
One Piece: Ground Zero

A young street rat gets gunned down, during a gang shoot out. Promises that in his next life he won’t let any one control him again. Only for him to come face to face with a God and a New Life in.... ONE PIECE Given the abilities of Katsuki Bakugo (As a Devil Fruit) our MC begins a new journey. I of course don’t own anything other then my OC’s

The_Crimson_Writer · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 8 - Pirate Invasion



~1 Year Later~

On top of the 1000 metre tall mountain, Galtymore, there's a young teenager with crazy wild blonde hair doing push ups with a giant Boulder tied to his torso.

The teen is taller then your average teenager standing at around 6 foot tall and rippling muscles covering his body.

"*Huff Huff* annnd done" Bakugo huffs out as he unties the rope around his body.


The giant Boulder causes small cracks in the mountain as it smashes onto the summit of Mt. Galtymore. Bakugo does a couple stretches to loosen himself up after such an intense work out.

"Man I'm hungry" Bakugo says after hearing his stomach rumble.

Rushing towards the edge of the mountain, Bakugo leaps off the summit and free falls throughout the air.


As he approaches the ground, Bakugo uses his explosions to slow his decent and fly over the forest towards his tree house to get cleaned up and a fresh set of clothes.

Bakugo stops using his explosions to fly and lands softly in the ground outside his home. "Home sweet home"

Getting a fresh set of clothes, Bakugo quickly cleans himself in the river nearby before jogging into town.

Bakugo soon enters Rōjin town and heads towards Miss Suki's cafe, but is stopped by a friendly face.

"Ah there you are Bakugo" she calls out to him,

"Miss Lola how can I help?" Bakugo asks the delivery lady.

"No, no I've got a letter for you" Lola tells him handing over a small letter.

"Thank you miss Lola" Bakugo thanks her kindly.

"No problem kiddo" Lola replies before walking off.

Lola used to be a navigator for a Merchant company before she retired, she's the one who taught Bakugo the basic to Navigation. She also took up the role of the towns delivery lady to stave off the boredom.

Pocketing the letter, he carry's onto Miss Suki's cafe,


"Miss Suki, you in?!" Bakugo calls out.

"I'm in the kitchen, want the usual?!" She shouts back.

"Thanks Miss Suki!" Bakugo shouts back his thanks. Not even 10 minutes later Suki is pushing out a cart full of food for her favourite customer.

The drool was already flowing from Bakugo's mouth, He quickly starts to eat away at the mountain of food. He doesn't even stop until some of his food is snatched from his hand.

Releasing a growl Bakugo turns to the future dead man.

"Did you just growl?" Ask Mori.

"No" Bakugo pouts seeing that it's only Mori.

"Thanks for the food" Mori says as he begins to munch on Bakugo's food.

"Oh yeah Lola was looking for you" Mori informs.

"I know, I got a letter" Bakugo answers between bites.

"Who from?" Mori asks.

"Kazuma most likely, that kid is obsessed with me" Bakugo says with a smirk.

"Oh I'm sure he is" Mori shrugs stealing more food.

"Oi you old bastard stop stealing my food!" Bakugo shouts.

"Raha but I'm so hungry" Mori says as he starts speed eating.

"OI!" Bakugo shouts, starting to speed eat aswell. "LEAVE" more eating, "MY FOOD" even more eating at a faster pace, "ALONE" Stops eating as there's no food left.

"You shitty old man ate all my food!" Bakugo shouts causing small sparks to shoot out of his hand.

"Nah you are way more then me to damn Brat!" Mori shouts back.

"BOYS" Miss Suki yells from the kitchen.


Bakugo huffs taking his seat again and pulling out his letter. Opening it he does see that it's from Kazuma, reading it over he suddenly gains tick marks on his forehead.


Dear Bakugo

It's Kazuma here, I'm writing to inform you of my recent promotion from Seaman Recruit to Seaman Apprentice last month.

So I'd just like to say...

Haha how's feel that I'm already on my way to achieving my dream while your stuck in that tiny island. Haha suck it you fucking loser.

Yours sincerely



"You've gone and corrupted that poor boy, he was so polite when he first came here" Mori complains over Bakugo's shoulder.

"I know, it's one of my prouder moments when I got him to swear for the first time" Bakugo grins.

Bakugo's grin drops when he hears a ringing bell go off all over the island, which confuses him as it hasn't happened at all in his 11 years on the island.

He looks over to Mori seeing his scratching his beard in thought.

"What's that bell for?" Bakugo asks.

"It's the warning bell for Pirates" Mori answers with a shrug.

"Pirates? What crazy idiot would attack an island filled with retire marines?"

"Someone looking to gain some infamy or a higher bounty I suppose" Mori answers.

Bakugo thinks it over, before grinning madly. "I think I'll go greet this pirates, give them a warm welcome you know"

"Yeah sure you go do that" Mori waves him off, already feeling bad for the pirates.

Sprinting to the look out tower on the edge of town, Bakugo quickly spots the pirate ship heading straight for the Island. Hopping down he blasts off towards the shore the pirates will land on, all while grinning like a mad man.


The Pirates, disembark from their ship and row to shore. There's about 4 row boats filled with 6 people each and one bigger row boat for the captain.

The pull the boats ashore and immediately the Captain of the ship commands his forces.

"Hahaha, kill everyone except the women" The Captain shouts



His crew cheers loudly.

"Hello pirates" The loud voice of Bakugo shouts as he waves at the pirates.

"Wha-who's this brat?" The Captain asks.

"Oh me? I'm Rōjin's ultimate defence force" Bakugo says giving a dramatic bow.

"Ehh whatever, capture that brat I'm sure a pretty boy like him will sell well" The Captain roars.

"Oh you think I'm pretty?" Bakugo asks hiding behind his hands like he's a shy girl.

"Get him" the Captain yells having enough of the boy.

Seeing the charge pirates bakugo drops his act and blast directly at them with his explosions. He flying kicks the closest pirate and smash's another into the ground.

Before unleashing a powerful explosion that knocks off or back the rest of the charging pirates.

The crew attacking Bakugo are all small time pirates, with a total bounty of 4 million collectively. Their captain taking up the bulk with a $1,000,000 berri bounty.

"BWAHAHHA SHITTY PIRATES" Bakugo cackles, with tiny explosion going off in his hand.

"DIE!" The blonde roars, launching a massive explosion at the pirates knocking most of them out and only leaving a few standing.

"HAHAHA SHITTY WEAK PIRATES" The Blonde laughs manically before calming down.

"Now take me, Too your leader" Bakugo demands.

"O-O-Over there" one of the pirates responses pointed to a fat lump of lard that's been knocked out.

"Huh, well what ever. If you want to live give me all your gold and treasure" Bakugo demands once more. "You have 5 minutes"

The last remaining pirates don't bother arguing with the crazy blonde kid and immediately fulfil his wishes.

The last few pirates gather up their knocked out crew members and bring them back to the ship. As bakugo awaits at the helm of ship, having jumped onto it, waiting for all the crew valuables.

"Th-that's all of-of it" one of the pirates says putting a bag on the ships deck.

"Perfect" Bakugo grabs the few bags of valuables the crew has and leaps off the ship, using his explosions to shoot back to shore.

"LATER PIRATES HAVE A NICE LIFE" Bakugo shouts at the pirate ship that's already sailing away.
