
One Piece: Ground Zero

A young street rat gets gunned down, during a gang shoot out. Promises that in his next life he won’t let any one control him again. Only for him to come face to face with a God and a New Life in.... ONE PIECE Given the abilities of Katsuki Bakugo (As a Devil Fruit) our MC begins a new journey. I of course don’t own anything other then my OC’s

The_Crimson_Writer · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 9 - Colo Bia the Island of Crime (1)



[3rd POV]

Bakugo didn't get much sleep last night as he stared up at the full moon all night long, contemplating what he should do. It's been months since he stopped the small pirate Invasion with ease and stole all their goods.

Goods which he's already sold for a solid million or so berri, enough for a decent boat, some supply's and some fresh gear for his travels.

He's all set to begin his journey as a pirate, but he still he hesitates. He's truly enjoyed his time on Rōjin and now that it's time to say goodbye to it and it's people, he's not sure what to do.

As it might be years before he's able to travel back to Rōjin and see the people he now calls family who've taught him so much and have taken care of him over the last few years.

But Bakugo knows his place, his destiny,

isn't on this small Island. So with his resolve firmly in place he decides that it's finally time to start his own legend.

Standing up Bakugo begins to pack away the belongings his wishes to take with him which consisted of his money and clothes.

He thought about packing some maps and a compass or two but decided against it. Of course to everyone else that would be a stupid idea, But to Bakugo who's always wanted the freedom to make his own choices and follow his own path, it just made sense.

Lastly he grabs a fresh unused sword and puts it round his waist before jumping out of his treehouse, his home for over a decade, and leaving towards Rōjin town.


"I've taught you everything I can brat, but I'm gonna miss you" Mori tells bakugo standing next to him.

"I'll miss you too old man" Bakugo says with a smile.

"Now I've packed you a few days worth of cooked meals, along side the stored food you've already bought. It should last long enough for you to get to another island to resupply" Miss Suki explains holding back tears.

"I appreciate it Miss Suki" Bakugo thanks her not looking at her fearing he might actually cry.

Bakugo tightens the straps of the bag on his shoulder, which contains fresh clothes mainly socks and underwear though.

He stares at the small row boat he'll be using temporarily. It's large enough to carry three average sized people comfortably along with some space to store things. He didn't want to go over board with his first ship.

"Are you sure this will be enough?" Mori asks for the hundredth time today. "You should take a compass with you atleast"

"Haha, I probably should, shouldn't I" Bakugo agrees before shrugging. "But I'm sure the Seas, the Wind and the Stars can guide me well enough for now"

"Ba, your a pain in my ass brat. Now I'm going to have to worry about you" Mori groans, trying to give a solid reason for the genuine worrying he'll be doing.

"Bwaha there's no need to worry old man, these seas won't be taking me till I'm good and ready"

"Oh I hope so" Miss Suki says softly.

"Don't worry Miss Suki, I'll send you plenty of gifts from all over the world" Bakugo says grinning wildly.

Bakugo hops into his boat and puts away his bags holding all his stuff, before preparing to untie the boat.

"At least tell us where you plan to stop first?" Mori asks the million berri question.

"On but Colo Bia of course" Bakugo replies smiling at the two now pale faces of his surrogate grandparents.


"Why the hell would you wanna go there!" Mori shouts.

"Gut feeling I guess" Bakugo shrugs.

"Bu-but that island is infested" Miss Suki adds truly worried for Bakugo.

"I know right, it's going to be soo much fun"

"Seriously Brat, why there?" Mori asks in complete seriousness.

"I just know that Colo Bia is my next step" Bakugo adds just as serious as Mori.

"*Sigh* Fine brat just be careful, you hear?"

"I will" Bakugo replies pushing the boat and hoping on as it begins to drift out to sea. "And you shouldn't worry so much, It'll make you go grey!"

"Ba Damned Brat!" Mori yells in false outrage.

Bakugo paddles further out to sea, before glancing back at Rōjin to sea all of the inhabitants waving him off.

Smiling softly he waves back, before using a small series of explosions to force the boat to speed quickly away from the island he's called home for the last 11 years.

"I'll see you later Rōjin" Bakugo softly says underneath his breath.


[3rd POV]

In the South Blue, there's numerous islands. Each one unique and different, Each Island famous for its unique culture like Karate Island which is full of Martial Artists or The Torino Kingdom unique for is medical advances. It has even given birth to some of history's most famous figures like Fleet Admiral Sengoku.

But in the South Blue there's an island that's not famous per say but rather infamous for all the wrong reasons.

Colo Bia is an Island that has the single highest crime rate in the South Blue. With nearly one in every ten people being a murderer and nearly every single person on the island has committed some sort of crime.

This is the Island that has gotten Bakugo's attention and the one he's currently searching for, with various degrees of success.

"I probably should've brought a compass" Bakugo mutters as his boat drifts along the ocean. "And a Spyglass would be pretty useful right now"

As Bakugo lays back and softly smacks the back of his head against the boat, lamenting on the fact that his self confidence has probably gotten him lost until he can find some sort of Island or ship to get directions from me.

*Bird Cry*

"Huh" Bakugo bolts up upon hearing the bird cry, looking at the sky he sees a flock of birds flying in the same direction he is.

"Haha, who needs a map or compass" Bakugo brags to himself, knowing that if there's birds close by there's an Island not far behind.

Between paddling and using small explosions, Bakugo starts to follow the flock of birds knowing eventually they will lead him to an Island.

It seemed that Lady Luck was on his side as not even an 2 hours later a fairly decent sized Island came into view.

"Man I'm good" Bakugo grins rowing with renewed vigour.

Bakugo pulls his rowboat ashore and stuff all his valuables, Money mostly, into the one bag that he's got strapped to his shoulder for safe keeping. After all the chances of someone stealing his boat were fairly high these days.

"Now let's see what Island I'm on and what it has to offer"

Bakugo quickly blasts off into the sky to get a good look off the island and a lay of the nearby land, he's mostly searching for a town of some sort.

"Ah there you are" He mutters seeing a town fairly close by.

Still in the air Bakugo uses his explosive devil fruit powers to essentially fly the entire way to the town. Only landing when he's within jogging distance of the town.

On the ground once again he makes his way to the town, only to pause after getting a whiff of a foul stench coming from said town.

"Oh god, I've been attacked!" Bakugo cry's holding his nose. "My nose has been attacked!"

The smell is somewhere between a hybrid smell of death, blood, sweat and shit. Bakugo has truly never smelt something so awful before it either of his lives.

Calming down Bakugo, wraps some cloth around his face and breaths strictly through his mouth.

Stomping into the town, slightly pissed off due to the attack on his nose. Bakugo grabs the first person he can see and demands some answers from him.

"Oi, listen shit head, what island are my on?" Bakugo demands letting some explosions go off near the smaller mans face

"C-C-Colo B-Bia" the small and frail man stutters.

"Wonderful, who's the Strongest person on the Island?"

"L-Leo of Cl-Cloak Town" The man replies.

"Where's that?"

"Th-The way" The man stutters pointing to the direction left of Bakugo.

"Thank you for you cooperation" Bakugo smiles before tossing the man over his shoulder. "Now get lost"

Dusting off his hands, Bakugo Sprints off in the direction of the town he was pointed towards. It doesn't take long for Bakugo to find the next town.

This one was definitely an improvement over the last one, considering it doesn't smell like shit at least and the buildings are in better condition.

Seeing that the town is superior to the last one in every single way, from what Bakugo can see, he concludes that's this Leo person should be living in this town.

Walking into the town, He ignores all the various stare's he's receiving, some of which are less then friendly. But nonetheless continues observing the town and the people going about their day.

Not of whom catch his eye, making him click his tongue in dissatisfaction as he had hoped to atleast find a strong person to recruit or fight. Mostly to fight as he's been stuck on a boat for days and feels the need to stretch a little.

After spending a few minutes exploring the town, Bakugo couldn't find anyone of interest so he simply decides to grab some food before searching for this 'Leo' person again.

Entering a small run down bar, Bakugo takes an empty seat at the barkeep. Takes a look at the menu, which is a practically a scrunched piece of paper.

"What'd it be?" The barkeep asks cleaning a glass.

"I'll have one of everything on the menu and a pint of rum" Bakugo says glancing at the bartender.


"That won't be a problem?" Bakugo cuts him off.

"Ha no, not at all" The Barkeep responds grinning. Probably due to the exaggerated prices in the food and drink.

"I'll be at..." bakugo pauses glancing around the bar for a free table, the only free one is a shared table with a tall white haired teen. "..that table over there"

"That's-" the bartender didn't even start his sentence as Bakugo head already left, moving towards the table.

Bakugo takes a seat at the table he'll be sharing with the white haired teen. Getting a closer look at the teen, Bakugo estimates he's about a year or so older the himself. The teen also looks to be taller then Bakugo aswell.

"Bakugo" Bakugo nods in greeting.

"Conjiro" The White haired teen nods back.

They both sit in complete silence, unaware of the stares on them or they are aware of them but simply choose to ignore them.


{A/N: We don't know much about the South Blue, so nearly all the Island and people during this arc are going to be off my own creation}