinging the sword with enough force and speed to create a powerful pressure in the form of a compressed air blade, allowing the swordsman to cut at long distance.

"Observe." Gyatsu muttered and put his right hand on the grip of his katana. Luffy watched attentively.

Gyatsu unsheathed his katana and held it with both hands. He held it up in a high stance and slashed diagonally, sending an air blade that cut through numerous trees before crashing onto the ground, cratering it.

Luffy had stars in his eyes as he stared at the super cool technique. "That's so cool!!!" Luffy shouted and grabbed his cutlass. He ran towards Gyatsu while grinning at him.

"C'mon c'mon! Teach me now, old man!!"

"Hohohohoho!!! Calm down now, Luffy. We have to improve your swing force and swing speed first. Here, take this." Gyatsu took something that was leaning against a log and put it down in front of Luffy.

Luffy looked at it curiously. It was a metal pole that had weights put into it. He looked at Gyatsu.

"How heavy is this?" He asked.

"20kg." Gyatsu answered. Luffy looked back at it. The current weights on the dumbbells he was lifting were 15kg.



"If you're not sure you can do it. I'll lighten the weight on it. Do you want that?" Gyatsu offered. Luffy shook his head immediately.

" No! If I want to get stronger, I have to challenge myself!" Luffy crouched down, grabbed the pole with both hands and stood back up again.

"Now what should I do next, old man?!"




Luffy laughed as he rushed towards the dock at full speed. Garp was coming back for a month vacation.

He arrived at the dock and cheered as he saw Garp's ship docked there. He saw Garp who was wearing his vacation clothing, jump down from the dog head on his ship and landed on the wooden dock gracefully.

Luffy laughed and ran towards Garp who grinned as he saw his grandson run towards him.

"Gramps!!!" Luffy shouted and leaped towards him to hug him. Garp laughed loudly as he was being hugged tightly by Luffy.

"Bwahahahahaha!!!! Luffy!!! How have you been!!" Garp asked as Luffy released the hug and grinned at him. He showed Garp his right bicep, which Garp grinned proudly at.

"I've gotten stronger since you left! Old man Gyatsu has taught me a lot!" Luffy replied. Garp laughed and patted Luffy on the back. Luffy widened his eyes a little as he felt a stinging pain as his grandpa slapped his back repeatedly.

"I can see that. How's Makino doing?" Garp asked as he and Luffy started walking side by side on the dock.

"Shes doing wonderful. She's gotten even more beautiful now." Luffy answered with a grin. Garp looked at him with a curious gaze at Luffy's compliment. He would have to ask about that later.

"Anyways, that hat. Red Haired Shanks gave you that hat didn't he?" Garp asked. Luffy nodded, finding no reason to lie to him.

"Yeah, he did. He said that when I become the Pirate King, I gotta return this hat to him." Luffy explained, making Garp laugh.

"He actually believes in you?! Oh, this is gold!!" Garp patted his stomach in amusement. Luffy smiled a little.

" What's next, you got a girlfriend now? " He asked him. Luffy frowned a little.

" I have a friend who is a girl. Her name is Uta and she left Shanks' crew to follow her dreams. I miss her a lot ya know. " Luffy muttered while looking down at the ground. Garp didn't know what to say so he patted him on the back without saying anything.

"But we promised to meet again. So now I'm working on making that happen." Luffy suddenly grinned. Garp was a bit unnerved at how Luffy can change his emotions pretty quickly.

"Hm...." Garp hummed as he and Luffy were now walking towards Partys Bar.

"Makino told me that you killed someone through the Den Den Mushi. " Garp commented. Luffy looked away.

" Hey, look at me brat. " Garp knelt down in front of him.

" In my line of work, I've killed my fair share of people. When I did it the first time, I puked out everything. I got over it overtime, but the feeling remained." Garp muttered while Luffy listened to him.

"I'm saying that if you want to become a pirate you have to toughen up. There are people who deserve death. I killed those that deserved to be killed. Did the person you killed deserve it? " Garp asked. Luffy nodded immediately.

" Yeah, he was about to kill Makino! He also killed 56 people! So he deserved it." Luffy replied. Garp nodded and stood up.

" You need to find out what kind of person they are first before you do anything. You need to know all of this if you are to become a pirate captain. And you're lucky, because I'm here to teach you how! C'mon, brat! Enough of the sobby shit!! Let's go eat!!" Garp declared with a grin. Luffy grinned back.

" Yeah, let's go!!! "



"So you really ate a Devil Fruit huh? " Garp commented as he tanked a Gomu Gomu no Bullet from Luffy. Luffy smirked as he continued fighting Garp with his rubbery fists.

"You're pretty good at it for someone who ate it in just a year. But remember brat, there's always someone out there better than you!!" Garp leaped towards Luffy.

In Luffy's point of view, Garp basically teleported in front of him. Garp pulled back his right fist and punched Luffy on the head.


That punch sent Luffy crashing into the ground and tumbling on it. Luffy immediately got up with a muddy face and pointed at Garp.

"Hey! How did you hurt me, gramps?! I thought I was immune to punches and bullets, being rubber and all. " Luffy asked Garp grinned at him

" Not telling!!! Bwahahahahaha " Garp laughed at Luffy's baffled reaction to his words.

" What!? Why not gramps?! " Luffy asked him with a face of disbelief.

" It's simple brat, you're too weak to know how I did it!! " Garp taunted. Luffy grinned and assumed his fighting stance again.

" Then I'll get strong enough so that you'll have to tell me!!"

"Then bring it on, brat!!!"

To be continued....