
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Anime & Comics
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430 Chs

Buffing Drug!

"You pirates deserve to die!"

Looking at the red-haired boy in front of him and Gaban and others, Akainu's eyes flashed with intense killing intent. After all, executing one Roger might make the pirates on the sea tremble, but it wouldn't be enough to make those greedy pirates abandon their plundering thoughts. After all, being a pirate was a risky business, perhaps even one's own life.

But if the entire Roger Pirates team were wiped out, the bloody lesson would make many aspiring sailors hesitate. After all, if the Roger Pirates, the strongest crew, were defeated by the Navy, what chance did they have?

With the intention of wiping out all the Roger remnants, Akainu didn't hesitate to unleash a massive lava fist.

Wrapped in scorching heat, the giant lava fist burned down the stalls along the street, then headed towards Shanks.

Even before the terrifying lava fist arrived, the searing heat had already swept over, causing the hair of everyone present to curl slightly.

Seeing the immensely powerful eruption coming straight at him, Shanks's expression grew solemn. He stepped forward and swung his long sword, releasing Armament Haki. The originally cold blade turned pitch black, with intricate patterns of Armament Haki swirling around it, revealing its profoundness.

Divine departure!

With Shanks gathering his strength, the energy formed rippling waves, swirling around his long sword.

A slash was unleashed.

The resulting shockwave expanded rapidly in mid-air, forming a slash over fifty meters long, almost on par with Akainu's massive lava fist.

The giant fist of lava clashed violently with the solid flying slash in mid-air.


With a deafening sound, the slash disappeared, and the lava fist turned into a rain of lava, scattering across the surrounding buildings and ground.

At this moment, sensing the aura emanating from Shanks and his crew, Akainu keenly realized why his lava fist had been blocked. It wasn't because he was weak, but because the opponent was strong, making his expression instantly as cold as severe winter.

While Shanks maintained his stance with the sword, Nozdon lightly reached out and pressed Shanks's shoulder, smiling.

"Shanks, leave this to us, you keep moving forward."

"But, Nozdon..."

Before Shanks could finish, he was interrupted.

"Shanks, although dealing with this guy from the Nature Logia is difficult, holding him back shouldn't be a problem."

The equally large Fish-man, Sunbell, also spoke up.

The Nature Logia, like Akainu's magma fruit, was powerful, even somewhat unbeatable in a group battle. He could unleash wide-ranging elemental attacks without hesitation, and his Logia nature made him even harder to kill, even with mastery of Armament Haki.

Powerful attacks and excellent survivability were the advantages of the Nature Logia.

But with Nozdon and Sunbell, who had both powered up, they seemed confident they could hold off Akainu for a while.

And they didn't necessarily have to defeat him; they just needed to save Roger, and they would retreat immediately.

Upon hearing Nozdon and Sunbell's words, Akainu's expression instantly turned cold.

His magma fruit was renowned for its explosive power and attack power. Yet now, these two guys were saying they could hold him back, and they seemed quite confident.

Of course, they were crewmates of the Pirate King, and he had dealt with them under Garp's leadership before. But back then, who was he comparing himself to? At the very least, it was Rayleigh or Gaban. But now, Nozdon and Sunbell were saying they could hold him back.

Did this not mean that Gaban didn't intend to fight him?

Meanwhile, Shanks and Gaban were speeding towards the execution platform.

"Don't move, Akainu..."

Seeing Shanks and Gaban running towards the execution platform, Akainu subconsciously moved to attack. But before he could, he felt a chilling sensation creeping over him, and at the same time, he heard the voice of Roger Pirates' sniper, Petermoo.

Petermoo stood in the distance, smiling as he locked eyes with the chilling Akainu. He held his meticulously modified flintlock pistol, aiming the muzzle at Akainu's fist, which was already faintly turning to lava.

For a Logia user like Akainu, ordinary gunmen would find it difficult to threaten him, especially since regular bullets couldn't harm him when he was in his elemental state. Even if the bullets touched his elemental body, they would just be melted by the high temperature of the magma.

But once the bullets could be wrapped in Armament Haki, or if they were originally crafted from carefully polished seastone, they posed a significant threat to Logia users.

Like Akainu's magma fruit, once bullets made of seastone and wrapped in Armament Haki hit him, the threat would be substantial.

After all, as long as the bullets covered in Armament Haki and seastone were shot into the elemental magma, there was no need to pierce through. This would be troublesome for Logia users because it meant they couldn't revert the area of elementalization back to their physical state.

Otherwise, if elementalization was undone while seastone remained inside the user's body, the feeling would be extremely uncomfortable.

And even if Akainu could control the flow of magma to expel the bullets, it would take time. In battle, unless the opponent was foolish, they wouldn't just watch you remove their debuff.

Of course, all of this was contingent on the bullets hitting the target. In a one-on-one scenario, facing a skilled gunman could be awkward, but if they were coordinating attacks from the sidelines, the gunman could be deadly.

Gunman Woodrow: Non-war guilt, alas, heaven forsakes me!

Almost instantly, Akainu moved, and Sunbell and Nozdon moved as well.


Petermoo's red-glowing eyes locked onto Akainu as he pulled the trigger.

The muzzle erupted in flames.

The spreading smoke was dispersed by the bullets flying out, accompanied by a whistle and even sonic booms.


Akainu frowned, sensing the danger with his Color of Observation Haki.

Then, relying on his high-level Color of Observation Haki, he made a split-second response. Just before the bullets reached him, Akainu deliberately opened large holes in the parts of his body about to be hit, allowing the bullets covered in Armament Haki to pass through.

Clearly, he didn't want to gamble on whether the bullets covered in Armament Haki were regular bullets or seastone bullets.

Unfortunately, as a member of the Pirate King's crew, who had crossed one difficulty after another under Roger's leadership to finally reach the final island, how could anyone consider them ordinary?

Almost immediately after the first gunshot, the second gunshot sounded simultaneously.

Although Petermoo hadn't ingested the fatal drug, as a top sniper, in this kind of support situation, his threat even surpassed Rayleigh and Gaban!

So facing Petermoo's gunfire even led to a situation where Akainu was temporarily suppressed on the surface.

As Akainu diverted most of his attention to deal with Petermoo's attacks...

And Nozdon and Sunbell wouldn't miss such an opportunity. After all, they weren't engaging in one-on-one duels, especially when facing the Navy. It was all about standing shoulder to shoulder!

"Fish-Man Karate: Ten Thousand Tang Grass Tiles Straight Fist!"

"Mountain Break!"

The attacks of the two almost simultaneously reached Akainu.

"Magma Eruption..."


Just as Akainu was about to unleash his attack, he was interrupted by Petermoo from afar.

Then, almost simultaneously, Nozdon and Sunbell's attacks landed on Akainu.


With a tremendous impact, Akainu's figure was sent flying by the combined assault of the two.

The ensuing shockwave swept up a large amount of dust and smoke.

"Vice Admiral Akainu!"

The Navy witnessing Akainu being sent flying was utterly shocked.