
One Piece Great Voyage Rob Nami Onto The Boat

Wearing the pirate world, Bai Yu started the lottery system for grabbing people, and has gone further and further on the road of grabbing people. Function 1: Forcibly rob the beauties of the plot as crew members/subordinates, and you can perform a lottery in all worlds, with no restrictions on items, abilities, creatures, etc. Function 2: It can perfectly integrate the strength of all crew members/subordinates. Luffy: Nami is my crew, I'm going to blow you away! Dover: Hey, that's how you treat your friends? Kaido: Damn it, bring Yamato back! Empress: 嘤嘤嘤, do you want to take my concubine back and get married? Sengoku: All the beauties of the navy were robbed? hateful! Five Old Stars: Meet Lord Yimu, eh, where are you? When Bai Yu took a boat of little sisters and a group of younger brothers to the Holy Land Mary Joa, the new king of the world was born!

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Chapter 6

"Ahhh, I can't control myself anymore!"

A cloud turned into Nami's appearance and fluttered everywhere in panic.

"Okay, you go to the room to float first, and your lower body becomes a cloud and learns to fly before you come out to practice."

Arma Se captures Nami, and Shiroha sends her back to the room.



Keya showed her ability to an apple that had taken a bite, and a magical scene happened.

Apple is fully recovered, and it seems like a time-lapse, but it is not.

Even after drinking half of the juice, it returned to a full glass.

"Brother Bai Yu, this ability is so powerful, I can treat anyone in the future, even if I break my hands and feet, I can recover directly." Ke Ya trotted over, her face was full of happiness and sweat.

Bai Yu chuckled and said, "Don't always care about others, you need to heal your own body first, and remove all your illnesses and accumulated problems."

"Looking at your sweat, ability will consume physical strength, and you will need to exercise hard to become stronger in the future."

Keya nodded obediently: "Well, I want to develop the ability to restore physical strength."

so smart.

It's entirely possible.

Bai Yu does not ask Keya to become stronger, as long as she is happy, and restoring the fruit can make Keya absolutely harmless in the future to a certain extent.

"and many more."

Thinking of something, Bai Yu stopped Keya, pointed at the table and said, "Try, can you... restore that."

"Ah? It should be... can't be."

Keya was a little surprised, her eyes widened.

Because White Feather means...

Devil fruit skin!

The leftover peel of the two women.

Can this be recovered?

Is recovery still possible?

"Okay, I'll try."

Keya was also looking forward to it, and extended her abilities to the only remaining skin.

White Feather looked carefully.


When a light flickered.

Yunyun fruit....restored.

From skin to whole fruit.


In Koya's excitement.

Bai Yu took out a fish from the fish tank, peeled a piece of Yunyun fruit, and stuffed it into the fish's mouth.

Then, squeeze hard.


As the fish turned into a cloud, Keya jumped up in exclamation: "It's really possible!!"

at the same time!


There was an exclamation from the room, and Nami ran out in a panic: "Ability, my ability is gone."

Koya: "..."

Bai Yu: "..."

fish:? ? ?

The results are obvious.

The fruit is restored, but the power is restored.

Maybe it's impossible to recover the other one, or maybe Keya's ability has not been developed in depth.

Therefore, Koya restored the fruit again.

Let Nami eat again.

"Woooooo, it's so unpalatable, you all bully me."

Nami ate the fruit again with tears in her eyes. She said that she would never forget today, it was too unpalatable.

And Bai Yu saw the future: "Simple restoration, allowing the ability to recover, if the concept is developed, then it can definitely be replicated."

Two women test abilities.

Bai Yu also returned to the room.

"System, start fusion!"

Bai Yu took a deep breath and got ready.

"Ding, the crew/subordinates Nami and Keya have been detected, start the fusion of strengths!"


A halo appeared out of thin air, shrouding the white feathers in it, and the rhythm of the layers above was very strange.

physique! Spirit!

will! potential!

memory! ability!

talent! wisdom!

Battle awareness, battle experience!

Above, etc., everything related to strength and Bai Yu needs, began to integrate into Bai Yu himself.

This feeling is intoxicating.

The fusion process is also a process of taking the essence and removing the dross, such as memory, and Bai Yu is basically browsing at the speed of watching a movie.

Combat awareness and experience, only choose the most suitable.

The same goes for others.

after an hour.

Bai Yu opened his eyes and murmured, "These are only two weak women. If I had thousands of subordinates, Im on his knees."

Fusion is not a one-off.

Meaning: White Feather can continue to fuse Nami Kea's stronger strength, and if she dies, the fused one will not disappear.

Host: White Feather.

Physical fitness: Samsung.

Spirit: Four stars.

Swordsmanship: Samsung.

Armed Color: Elementary.

Seeing and hearing color: Intermediate.

Overlord Color: Advanced.

Innate ability: teleportation.

Special abilities: Yunyun Fruit, Healing Fruit!

Number of draws: none.

Basic combat power: Samsung / top major general of the headquarters!

Additional abilities: four and a half stars/general candidate!

Note: Base combat power does not count any superpowers.

"Alternate General?"

Bai Yu was surprised, the teleportation and recovery ability blessed him too much.

If any conceptual capabilities are developed, the combat power will have to increase sharply.


Just like the previous note: combat power is not equal to destructive power, and White Feather's damage is not enough.

It's just that the combat power has arrived, and whether it can be beaten depends on who the opponent is. It is very important to generate and overcome each other.


Bai Yu severely snapped his fingers.

Restoration Fruit activates: Injury heals.

In an instant, Bai Yu's fingers recovered.

"Even if you have just acquired the ability... If you have broken hands and feet, you can recover. It's too strong. What if the fruit awakens?"

"What is conceptual level restoration?"

Shaking his head, Bai Yu didn't think much about it.

In short, if Bai Yu becomes stronger.

As long as no one can kill Bai Yu in seconds, many people can be dragged to death.

Physical strength, injury, hunger, fatigue, spirit, etc.

The above is directly restored.

If ten days are not enough, then play for ten months, and Bai Yu's stamina will reach the first place!

"Still working hard."

White Feather is very clear.

Ability is ability after all.

Even if the ability is terrifying, even if you can control time and space, don't be too confident.

Physique and domineering are the foundation.


three days later.

"Big Brother Bai Yu, are we back now?"

Keya looked at the house in Xi Luobu Village with some surprises.

Nami was also stunned, she was still floating on the sea one second, and returned to Shirobu Village the next moment.

"Well, we'll come back later if we want."

White Feather just experimented with a teleport beyond the range.

After all, he left spatial coordinates in Xilob Village.

Experiment result: It did not consume much physical strength, maybe the distance is not far, and it will be tested another day.

If he could teleport back directly from the new world, then Bai Yu would leave spatial coordinates in the whole world, and he could go wherever he wants in the future.

"Okay, let's go back."

Reaching out to hug the two girls, Bai Yu teleported.

Back on the boat again.