
One Piece: I Have a Billion Skill Points

At the beginning, there were billions of skill points available, and any skill Ron acquired could instantly be maxed out with the skill points. His swordsmanship, physical skills, sailing skills, culinary skills, medical skills, and even his Devil Fruit abilities were all upgraded to the maximum level. Three-color Haki? It too received a significant boost. All skills Ron learned could be instantly maxed out with these skill points, including life skills. Then, a message from the system appeared: "System upgraded! The host now has the ability to bestow skill points on others!!!" ... This Fanfic is pure Wish-Fulfillment Author: UNKNOWN (literally) Translator: Chibi_mon_mon Link for RAW: https://novelsemperor.com/series/one-million-skill-points-at-the-start-of-one-piece DISCLAIMER!!: This is not my original work as it is translated.

Chibaku_Monster · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Chapter 115

The Going Merry sailed gracefully atop the ocean waves, with Ron enjoying a relaxing massage while basking in the sea breeze. A delicate hand pressed gently on his shoulder, providing comfort and relaxation.

"Brother Ron, with more people on board now, the cabins are getting crowded!" Kaya remarked as she continued massaging Ron's shoulders. "Makino and I are sharing a room with three people now, and Robin is squeezed into Apis and Marianne's room. Should we consider switching to a larger ship?"

"Indeed, that's something we need to address," Ron agreed, nodding in acknowledgment. He had been sharing his room with Kaya during this time, which was convenient for their private time, but he understood the discomfort it caused to the others.

The Going Merry was a small ship with limited cabin space, and the increasing number of crew members meant more cramped living conditions. Ron recognized the need to transition to a larger vessel, but they still had some distance to cover before reaching the Water Capital, known as the Ship Island. They would have to pass through Jaya Island first. (T/N: Water 7 is also known as the Water Capital and the Ship Island)

"I'll put that on the agenda," Ron replied, considering their options. "For now, let's bear with it until we reach Jaya Island. We can switch to a bigger ship once we arrive at the Water Capital."

"Ron, care to try my latest concoction?" Makino approached with a glass filled with golden liquor.

"What new creation do you have for us?" Ron's interest was piqued. Makino's bartending skills had reached their peak, and her impromptu creations were always exceptional.

"Give it a taste!" Ron took a sip and was immediately impressed. "Excellent! This flavor is truly remarkable!"

"I'm glad you like it!" Makino beamed with pride. "It's the result of several days of experimentation."

"Kaya, I've prepared a special cider for you as well!" Makino smiled, offering Kaya a glass. "We'll have it during dinner for everyone to enjoy."

"That's fantastic!" Kaya's eyes lit up with excitement. "I can't wait!"

As Ron conversed with the others, Nami, Robin, and Tashigi stood at the bow of the ship, observing their surroundings and engaging in conversation.

"Hmm? Do you see that? Is that a warship over there?" Robin raised an eyebrow, pointing towards the distance.

"You're right! It appears to be a warship!" Nami confirmed upon closer inspection. The flag flying on the ship identified it as a navy vessel. Luckily, there was only one.

"I'll inform Ron," Tashigi said, heading towards Ron.

"What's the matter?" Ron inquired as Tashigi approached. "Is there trouble ahead?"

Ron didn't need to ask who it was because the Going Merry had only set sail a day ago, and it would take at least two days to reach Jaya Island.

"There's a warship approaching us from the front," Tashigi reported. "They're signaling for us to stop, and their vice admiral wishes to speak with you."

"Warship..." Ron pondered for a moment, then rose to his feet and walked to the bow of the ship, fixing his gaze on the approaching vessel. Indeed, it was a warship, likely coming from the Water Capital.

"What should we do, Ron?" Nami asked. "Should we avoid them or continue sailing?"

In the vast expanse of the ocean, encountering a warship usually meant trouble for ordinary pirates. However, Nami knew that Ron possessed formidable strength. Since arriving in the Grand Line, Ron had defeated two Shichibukai in succession, one of whom he dispatched effortlessly. With his current power, there was no need to evade a single warship.

"We'll sail as usual," Ron decided, gesturing for Nami to maintain their course. "As long as they don't provoke us, we won't bother with them."

With that, the Going Merry continued its course, steadily approaching the warship. As the distance between them closed, both crews could see each other clearly.

On the warship's deck, a portly vice admiral stood proudly, watching the approaching Merry. Upon spotting the pirate flag, a subordinate approached to deliver a report.

"Vice admiral sir, that's the pirate ship of the Sword and Rose Pirate Crew!" the subordinate announced.

"Hmm," the vice admiral acknowledged, folding his arms behind his back. "Hoist our flag and signal for them to halt. Summon Ron to meet with me."

Meanwhile, a slim marine lieutenant standing nearby frowned. "Vice admiral sir, considering it's Ron, the current world's greatest Swordsman, and potentially a future Warlord, is it wise to be so confrontational?"

The vice admiral scoffed at the lieutenant's caution. "Confrontational? Nonsense! We represent the Navy Headquarters and the World Government. By inviting him to meet with us, we're extending him a courtesy. After all, even if he becomes a Warlord, he'll still be under our jurisdiction. In other words, he'll be our dog."

"Vice admiral sir, perhaps it's best to refrain from such explicit remarks," the lieutenant advised cautiously, wiping his brow.

Ignoring the lieutenant's concern, the vice admiral issued the order to signal the Going Merry. His decision didn't sit well with the lieutenant, who understood the potential repercussions of such arrogance when dealing with people like Ron.

As the Going Merry approached, Nami relayed the warship's signal to Ron. Though Ron's expression remained calm and composed, the crew knew that his gentle smile concealed a simmering anger.

While silently sympathizing with the unfortunate vice admiral, Nami adjusted the ship's course towards the warship, ready to face whatever awaited them.