
One Piece: I am Imu

Transmigrate to the world of One Piece, reincarnate as Saint Imu; Control the world government and sit on the throne of the void. He obtains the star map of the omniverse and contemplates the sea of dimensions. Gather all individual combat power, military power, financial resources and all material resources to open the star gate, conquer all dimensions, and break the limit of individual power! Unite or be destroyed, how to choose? --- This is a translation of a Chinese Novel, with minor changes in some parts of the original story. I don't own the picture in the novel cover.

TitoVillar · Anime & Comics
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158 Chs

Chapter 49: The Treasury Hoax: World Government Strategy

Mary Geoise, Pangaea Castle, in the Room of Authority, the Five Elders gathered together as usual, and at this time they all had a thick stack of documents in their hands. 

"I never expected that I would one day receive an authentic handwritten letter from Imu-sama. This is enough to be called a treasure passed down from generation to generation."

As usual, because he was in charge of the Government Affairs Council, Saint Topman Warcury, who was sitting in the middle seat, excitedly looked at the extremely beautiful words on the document, even the commas, periods, etc. Everything was perfect in his eyes. 

The other four elders were also looking at the documents with a mixture of envy and admiration in their eyes, as they knew that, despite being identical copies, they did not compare to the value of a handwritten original. 

This was the first time that Imu-sama had communicated his instructions to them through documents rather than a meeting in the Empty Hall, and this generation of Five Elders was fortunate to be the recipient of this unusual attention.

However, from the thickness of this document, they can also understand Imu-sama's thoughts. After all, if such a lot of content is discussed in the Empty Hall, it may not be enough for him and others to kneel down all night. 

"By the way, Dragon's fleet has arrived in the South Blue. According to CP2 reports, he is doing an outstanding job, especially in terms of strategy. He doesn't seem like he's the son of a bastard like Garp at all." 

Saint Shepherd Ju Peter changed the topic. He was in a bad mood now, so he wanted to talk about other things first, and then talk about the contents of the document in his hand seriously after it was almost done, so he simply told what he learned about the situation. After narrating it, the other people were also listening carefully. 

"Dragon's planning has a touch of military genius. He has taken into account all aspects of the South Blue and has avoided alerting the 'Slave King' ahead of time." Saint Marcus Mars added with a smile.

"Indeed, if it were Sakazuki, Borsalino, or Kuzan, they wouldn't necessarily have thought so carefully." Saint Jaygarcia Saturn agreed. 

At this time, Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro, had a hesitant look on his face. 

"If this mission is carried out successfully, Dragon could rise to the rank of Vice Admiral, but I am worried about the future." He expressed with concern. As the supreme leader of the entire World Government army, he was especially sensitive to these matters.

"You mean the Admiral position? This is indeed a big problem."

Saint Topman Warcury also became serious, because the Admiral represents the highest combat power of the World Government and must be taken seriously. 

Since the founding of the World Government, the navy has stipulated that there should be at most three admirals. Currently, Sakazuki, Borsalino, and Kuzan had already been appointed as successor Admirals. So, what would happen to Dragon?

Dragon possessed talent, strength, and the ability of a Devil Fruit to the same extent as the three current Admiral candidates, and was also the son of the Navy hero, Garp. In terms of family background, he even surpassed the other three.

So, it stands to reason that Dragon is fully qualified to become a Navy Admiral, but the quota is not enough. You can't just give him the title of Admiral candidate and let him sit on the bench and wait for decades, right?

After all, Dragon has no advantage in terms of age. He is 34 years old this year, while Sakazuki is 31 years old, Borsalino is 34 years old, and Kuzan is even 25 years old. If there is no accident in the future, he will have to Wait. 

Unless Dragon, like his father, is willing to be a Vice Admiral for the rest of his life, would this be too wasteful? 

Originally, Garp's refusal to be promoted to Admiral had already made the Five Elders very angry. Of course, the situation between the two is different. Garp was not promoted to Admiral because he refused, while in Dragon's case there are too many Admirals and there is no place for him.

"How about we promote him to Vice Admiral first? Regarding the future, we can deal with it appropriately in due course." Saint Topman Warcury said helplessly, and Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro beside him could only nod. 

"As long as Dragon successfully completes his mission to eliminate the Slave King before this year's Levely, we will have already advanced half of our objectives." Saint Jaygarcia Saturn changed the topic again. 

Because they really have no say in the matter of the rank of Admiral, and do not dare to change it without authorization. After all, these rules were established by Imu-sama back then, so as long as Imu-sama does not take the initiative to request the reform, they will never mention it. 

Whether it is the Five Elders of this generation or the previous Five Elders, they all know how much Imu-sama doesn't like 'chaos' and 'change'.

This is also the main reason why the World Government system has not changed in eight hundred years and therefore they strive to ensure the 'stability' of the entire world situation.

Although the entire World Government is trying to change now because of the 'big prophecy', no one knows what level of 'change' Imu-sama can tolerate.

Therefore, they had reached a tacit agreement to follow Imu-sama's instructions without questioning them.

"It is a wise decision by Imu-sama to eliminate the Slave King before the Levely took place. This will avoid a series of unforeseen problems." 

"However, we face a major problem. What to do with the more than one hundred thousand slaves in Mary Geoise?" Saint Marcus Mars asked.

In the resplendent and opulent Mary Geoise, there was maintained a large population of slaves that had been acquired by the Celestial Dragons. These slaves were considered 'high quality' or 'exceptional products'. Women are beautiful and cute, men are strong, capable or possess some special ability, there are also all kinds of subhuman races. After all, they are all slaves who have caught the attention of the Celestial Dragons and must have something special for the Celestial Dragons to be willing to bring them back to the Holy Land.

"What else can we do, just kill them all." Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro stroked the scabbard of the Shodai Kitetsu and replied expressionlessly, then continued. 

"If we let them go, their hatred towards the Celestial Dragons will definitely have a certain negative impact, and most of them will even end up as pirates. The number of pirates is already increasing!"

His words made the other four people fall silent. After a moment, Saint Topman Warcury shook his head. After thinking about it, he felt that it was not appropriate to do so. 

"Although it is easy to kill them all, the consequences are not small. Improving people's trust in the World Government, restoring a positive image, and reducing the rise of pirates are one of Imu-sama's goals for this year's Levely. If someone discovers it and then spreads it, the consequences would be disastrous."

"Then what do we do?" Asked Saint

Shepherd Ju Peter. 

"Free one group and restrict the rest."

"The same as we did before with the Fish-men, we let Tsuru use his ability to wash away the hatred of a group of slaves. We then escort them back to their hometown, while broadcasting it live to the world, stating that Mary Geoise has freed all the slaves, and the rest will be kept close to Mary Geoise for the time being. We will lock them up and deal with them slowly, the Continent of Red Earth is huge and there is a lot of space."

Saint Topman Warcury's proposal made the other four' eyes light up, and they all felt that this was indeed a good idea.

As long as they release more than 10,000 people and control them on camera, the scene will be enough to deceive the people of the world.

At this time, Saint Shepherd Ju Peter was inspiration and said with a smile: "Can this method be modified and used to solve the rumors of the big treasure first?" 

"Aren't there some people who were tempted by Roger's treasure to become pirates? Then we will organize a live broadcast to escort the big treasure back to Mary Geoise, announcing that we have found the 'One Piece'. Although it will not completely eradicate the appearance of new pirates, it will undoubtedly have a great impact." 

Saint Jaygarcia Saturn smiled. 

"It's indeed a good idea. Isn't One Piece just a treasure? Let's let the people of the world see with their own eyes what a real big treasure is. Once they have seen it and satisfied their curiosity, everything should calm down." 

In terms of wealth, is there anyone on this planet who can compare with the World Government?


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