
One Piece: I am Imu

Transmigrate to the world of One Piece, reincarnate as Saint Imu; Control the world government and sit on the throne of the void. He obtains the star map of the omniverse and contemplates the sea of dimensions. Gather all individual combat power, military power, financial resources and all material resources to open the star gate, conquer all dimensions, and break the limit of individual power! Unite or be destroyed, how to choose? --- This is a translation of a Chinese Novel, with minor changes in some parts of the original story. I don't own the picture in the novel cover.

TitoVillar · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

Chapter 48: The top second generation of the Navy

South Blue, the 194th Marine Base stationed on Melon Island. 

This island is called Melon Island because its island shape is an oval when viewed from above. There is a narrow extension area like a melon vine at the top of the north side, and there are two melon-like areas inside. The long-curved river looks like an oversized flat melon.

The most important thing is that more than 50% of the island is occupied by melon fields, the remaining 30% belongs to the Marine Base and the remaining 20% is the residence area of the inhabitants.

In fact, the residential area initially accounted for 30%. However, since the Navy brought in a new Captain five years ago, the Marine Base has expanded even more, now occupying more than 10% of the territory.

Since melon fields are their main source of income, residents are unwilling to reduce the size of their melon fields for living space. Coupled with the gradual increase in population, their current living environment is very congested. 

Even so, people can only hold back their anger. 

Firstly, they were unable to resist, and secondly, the existence of the Marine Base did prevent pirate attacks. 

Now everyone knows that there are more and more pirates on the sea. Residents who go to other islands to sell melons can often hear that a village or town on a certain island has been robbed by a pirate group. 

In recent months, when they go out to sell melons, they are escorted by warships all the way. 

Of course, it was not free. The Marine Base took the initiative to provide full protection services in exchange for 40% of the total amount of melons sold. 

This is another choice that residents have no choice but to make. 

Having a naval escort is certainly a good thing. At least it ensures the safety of melon sellers, but the 40% share is too high. 

As a result, the living conditions of the residents of the entire Melon Island have dropped from being relatively wealthy and comfortable in the past to just enough for food and clothing. 

Inside the base, there are three columnar buildings, painted blue, one tall and two short. In front is a training field with no one present, and in the back is a connected terminal port, with several small warehouse-style buildings.

A marine with a rosy face and strong body guarded the place with a musket in his hand. There were eight small warships parked side by side in the harbor. This type of warship can generally carry 300 people, and a maximum of 500 people. 

At this time, in an office with a space of nearly 300 square meters on the highest floor of the main building, Captain Harros, with light blonde hair and an aquiline nose, stood in front of the large floor-to-ceiling window and admired the view of the entire island, occasionally glancing towards the far horizon.

"Calculate the time, it should be arriving soon."

[Toc, toc, toc.] 

"Come in."

A lieutenant walked in with a wooden box. After closing the door, he looked at the back of Captain Harros respectfully. 

"Base boss, the goods have arrived, and your merchandise are also there."

The captain turned around suddenly and looked at the wooden box in the subordinate's hands in surprise. He quickly reached out and took it. Just when he was about to open it and take a look, he stopped and looked at the Lieutenant in front of him.

"Go out first."


After the others left the office, Captain Harros couldn't wait to open the lid of the wooden box. The next second, a bright green devil fruit covered with spiral patterns appeared in front of him, with a card inside.

"Haha, it's finally here. Now my son's future is guaranteed!" 

He excitedly took out the Devil Fruit and looked at it up and down, as if looking at a rare treasure. Judging from the price alone, it was indeed a treasure. 

He spent a full 500 million berries to buy this from King Taklama, which was considered to have wiped out half of his life savings. 

Fortunately, since I became the base director here, I have earned a lot of income every year. This does not refer to the money that the island residents get from selling melons. How much is it worth? The main reason was that the Kingdom of Thutmose regularly sent a sum of money as a 'protection fee'.

What was mentioned above as 'merchandise' referred to this.

Captain Harros's son is named Gaspardy. Because of his naturally tall, strong, and powerful body, and his recommendation in the letter, he entered the Navy Headquarters three years ago and became a third-class private. 

But after so many years, he has only been promoted to a first-class private. Although he contacted his son and told him that he would be promoted to a Cape soon, he still felt that it was too slow. 

In fact, he also understood that the difficulty of promotion in the Navy Headquarters was definitely much greater than that in the Four Seas Branches, and the pirates on the Grand Line were also stronger. 

So, for the sake of Gaspardy's future and safety, I wanted to find a powerful Devil Fruit from my side and send it to him. However, although he was a navy captain, his influence was limited.

Of course, the Navy Headquarters actually has a way to exchange war merits for Devil Fruits, but not only is it time-consuming and laborious, but the quality of the fruits could not be guaranteed either. For years, the really good fruits had already been picked by others!

He worried about this for many days, and finally thought of asking King Taklama, who had 'great magical powers' and 'power spread all over the world' for help. 

At first, I just asked with the intention of giving it a try, but after a while, the other party was actually willing to provide a devil fruit that sounded very reliable. 

Special Paramecia-type soft candy fruit, this fruit's ability to transform the user into soft candy is analogous to the properties of a Logia fruit. 

Captain Harros was naturally extremely satisfied with such a surprise, but the other party was not without conditions. 

First, the price needs to be 500 million.

It is extremely expensive. The market price of a normal Paramecia-type Devil Fruit is only about 100 million berries. However, this is a special Paramecia-type, so it is understandable. 

Second, he must ensure that he will not be transferred within the next five years. 

This did not matter at all, as there was no term limit in the current navy. As long as he ensures that he does not make any mistakes while in office or make great achievements that the headquarters should pay attention to, he will basically not resign or be promoted.

He just needs to survive.

The third is to further support the business of the Kingdom of Thutmose, for example, help send fleets to escort when needed. 

In short, he agreed.

"With this special Paramecia-type soft candy fruit, that guy Gaspardy will be at least a captain in the headquarters, and it is possible that he will be promoted to Commodore. Then I will have someone to trust so that I have more influence and control in the South Blue!"

Captain Harros is well aware of his talent. Even if he eats the Devil Fruit, it will only be the same. He might as well give it to his son who has extraordinary talent. 

If he really gets lucky and his son becomes a Navy Admiral in the future, he will basically have nothing to worry about in South Blue.

[Toc, toc, toc.]

At this time, the door of the office was knocked again, which made Captain Harros, who was immersed in the vision of a better future, frown somewhat displeased, but he still put the soft candy devil fruit back into the box.

"Come in."

"What's going on?" 

The same lieutenant came in and reported: "The base commander, Rear Admiral Monkey D. Dragon of Marineford, led a fleet of five headquarters warships to the South Blue, saying that he wanted to capture the Black Cat Pirates and the White Cat Pirates. The Rear Admiral has asked us to investigate the location and are ready to provide support at any time."

"What, five warships?" 

Captain Harros looked puzzled. 

"Although the bounty for the 'black cat' and 'white cat' is quite high, and there are a lot of people, there is no need for so many warships, right? Do you want us to support them at any time?" 

The fleet led by Dragon mentioned by the lieutenant must be a headquarters-level warship. When he took his son to report to Marineford, he had seen with his own eyes how terrifying the specifications of those warships were. 

"Ahem, Rear Admiral Irwin, who is currently acting as Rear Admiral Dragon's adjutant, quietly told me that Rear Admiral Dragon is the son of Vice Admiral Garp, so he requires our Marine Branches in the South Blue to take it seriously!" The lieutenant added in a stunned voice.

Captain Harros was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing in realization. 

"That's it, that's it. The son of a naval hero is here to gain military exploits. Then these two cats are in trouble. It would be fine if this operation goes well, but if they hurt Rear Admiral Dragon... Tsk, tsk... the consequences will be even worse, hahahahaha!"

After finishing speaking, he straightened his expression, looked at the lieutenant with serious eyes, and ordered: "Go down with the order and prepare to dispatch the warships. As soon as the order comes, we will set off immediately without delay!" 

From his point of view, this is a rare opportunity to get in touch with Dragon, and it would be even better if he has the opportunity to mention his son's name in front of him. 

The son of Vice Admiral Garp, this is considered the top second generation in the naval system!


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