
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Anime & Comics
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436 Chs

The Prophecised one!

Toki's resolute response left Whitebeard and his crew momentarily stunned. Even Marco, who had a more detached view on the Kozuki family's issues, couldn't help but frown.

He was well aware of the power of the Nicholas Pirates, especially Nicholas himself, who had once fought Whitebeard and Roger to a standstill while in a berserk state. No one knew just how terrifyingly powerful Nicholas had become, given his continuous activity and battles with various top fighters.

"Lady Toki, why not agree? With Father's strength and everyone's guidance, Lord Momonosuke could reach the same heights as Lord Oden. Wouldn't it be a good thing for him to personally take down Kaido?" Izo asked, clearly not understanding Toki's refusal.

"Izo, I understand your thoughts, but Momo has reasons not to abandon Wano. It's not just because he is Wano's Shogun, but because he is the prophesied one! Under Momo's leadership, Wano and even the world will see the dawn!" Toki finally revealed the secret she had kept buried deep within her heart.

"The prophesied one?"

Whitebeard frowned, looking at Toki and Momonosuke. He had no interest in any so-called prophecy.

The rest of the Whitebeard Pirates began whispering among themselves, intrigued by Toki's words.

"Lord Momonosuke is the prophesied one?"

Inuarashi and Nekomamushi looked incredulously at the young, timid-looking Momonosuke. The idea that he could lead the world to a new dawn seemed preposterous to them.

Kikunojo was equally astonished, finding it hard to believe that Momonosuke could lead the world to dawn. Managing Wano would already be a significant achievement.

"Hey, are you joking about this prophecy stuff? Do you know what it means to bring dawn to the world?" Teach couldn't help but interject, then added, "Have you forgotten the terror of the World Government and the Navy after staying in Wano for so long?"

No one from the Whitebeard Pirates stopped Teach, as Toki had once been on Whitebeard's ship with Oden. She should be well aware of the power of the Navy and the World Government. What gave her the confidence that this unreliable-looking kid could bring dawn to the whole world?

"I don't know how Momo will bring dawn to the world, but I am certain he is the prophesied one. Both Oden and I firmly believe this. One day, a legendary figure will arrive in Wano and assist Momo in bringing dawn to the world!" Toki said with unwavering conviction, looking lovingly at Momonosuke.


The Whitebeard Pirates fell silent, contemplating Toki's firm belief. It seemed she hadn't been driven mad by Oden's death. Leaving aside whether Momonosuke was the prophesied one, why would this legendary figure suddenly decide to help Momonosuke? Wouldn't that person have to be out of their mind?

"There's another crucial reason: Momonosuke has made contact with Zunesha, a force as powerful as an ancient weapon. If it arrives in Wano, the country will have a formidable power!" Toki continued.

Hearing this, Whitebeard turned his gaze to Momonosuke. Under Whitebeard's intense stare, Momonosuke didn't flinch, instead defiantly meeting his gaze.

Teach, watching coldly, noticed a fleeting look of hatred in Momonosuke's eyes. It was brief, but Teach was certain he hadn't mistaken it.

It seemed this kid wasn't as simple as he appeared. A smile spread across Teach's face.


Meanwhile, on Onigashima in Wano Country.

Today, under Kin'emon's lead, the Kozuki family's samurai launched a hunt. Their prey wasn't a wild beast.

"Quick, don't let her escape!"

"Send someone ahead to block her! She's injured and can't get far!"

"Over here, come quickly!"

The forest on Onigashima was in chaos.

"These guys are crazy!" Yamato gripped her kanabo tightly, her face filled with determination as a large group of samurai charged at her once more.

Soon, hundreds of samurai wielding katanas surrounded her. Leading them was Kin'emon, the chief retainer of the Kozuki family and Oden's most loyal follower, known as the Immortal War God.

As Kin'emon stepped forward from the crowd, Yamato felt an inexplicable sense of foreboding.

Kin'emon fixed his gaze on Yamato, his eyes intense. Yamato felt the pressure and instinctively took two steps back. A thin layer of sweat appeared on her forehead.

She had no idea that this man, in another timeline, would become a formidable warrior who, despite lacking over twenty years of training, stood strong against Kaido's full force and survived Kaido's attacks.

"Why are you attacking me without reason?" Yamato shouted, confused and frustrated, at the surrounding samurai.

She had just managed to escape from Kaido and was wandering freely on Onigashima, only to be ambushed by these samurai.

The samurai glanced at Kin'emon, waiting for his command. Once he gave the order, they would rush at Yamato.

Realizing there was no way to avoid this battle, Yamato tightened her grip on her kanabo and assumed an offensive stance.

Noticing her readiness, Kin'emon spoke with a mix of sorrow and cold determination, "Even though it's against the samurai code to attack a young girl, for Lord Oden, kill!"

With that, he raised his katana and gave the order.


The eager samurai, brandishing their katanas, charged at Yamato with loud cries. They saw her as the perfect outlet for their pent-up rage from years of oppression by Kaido and Orochi. They couldn't defeat Kaido, but they could certainly attack his child.

Facing the oncoming samurai, Yamato's eyes sharpened, and she activated her ability.

Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Okuchi-no-Makami!

Instantly, silver fur sprouted all over her body. Her features transformed—pointed ears, a canine nose, sharp teeth. Her yellow eyes blazed with red flame-like eyebrows above them.

"Frozen Slayer Strike!"

Yamato raised her kanabo, which became enveloped in a cold, blue flame. She swung it, releasing a crescent-shaped shockwave of icy fire that swept towards the charging samurai.

The attack was swift and fierce. The first wave of samurai didn't even have time to react before they were hit, falling to the ground as the cold fire engulfed them, freezing the struck areas.

Screams echoed through the forest as thirty samurai were instantly incapacitated. However, the remaining samurai, undeterred, continued their charge with red eyes and frenzied cries.

Due to being surrounded and still young, Yamato couldn't launch another attack in time. The samurai's blades closed in from all directions.

Clang! Clang!

In the dappled forest light, Yamato's skin glinted like a mirror as she withstood the samurai's slashes with her body, leaving the warriors around her momentarily stunned.

[AN- If ya guys were wondering that- "Didn't toki send momo into the future?" Answer- yes, till the chaos in wano was over, ie. 2-3 months into the future]