
One Piece: I Have a Billion Skill Points

At the beginning, there were billions of skill points available, and any skill Ron acquired could instantly be maxed out with the skill points. His swordsmanship, physical skills, sailing skills, culinary skills, medical skills, and even his Devil Fruit abilities were all upgraded to the maximum level. Three-color Haki? It too received a significant boost. All skills Ron learned could be instantly maxed out with these skill points, including life skills. Then, a message from the system appeared: "System upgraded! The host now has the ability to bestow skill points on others!!!" ... This Fanfic is pure Wish-Fulfillment Author: UNKNOWN (literally) Translator: Chibi_mon_mon Link for RAW: https://novelsemperor.com/series/one-million-skill-points-at-the-start-of-one-piece DISCLAIMER!!: This is not my original work as it is translated.

Chibaku_Monster · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Chapter 73

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As a result, a fleet that had advanced from the Gate of Justice to the Reverse Mountain was intercepted in time by the Marines, led by a Vice Admiral of the Headquarters.

Upon receiving the news from the Den Den Mushi, the Vice Admiral broke into a cold sweat as the solemn words of the Fleet Admiral stated that meeting the enemy would spell trouble.

"You are to remain stationed at the Gate of Justice and await further orders. I will send an admiral from headquarters to assist you. Together, you will surround and suppress this individual!" Sengoku's voice commanded through the Den Mushi.

"Understood, Fleet Admiral, sir!" the Vice Admiral replied respectfully.

After the call ended, the Vice Admiral breathed a sigh of relief. He instructed the messengers under his command, "Issue the orders. All warships will stop their advance and return to the Gate of Justice for stationing!


A day later, the news that Ron had defeated Mihawk to become the world's strongest swordsman continued to spread, accompanied by the announcement of his latest bounty, which was circulated worldwide by News Birds

At Hawkeye Mihawk's residence, Mihawk glanced at the newspaper in his hand. His expression remained unchanged as he casually set the paper aside, grabbed his sword, and headed out into the open to continue his training.

At Doflamingo's palace, Doflamingo scrutinized the newspaper and Ron's bounty poster. Unlike his usual laughter, he studied the picture of Ron on the bounty poster with a serious expression, his thoughts hidden.

On the Kuja Pirates' ship, the Empress received the latest newspaper from Sandersonia. As she read, her expression changed from indifference to solemnity.

"Sister, what's going on? Has something important happened?" Marigold asked.

The Empress silently handed the newspaper to her companions. After reading it, they exchanged surprised glances.

"Sister, is this guy really only nineteen years old?" Marigold asked incredulously. "To defeat Hawkeye, one of the Seven Warlords, does it not mean that his strength rivals even yours, sister?"

"Hmm, compared to this Empress?" The Empress said coldly, "He may have defeated Hawkeye, but he won't stand a chance against me. My Devil Fruit can absolutely overwhelm these men; he cannot defeat me."

"Oh, indeed, indeed!" Sandersonia and Marigold nodded in agreement, looking at Ron's new bounty. "But look at his bounty now, it has skyrocketed!"

"Half a billion berries!" The Empress observed Ron's bounty, her delicate fingers tracing her lips thoughtfully. "Should we consider taking him out? After all, such a large reward!"

"Um, maybe we should focus on hunting sea kings instead!" The two sisters suddenly felt a sense of urgency and advised, "Let the Navy handle this dangerous newcomer; we should focus on our own affairs!"

In the New World, the Four Emperors were intrigued by Ron's greatly increased bounty, but were more interested in his defeat of Mihawk.

"Ha, look at that!" Whitebeard chuckled and showed Jozu the newspaper. "This young man is quite impressive. I didn't expect much from him before, but he's certainly proven himself now, hasn't he?"

"Haha, Dad, the newcomers are getting stronger and stronger!" Jozu agreed, "First it was Ace who swept the Grand Line, and now this Ron is entering the Grand Line and making such a huge wave. We should not underestimate him."

"Hmm." Whitebeard nodded, then turned his attention to Ace. "How's Ace been lately?"

"Ace..." Jozu's expression grew somber. "He's still after Teach. No news yet."

"Ah..." Whitebeard sighed. "If he can't catch up, tell him to come back."

"Dad, you know Ace's stubbornness!" Jozu shook his head with a bitter smile. "Once he sets his mind to something, he won't give up. If he's set on hunting down Teach, he won't be coming back anytime soon."

"Haha, that's the spirit, just like Roger!" Whitebeard laughed heartily.

Meanwhile, in Kaido and Big Mom's territories, although they paid more attention to Ron's news, their attitude remained unchanged.

In the Red Hair Pirates' territory, however, a feeling of unease permeated the air.

On the deck of the Red Hair Pirates' ship, Shanks looked worried.

"Captain, everything's ready!" Beckman approached him.

"Beckman!" Shanks handed him the paper. "How formidable do you think this Ron is?"

"If he could defeat Hawkeye, he must be pretty powerful." Beckman studied the newspaper and Ron's picture. "Maybe he's already reached the level of the Four Emperors."

"I agree." Shanks nodded. "But I feel compelled to meet him."

"Because of that letter?" Beckman's gaze shifted, remembering the letter Shanks had received from the East Blue. He remembered how Shanks had been in high spirits after reading it, only for his mood to sour abruptly.

"Yes." Shanks' voice was grim. "Makino was taken by him."

"What?" Beckman was taken aback. He knew of the connection between Makino and the Shanks, but their relationship had always been complicated. Now to hear that Makino had been kidnapped by Ron was alarming.

"So you plan to confront Ron?" Beckman inquired.

"Of course it calls for a confrontation." Shanks' eyes hardened as he stared into the distance. "I want to measure his true strength. And if Makino is harmed in any way, I won't hesitate to retaliate."

Beckman shook his head with a mixture of emotions. He understood the dynamic between Shanks and Makino. Despite their inability to be together due to their respective paths in life, Shanks still had deep feelings for her.

Shanks, bound by his allegiance to the Red Hair Pirates and his commitment to the pirate lifestyle, had distanced himself from Windmill Village and Marciano. However, upon hearing of Makino's danger, he decided to confront Ron, knowing that conflict was inevitable.

As a result, the Red Hair Pirates set sail for the first half of the Grand Line. Other forces in the New World took notice, but refrained from immediate action, opting to observe the situation first.

After several days of sailing, Ron's crew finally reached an island in the first half of the Grand Line.

"Phew!" Nami let out a sigh of relief. "It's been quite a journey. Finally, land ahoy! The last few days have been exhausting."

"Yes, we definitely need a Eternal log pose." Tashigi nodded in agreement.

"Let's go to the island and find a place to rest," Ron declared, motioning for the group to follow him ashore.