
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Anime & Comics
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421 Chs

Cutie Princess Mansherry <3

Earlier, Nicholas was pondering how to enlist the help of the Tontatta princess.

As a Healed-Heal Fruit user, ordinary injuries could be cured with the Tears of Healing. However, for more severe injuries like the loss of limbs, the highest level of the fruit's power was required. This method involved sacrificing the user's lifespan to restore everything, organic or inorganic.

Since it concerned a loss of lifespan, it was usually difficult to persuade someone to agree.

Of course, coercion was an option. But since Nicholas wanted to bring both the Healed-Heal Fruit and the Tontatta tribe to his side, he had no intention of using force.

Originally, Nicholas planned to see if an exchange of interests with the Tontatta tribe was possible. However, he ended up resolving a significant crisis for them.

So, Nicholas directly expressed his request to the Tontatta tribe.

"I need your princess's ability to help heal my injuries."

Upon hearing Nicholas's request, the Tontatta people, who had returned to their underground kingdom in Green Bit, looked at Nicholas with surprise, curious about how he knew that their princess, Mansherry, possessed the Healed-Heal Fruit ability.

The Tontatta's elder, Gancho, looked up at Nicholas. Though surprised by how Nicholas knew their secret, Gancho quickly calmed himself, aware of the potential disaster for their tribe if things went wrong.

Despite the intense pain he felt, he stepped forward trembling.

Seeing this, the Tontatta tribe members carefully supported Gancho. Even with their special ointment applied, it would still take some time to take effect.

"You... you are our benefactor..."

Gancho looked up at Nicholas's abdomen, noticing the large missing part. Though he couldn't understand how Nicholas survived with so many missing organs, he knew Nicholas wouldn't rest until Mansherry treated him.

"We had to act quickly before, so I had Mansherry sent away with guards. It will take some time for her to return."

"No problem, I can wait," Nicholas replied with a smile, his mood considerably lifted by the prospect of his imminent recovery.

Thus, Nicholas and his group waited in the underground kingdom of Green Bit, while Dragon accompanied some Tontatta tribe members to fetch Mansherry from her hiding place.

Soon, Mansherry returned to the underground kingdom with the group.

"Father, what happened to you? Who hurt you so badly?"

Seeing her father, Princess Mansherry was distraught. Gancho was covered in bandages soaked in blood, looking quite grim.

"It's nothing, don't worry," Gancho reassured his daughter softly.

"How can I not worry with you in such a state? I'll heal you right away!"

Mansherry's eyes filled with tears, her voice trembling. Clearly, Gancho's condition had frightened her.

Without delay, Mansherry used her Tears of Healing to treat Gancho and the injured Tontatta tribe members.

The healed Tontatta people quickly regained their usual vitality.

After a few minutes of commotion, the Tontatta chieftain Gancho introduced Nicholas, who had saved their tribe, to Mansherry. He also explained Nicholas's request to her.

As she listened, Mansherry looked at Nicholas with a grateful expression. When Gancho finished, Mansherry lifted her skirt slightly and bowed to Nicholas.

"Thank you for helping the Tontatta tribe in our most dangerous time. As for healing your wounds, it's not a problem."

Mansherry gave Nicholas a gentle smile.


Seeing Mansherry agree so readily, Nicholas felt a slight sense of relief. He hadn't expected Mansherry to agree so quickly, even knowing it would cost her some of her lifespan. Perhaps this was the simple nature of the Tontatta tribe—willing to sacrifice even their lives for a friend they recognized.

"Then, Lord Nicholas, let's start the treatment now."

As Mansherry spoke, Dragon watched with curiosity. He was also eager to see what kind of miracle the little person Nicholas held in such high regard would bring.

When Nicholas calmly removed the bandages from his wound, the surrounding Tontatta people gasped, and even Mansherry couldn't help but cover her mouth with her hands. The wound was terrifying, looking as if a beast had taken a large bite out of him. One could even see the organs moving through the gaping hole.

Mansherry quickly composed herself. She knelt by Nicholas's wound, placing her hands on its edges, and closed her eyes.

A few moments later, a soft white light emanated from Mansherry's hands, quickly expanding to envelop Nicholas's entire wound. Dragon, watching intently, noted with a serious expression that Nicholas's missing organs were regrowing at an incredible speed.

A short while later, Mansherry opened her eyes and the white light faded, revealing Nicholas's muscular torso, with no sign of the previous severe injury.

The entire process was astonishingly simple, but the result was nothing short of miraculous.

"Is this alright, Lord Nicholas?"

After the treatment, Mansherry gave a tired but beautiful smile. The treatment, which consumed her lifespan, was also a significant physical burden.

She looked exhausted, as if she could fall asleep at any moment.

"Thank you."

Nicholas looked down at the kneeling Mansherry and sincerely expressed his gratitude.

Then, under the curious gazes of Mansherry and the Tontatta people, Nicholas removed a ring from his hand and gave it to Mansherry.

Seeing Mansherry holding the ring in confusion, Nicholas explained.

"The advanced healing of your Heal-Heal Fruit consumes your lifespan. This ring contains one of the treasures of the sea—Celestial Gold. It can slow the growth of your body's cells, effectively extending your lifespan. It won't grant you immortality, but it will allow you to accompany your loved ones for a lifetime. Consider it my compensation for you."

After hearing Nicholas's explanation, Mansherry was still a bit puzzled. She didn't yet understand the significance of Nicholas's words. Meanwhile, Gancho was extremely excited.