
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Anime & Comics
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426 Chs

Movie King!

Feeling the immense pressure from Nicholas, Doflamingo's expression turned grim.

He knew that if Nicholas were at full strength right now,


In a confrontation with Nicholas, he would undoubtedly be effortlessly defeated.

Realizing this, Doflamingo glanced over at his family members struggling against Dragon.

He suddenly understood.

If he couldn't finish this fight before Dragon dealt with his officers, then...

The one who would fall in this battle would undoubtedly be him.

Doflamingo "saw" Diamante and Trebol being cut by sharp wind blades in a storm, barely holding on. He saw Lao G giving his all with his Earth Destruction Fist, yet unable to even touch Dragon.

If not for Pica's Devil Fruit abilities, using large rocks to disrupt Dragon, the battle on that side would have already been decided.

Then, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Nicholas lifting his idle left hand and mimicking a shooting gesture.


Doflamingo's heart skipped a beat.

Bang, bang—!

Nicholas slightly raised his fingers, firing several shots at Doflamingo.

Each thunder bullet, glowing with a bluish hue, sped through the air and struck Doflamingo.

But thanks to Doflamingo's timely Armament Haki defense, the bullets didn't penetrate his body.

However, the impact of the bullets felt like heavy punches hitting his chest and limbs.

The paralyzing effect of the thunder bullets also caused Doflamingo great distress.


With the sound of thunder bullets exploding, Doflamingo was sent flying, spitting blood into the air.

"Thunder Step."

As Nicholas watched Doflamingo being blown away, he disappeared in a flash of lightning.

In Doflamingo's view, when Nicholas reappeared, he was already in front of him.

Seeing Nicholas suddenly appear, Doflamingo's face showed a look of shock. He desperately tried to move his body to block Nicholas's next strike, but the paralysis from the thunder bullets made it difficult to control his movements.


Nicholas's long blade, with a fierce momentum, slashed toward Doflamingo's chest without hesitation.

Though there was still some distance between them, Nicholas's speed made the strike almost instantaneous, slashing directly at Doflamingo's chest.


The scene of Doflamingo being cut in half did not occur.

Instead, the Doflamingo that was struck suddenly turned into threads, quickly wrapping around Nicholas's sword and arm.

As the thread-Doflamingo bound Nicholas, the real Doflamingo emerged below.

The previously shocked Doflamingo now wore a cold smile.

Clearly, the 'Doflamingo' above was a decoy; he was the real one.

The plan was to lure Nicholas into a trap!

With Nicholas entangled in the Armament Haki-coated threads, Doflamingo believed he had won this battle!

"Fufufufu, looks like I've won!"

Sacred Bullet: God's Execution!

The ground beneath Doflamingo quickly turned into threads, rapidly forming several high-density Armament Haki-coated white spikes, which then shot toward Nicholas's chest.


The dark, shining white spikes ruthlessly pierced Nicholas's chest.


Nicholas's pupils contracted as he looked down incredulously at the holy bullets piercing through his chest.

On the other side of the battlefield, the Donquixote family members also noticed this scene and their morale soared. After all, if Doflamingo was free to join the fight, even Dragon would find it difficult to handle their assault.

Dragon, however, just glanced at the scene and then refocused on his relentless attack on the family members.


Doflamingo landed on the ground, his body quickly halting on the threadified surface.

He stared intently at Nicholas, who was impaled by the holy bullets and pinned in the air by the massive white threads.

Nicholas's face was full of reluctance.

But the longer Doflamingo looked, the more he felt something was off. There was no blood flowing from Nicholas's wounds.

"Ah, you noticed."

Nicholas, impaled in the air, suddenly tilted his head toward Doflamingo and, with those words, his entire body transformed into lightning and vanished.


Seeing Nicholas disappear into lightning, Doflamingo felt a sense of foreboding.

At that moment, a figure emerged from the nearby buildings and quickly approached Doflamingo.

Seeing Nicholas reappear, Doflamingo's expression grew even more serious. The opponent he had just dealt with was merely a decoy?

"Not a bad performance, but it's still a bit lacking compared to mine."

Nicholas looked at Doflamingo, speaking calmly. Against less experienced foes, Doflamingo's trick might have worked.

Doflamingo sneered, about to speak, but then stopped, his eyes showing a hint of astonishment as he looked at Nicholas.

At this moment,

Nicholas's Armament Haki emanated from his body.

In an instant, it transformed into intricate, dark patterns on his face, neck, arms, and legs, surrounded by intense lightning.

As this transformation completed, the pressure Nicholas exerted on Doflamingo intensified.

The change in Nicholas caused Doflamingo to become increasingly wary.

Sixteen Holy Bullets: God's Execution!

The surging white threads around Doflamingo suddenly condensed into sixteen high-density, Armament Haki-coated threads, shooting rapidly toward Nicholas.

This was Doflamingo's all-out attack, his ultimate move under his awakened power.

Under Doflamingo's control, the sixteen holy bullets shot at Nicholas from all directions.

Nicholas remained calm, merely raising his left hand in front of him.

The sixteen holy bullets seemed to strike an invisible wall.


The bullets bounced off an impenetrable barrier, scattering in all directions.


Seeing his ultimate move so easily deflected, Doflamingo's eyes widened in shock, and even his continuously maintained Armament Haki momentarily faltered.

Nicholas's feet sparked with lightning, and he vanished once more.

Instant Slash!

In the next moment, as Nicholas reappeared behind Doflamingo,

Doflamingo's chest erupted in a fountain of blood, staining the ground before him.



Doflamingo's face slowly registered shock, and then he fell backward heavily.

Nicholas turned, looking at the severely injured Doflamingo, and pointed his unstained long blade at Doflamingo's head.

"Surrender or die?"

Seeing the blade pointed at him and Nicholas's indifferent expression, Doflamingo nodded with difficulty.

Senior Pink, having just dodged one of Dragon's wind blades, struggled to lift his head and looked toward Doflamingo's battlefield.


He saw Doflamingo lying flat on the ground, with Nicholas holding a long blade pointed at him.


Senior Pink was momentarily stunned. Wasn't the young master winning just now? How did he fall so quickly?