
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Anime & Comics
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426 Chs

F*ck the chosen one!

A familiar voice came from not far away from the execution platform.

"Captain, I'm here to save you!"

With a shout that almost echoed across the square, drawing the attention of many.

"Haha, it's truly worthy of a pirate crew filled with monsters to actually break through the Navy's ironclad defense. But I wonder if they can still break through Sengoku and Garp. This execution is getting more and more interesting."

Doflamingo stood on the balcony, his expression filled with excitement. He had thought the Roger Pirates were strong, but the Navy's forces were even stronger. He hadn't expected those guys from the Roger Pirates to actually break through to the execution platform.

"Ring, ring, ring." A snail phone on the table in the room kept ringing.

"I'm Doflamingo."

Grabbing the snail phone with a thread and pulling it to himself, Doflamingo answered the call as he watched Shanks and the others appear near the execution platform, emitting an aura of terror.

And with Shanks' appearance, Hawkeye's indifferent expression disappeared instantly, replaced by a fierce intent as sharp as a hawk's gaze fixed on Shanks. He felt this guy's swordsmanship was strong!

As the words fell, Shanks' body leaped up, his long sword raised, showing an intent to attack Navy Admiral Sengoku and Navy hero Garp.

This unexpected scene surprised everyone, even the usually calm and composed Sengoku couldn't help but be astonished.

Was this kid from the Roger Pirates really that audacious?

Didn't he know who he was about to face?

Garp, a person who is nominally a vice admiral but for whom the position of admiral is as easy to obtain as going to the toilet.

Facing the presence of two top Navy fighters, he still had the courage or initiative to attack first. It was a bit out of line, wasn't it?

"Captain, you're really in a mess."


Hearing Gaban's somewhat teasing words, Roger couldn't help but feel helpless. These guys, one by one.

And almost as he spoke, Gaban had already launched the first attack.

After all, he was the left-hand man of the Pirate King!

How could he let a junior rush to the forefront like this!

But Sengoku and Garp's combat experience was incredibly rich, and they almost instantly made a counterattack.

Garp almost disappeared from the execution platform in an instant. When he reappeared, he was already above Gaban. Then, with a punch, Gaban, who was hastily defending, was instantly smashed into the ground in front of the execution platform, kicking up a lot of dust and smoke.

A cold light flashed in Sengoku's eyes behind his glasses. Then, his whole body suddenly emitted a golden light, and his body rapidly transformed into a gigantic golden Buddha statue at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Zoan-type Human-Human Fruit, Mythical Beast Model: Daibutsu Form.

Bathed in the golden light, Sengoku, like a living Buddha, revealed a terrifying aura.

"So this is the strength of Navy Admiral Sengoku, the Tactical Genius."

Shanks looked in astonishment at the enormous golden Buddha emanating from the execution platform.

Gripping his sword tightly.

"Busoshoku Haki!"

At this moment, Shanks finally unleashed his full Busoshoku Haki, fiercely attacking Sengoku.

Facing the world-renowned Navy Admiral, this Straw Hat youngster swung his sword without any fear.

"Kid, this isn't a place for you to mess around!"

With Sengoku's voice, the gigantic golden Buddha's palm emitted a brilliant white light from its palm, then, in an instant, a terrifying shockwave burst forth, directly facing Shanks' attack.

Although fully aware of Sengoku's abilities and strength, Shanks' sword still continued to strike towards Sengoku.

After all, the guy about to be executed was like a fatherly figure to them!

When the blade touched the shockwave, Shanks felt an incomparably terrifying force that he couldn't resist.

To the observers, it appeared as though Sengoku stood tall on the execution platform, and the terrifying shockwave emitted from the palm of the golden Buddha directly struck Shanks.


Shanks' body was enveloped by the shockwave, and he spat out a mouthful of blood as he was sent flying.


With Buggy's loud shout, the steel framework beneath the execution platform instantly split apart.

Almost simultaneously, Buggy was noticed by a nearby Navy vice admiral, who panicked and fled.

Creaking sounds echoed as the execution platform, now fractured, couldn't withstand the weight of Sengoku's massive body after his transformation and began to collapse rapidly.


Sengoku lowered his head, looking at the destroyed platform, his expression somewhat grim.

On the execution platform.

Watching as Garp sent flying, Gaban stood up with his axes, still smiling, Shanks spat blood after being blasted away, and Buggy, chased by the Navy vice admiral, ran amok. Roger fell silent as he felt the familiar auras that once filled Loguetown.

At this moment, he seemed to understand Nicholas' thoughts a bit—destiny, damn destiny!

Did he really have to wait for that inexplicable "Chosen One" to arrive decades later?

He had the best navigator, the best first mate, the best shipwright, the best chef, the best doctor, the best musician, the best archaeologist... Hmm, scratch that.

Since he could find Raftel with these companions, couldn't he accomplish that seemingly impossible goal?

And just as Sengoku and Garp were about to act again, the execution platform suddenly erupted with a terrifying aura, overwhelming the entire town of Loguetown with Roger's imposing Haoshoku Haki!

"Haoshoku Haki: Liberation!"

In that moment of overwhelming Haoshoku Haki, whether it was the combatants in Loguetown or the spectators watching coldly, all felt a heavy pressure in their hearts.

"Roger, you...!"

Sengoku reacted the fastest, looking incredulously at Roger, who sat cross-legged with his head lowered.

Immediately, Sengoku spoke in a deep voice, "Roger, have you thought this through? What consequences will there be if you act now..."

As for executing Roger, the executioners were all stunned by the overwhelming Haoshoku Haki and couldn't even think of how to proceed.

"Ah, I've thought it through very clearly!"

Roger raised his head and flashed his trademark smile at Sengoku.