
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs

A New Chapter

"Here, Luffy. Have this." Benn commented and handed him a book. Luffy looked at the title of the book and was immediately confused.

'Sex Explained: Honest Answers to Your Questions About Guys and Girls, Your Changing Body, and What Really Happens During Sex · Magali Clausener-Petit, Melissa Daly. '

Luffy looked at Benn with an extremely confused face. Benn chuckled and patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry, your answers are in that book. But do keep in mind, read this in private. People don't like talking about this out in the open. " Benn whispered. Luffy nodded. Benn then handed him a box.

"What's this?" Luffy asked him. Benn grinned.

"More books and gifts from Yasopp and Lucky. But you need to finish this book first before you open it, got it?"

"Got it, Benn." Luffy nodded. Benn nodded and patted his back.

"See you when you become the Pirate King kid." Benn waved at him. Shanks walked past him and arrived in front of Luffy.

"You be good now, protect Makino and get stronger while you're at it, alright?" Shanks held out his fist. Luffy grinned and they fist bumped each other.

Shanks grinned at him before giving him another box. " It's sake. Don't tell Makino about it though. Drink it when you're at least 17 years old or older. Alright?"

" Got it, Shanks!! "

"See ya out there, Luffy! Good luck on your journey." Shanks nodded before boarding his ship. Luffy rushed to the edge of the dock.

"BYE EVERYONE!!!! I'M GONNA MISS YOU!!!!" Luffy shouted with a grin on his face. Shanks laughed and he and his crew started waving back at him.

"I'M GONNA BECOME KING OF THE PIRATES AND GIVE THIS HAT BACK TO YOU!!!!!" Luffy added with his grin getting bigger. Shanks' flashed him a big grin of his own.

'This kid is gonna be big. He has the Gomu Gomu no Mi and Captain Roger's cutlass. Yeah, he's definitely turning the world upside down. ' Shanks thought in his mind while waving his hand at Luffy.

Luffy watched as the Red Hair Pirates and their ship start disappearing from his view. Luffy didn't feel sad at all, he just grinned and grinned at the ship that was sailing away.

"Hey, Makino. Why don't I feel sad?" Luffy asked Makino who was standing beside him. Makino hummed and smiled at him.

"Maybe it's because you feel excited about the future and meeting them again." Makino guessed. Luffy's grin broadened.

"Maybe that's it! C'mon, Makino! Let's go back to the bar! I wanna learn how to mix drinks from you! " Luffy said while grabbing her hand with his left hand and holding the boxes with the other one. Makino giggled at his excitement.

"Okay, Luffy!"



1 year later...

[Mixology:A(1% completed)

The skill of mixing cocktails and other drinks. Once you max this skill out, you can make women have an orgasm and their clothes blast away by drinking the cocktails you made.]

"Still can't get over how perverted this system is. Shishishishishi." Luffy muttered with a laugh while he was fishing in a small wooden boat he made.

A year has passed and Luffy has changed a lot. He has grown tremendously stronger and a lot taller. He is now 144cm in height which is a lot taller than the average height of eight year olds.

Luffy was currently fishing for something. The fish he wanted to fish up was humongous.

Suddenly, his fishing rod started shaking. Luffy grinned as he started battling with the fish that bit the bait.

"Haa!!!" He shouted and pulled back. Out flew a giant fish, Luffy grinned and stretched his left hand.

The rubbery hand wrapped around the fish a couple of times before Luffy pulled back. The fish landed on his wooden boat.

Luffy's arm retracted back into place as he stared at the fish he caught. It was flopping around the boat. Then it stopped moving. It was dead.

Luffy nodded and put down the fishing rod. He had another target in mind, one that Gyoru, the man who owns a fish store named UO in Foosha Village, was willing to pay a hefty sum for it.

The fish he just caught was just the bait for it. Luffy started paddling slowly, approaching something which seemed like an island to some, but not to Luffy.

Luffy grinned and stretched his hands so that it wrapped around the giant fish. He looked at the grey colored island.

"Eat this! Shitty sea king!!" Luffy shouted before flinging the giant fish high up to the air.

The waves started shaking violently, rocking Luffy's small wooden boat all around the place. Luffy held onto the boat tightly as he saw something big approaching the surface of the sea.


It was the Lord Of The Coast and it had it's jaws wide open. It swallowed the fish effortlessly.

It then looked at Luffy who stretched back his right arm drastically. Luffy grinned at the Lord Of The Coast who started rushing towards him. "Gomu Gomu no..."

It opened it giant mouth widely, intending to swallow Luffy. Luffy widened his eyes and his grin widened.



Luffy's stretched fist slammed into the side of its head. The Lord Of The Coast was blown back by his attack.

After Luffy's fist was back into place, he quickly unsheathed his cutlass and stretched his hand that was holding it.

The cutlass was jabbed into the sea king's head. Luffy was propelled towards it. He landed on the head and quickly ran towards the top of it.

"Say goodbye, sea king!!" Luffy shouted before stabbing his sword straight into the sea king's brain.

The Lord Of The Coast started roaring in pain as it flailed around, it then stopped and fell onto the sea.


Luffy stretched out his left hand and grabbed onto the wooden boat. He then jumped off the dead sea king and landed back onto his boat.

He sheathed back his cutlass and grinned. Then he heard cheering coming from behind him.

Luffy turned around and saw the whole village cheering at him. He grinned at them and started waving back.

Makino was at the front of the crowd cheering for him too. He looked at her and grinned wider.

He started making his way back onto land. He climbed up onto the dock and was welcomed by the villagers.

Gyoru approached him and they shook hands. "When I posted that request to hunt the Lord Of The Coast on the community board I thought surely no one would take it. I guess I forgot about you, Luffy. " He then looked at the sea king.

" I'd say for a sea king that big, it's about 200000 Belly. That was a clean kill too, so maybe 250000. You're gonna keep some of it to yourself right?" Gyoru asked. Luffy hummed.

" Nah, 300000 Belly and it's all yours. " Luffy grinned at him. Gyoru smiled and nodded.

" You have yourself a deal, straw hat. I'll send the money later. " They shook hands and departed. Gyoru was ordering his employees to cut up the sea king while Luffy walked back to Partys Bar, where Makino was.

Luffy saw Makino waving at him happily when he arrived outside of Partys Bar. He grinned and rushed towards her.

"Makino!!" Luffy shouted and hugged her tightly. Makino gasped as he then snuggled into her soft breasts.

She started blushing. "L-luffy. You're hugging too tight. C-can't breathe." She stuttered out her lie. Luffy released his hug and laughed.

" Shishishishishi!!! Sorry Makino! C'mon, let's celebrate! " Luffy cheered and ran into the bar.

'Is it already that time for him? B-but he's only eight!' Makino thought in her mind while looking at the bar where Luffy was.

"C'mon Makino! What are you doing outside!?"

After hearing Luffy call for her, Makino snapped out of it and rushed into the bar.

"O-oh! I'm coming, Luffy!

To be continued.....