
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Anime & Comics
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430 Chs

Evil Kinemon!

The samurai, all battle-hardened veterans brought by Kin'emon, quickly recovered from their shock and started strategizing. Utilizing their Haki and swordsmanship, they enveloped their katanas in Haki, taking their offense and defense to a higher level. Yamato's formidable resistance made them realize that capturing her would be no easy task.

As they surrounded Yamato, their coordinated attacks minimized casualties. Their strategy was to wear her down through a prolonged battle.

Despite her youth, Yamato's combat instincts, honed under Kaido's brutal training, were exceptional. She sensed the danger of being worn down and intensified her attacks, desperately trying to break through the encirclement.

However, the samurai were not easy to overcome. Each wielded unique sword techniques, making them difficult to defeat quickly.

"Damn... I can't break through," Yamato muttered through gritted teeth as she repelled the advancing samurai once more.

She attempted to counter with Thunder Bagua, managing to knock a samurai flying, his fate uncertain. However, this did little to change the tide of the battle.

As soon as she finished one attack, the remaining samurai closed in, taking advantage of any opening. If not for her ability to create a protective layer on her skin, she would have been seriously injured by now.

The samurai had adapted to her tactics, avoiding direct confrontation and retreating when she attacked fiercely, only to surround her again when her assault waned. It was a relentless cycle, akin to experienced hunters wearing down a formidable beast.

Yamato felt a growing sense of despair. No matter how fiercely she fought, the samurai's formation remained unbroken, and their encirclement tightened.

If it were just this, she would persist, relying on her Zoan-type powers to endure. But Kin'emon had no intention of giving her that chance. Samurai on the outskirts continuously harassed her with sea prism stone chains and snares. Being bound by those would leave her utterly defenseless.

To survive, Yamato needed to break through the encirclement quickly. But these samurai, fearless and highly coordinated, made it impossible to escape swiftly.

Frustration mounted in Yamato, her power beginning to falter. Despite her desperation, she couldn't alter the situation and watched the samurai surrounding her with grim determination.

"Kin'emon-sama, what should we do with this brat once we capture her?" One of the elite samurai, sensing Yamato's fatigue, asked Kin'emon from the battle's edge.

"Boil her alive," Kin'emon replied coldly. The normally kind-hearted Kin'emon showed no mercy toward the remnants of the Beast Pirates.

After all, if Kaido and Orochi chose to boil Lord Oden, they shouldn't complain if Kaido's child faced the same fate.

"Isn't that a bit too cruel?" one samurai hesitated.

"Cruel? Don't forget what Kaido and Orochi did to us. Blame the evil blood flowing in this brat's veins," Kin'emon responded, his eyes filled with hatred as he looked at Yamato.

To the samurai, they were not about to boil a child but to exact vengeance on a vicious enemy.

Outside the battle circle, Kin'emon watched with satisfaction as Yamato struggled under the relentless assault. Perhaps even he did not realize that with Oden's death, Momonosuke's loss of the ability to have children, and Hiyori dying in the capital battle, his mindset had twisted.

If they could capture this brat and have Lord Momonosuke personally order her boiling, it would be revenge for Lord Oden.

"If it weren't for Orochi usurping Wano, Kaido, and those others like Nicholas, Wano wouldn't be like this!"

But there were no ifs. Thinking of this made Kin'emon's teeth grind in anger, his eyes filled with coldness.

Inside the battle circle, Yamato was pressed down by the samurai's storm-like attacks, unable to stand. As they noticed her waning strength, the samurai began to aim for deadly strikes, following the order to leave her with just enough life, not caring if she lost limbs.

After another swing of her kanabo, Yamato was struck from behind by a samurai who had been feigning death, falling heavily to the ground. The intense pain made her scream in agony, her yellow beast eyes narrowing into slits from the sharp danger sense.

"Get away!"

Facing the attacking samurai, Yamato roared, her young face twisted in a snarl. A cold blue flame appeared around her, crackling with black-red arcs of electricity that swept outwards at lightning speed. The airborne samurai were caught in the energy wave, their bodies jolting as they lost consciousness and fell.

"Haoshoku Haki... just like Lord Oden," Kin'emon muttered, his face showing fear. He knew this terrifying aura was the same Haoshoku Haki that Oden possessed.

After driving back the samurai with her Haki, Yamato scanned the surroundings with fierce yellow eyes. Wasting no time, she leaned back, opening her mouth to reveal sharp fangs.

"Ice Fang!"

A stream of ghostly blue flames erupted from her mouth, cold and eerie. The flames struck the surrounding samurai, freezing those who couldn't dodge into ice sculptures, and continued towards Kin'emon.

"An opposite breath to Kaido's heat breath, but flames are useless against me! Foxfire Style, Flame Rend!"

Kin'emon shouted, his katana splitting the cold flames effortlessly. The icy breath swept past him, freezing the forest around him. The samurai recovered and blocked Yamato's path again.

As time went on, Yamato's stamina finally ran out. Gasping for breath, she realized she couldn't go any further. Her eyes, full of regret, looked around at the surrounding blades.

"So this is it... I wanted to see beyond the sea..." Using her kanabo to support herself, Yamato looked up, her eyes filled with unwillingness. She had just broken free from Kaido and hadn't even seen the world outside...

Her legs trembled as she forced the last of her strength, biting her lip hard. She didn't want to die here...

"I don't want to die!" she thought desperately.

"End of the line, brat," Kin'emon said coldly, swinging his katana down.

As the blade descended, Yamato closed her eyes in despair. Seconds passed, but the expected pain didn't come. The surroundings suddenly grew silent. Confused, Yamato slowly opened her eyes.

She saw a tall figure standing before her, gripping the descending katana with a hand covered in Haki. The once fierce samurai now stood frozen like statues, their faces filled with terror and despair.

"What happened..." Yamato wondered, her mind reeling.
