
One Piece Great Voyage Rob Nami Onto The Boat

Wearing the pirate world, Bai Yu started the lottery system for grabbing people, and has gone further and further on the road of grabbing people. Function 1: Forcibly rob the beauties of the plot as crew members/subordinates, and you can perform a lottery in all worlds, with no restrictions on items, abilities, creatures, etc. Function 2: It can perfectly integrate the strength of all crew members/subordinates. Luffy: Nami is my crew, I'm going to blow you away! Dover: Hey, that's how you treat your friends? Kaido: Damn it, bring Yamato back! Empress: 嘤嘤嘤, do you want to take my concubine back and get married? Sengoku: All the beauties of the navy were robbed? hateful! Five Old Stars: Meet Lord Yimu, eh, where are you? When Bai Yu took a boat of little sisters and a group of younger brothers to the Holy Land Mary Joa, the new king of the world was born!

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Chapter 5

"Optimize it."

"Ding, the optimization is successful, the devil fruit you smoke has no side effects, and you are not afraid of sea water and sea tower stones."

Bai Yu is very satisfied, this is enough.

"Open two cards."

"Ding, the devil fruit card is now open."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining Devil Fruit*2!"

"Nature Department: Yunyun Fruit!"

"Superman: Restoration Fruit!"

Yunyun Fruit: One Piece World specialty.

Rare long-distance flight ability, can incarnate, create clouds, and create according to the characteristics of clouds: sea clouds, island clouds, thunder clouds, etc.

Restoration Fruit: Crystallization of the Outer Worlds.

Restore everything! Deep-level development can involve concept restoration!


White Feather was silent.

The Yunyun fruit is fine, but restoring the fruit is simple and terrifying.


Or the crystallization of the outer world.

Prove that the pirate world can't stop it.

This reminds Bai Yu of a woman, the heroine in the anime Death God: Orihime Inoue.

Vientiane Rejection vs All Things Restoration!

In someone's words: It cannot be explained by the degree of time restoration and space restoration, and it is a complete violation of the ability of the realm of God.

After calming down, Bai Yu looked at Nami: "The perennial fear makes you think that the dragon is invincible, but in fact, in the great route, except for a few murlocs, the vast majority of murlocs and mermen are being Human beings buy and sell bullying existences at will."

"They have no status in human society."

"The so-called power of ten times that of ordinary people is only for ordinary people. It just so happens that the most important thing in this world is extraordinary people."

"And the evil dragon is just a piece of garbage that fled from the great route to the East China Sea to make a fortune."

"I can give you more power than a dragon, do you want it?"

Nami raised her head and looked at Bai Yu blankly.

But he didn't speak, obviously he didn't believe it.

Bai Yu turned his hands over, and a strangely shaped fruit appeared in each.

Keya said in surprise: "This is... a devil fruit?"

"The legendary devil fruit that sells at least 100 million?!"

Nami stood up directly, her eyes were so bright that they even turned into the shape of Berry.

mine! It's all mine!

Before Nami could speak, Bai Yu handed over one of them. He didn't need to eat it, and the fusion of the crew's strength had no side effects.

Seeing this scene, Nami couldn't believe it: "Are you giving....to me? It's worth..."

"How much is it worth?"

Bai Yu stood up and walked to Nami.

Putting the Devil Fruit in her hand, Bai Yu rubbed Nami's head lightly and said, "In my eyes, you are priceless."

For a moment.

Keya seemed to see that Nami's eyes turned even redder, and tears fell silently.

"Less....Stop deceiving people!"

Nami didn't want to show her inner fragility in front of Bai Yu, so she quickly wiped away her tears, held the Devil Fruit tightly, and said mercilessly, "Maybe it's fake, you big liar."


Big bastard!

Why do you say such touching words!

The momentary touch in her heart made Nami unforgettable, and she suddenly wanted to hear a few more words.

Bai Yu's voice suddenly floated:

"There are two kinds of priceless, one is worthless, and the other is immeasurable. Well, you are the first."


The next second, Nami's furious fist slammed over: "Bastard, give me back my touch!"


Ke Ya laughs beautifully.

This little fist is really hard, and Bai Yu couldn't help but be surprised. Is this the legendary "natural armed color"?

"Okay, eat it."

"Don't think about selling it."

Looking at Bai Yu's undeniable and threatening eyes, Nami's heart is bleeding, how much money is in one bite!

Enduring the pain, Nami took a bite.

"Ugh... poo ke ke ke..."

As soon as she took a sip, Nami's face turned blue, her eyes rolled around, and she kept retching: "What is this... Is it really edible?"

Keya's little face was also pale.

Because she saw Bai Yu handed over another Devil Fruit, does she want to eat it too?

Bai Yu lightly pinched Keya's little face, and said softly, "This is different, after eating it, your body will be better, trust me."


Koya nodded seriously.

Without hesitation, she took a bite, and Keya's big eyes suddenly lit up.

Well, it's delicious.

Seeing Ke Ya's expression, Bai Yu knew that the fruit of recovery from the crystallization of the outer world: very sweet.


Keya eats so deliciously that Nami doubts her life.

White Feather is looking forward to it.

The second function of the system: Integrate all the strengths of the crew/subordinates, naturally including abilities.

He just needs to blend, no need to eat.

"Does your body feel anything?"

Bai Yu said to Keya, then looked at Nami who was rinsing her mouth, and her face suddenly turned pale: "Don't throw it away, it will only be effective after eating."

"Do you think I'm an idiot?"

Nami stared at White Feather on her hips!

Bai Yuquan didn't listen to it: "Although it is said that one bite is enough, but who knows if it will affect whether or not you eat it all, so if you don't want to have any defects in the future, just throw it away."

"...OK, I'll eat!"

Taking another bite, Nami rolled her eyes.

But watching Keya eat more and more deliciously and quickly finish it, Nami really suspects that her Devil Fruit has been manipulated.

Ahhh, big liar!

"Fruits are divided into natural, superhuman, and animal systems... Yes, the natural system can be elementalized."

After explaining the characteristics of their respective abilities, seeing Nami's eyes getting brighter and brighter, Bai Yu threw a fist over: "This punch, feel it."


Before Nami could react, the whole person was bombarded.

turned into a cloud.

Ke Ya watched this scene in amazement, it was amazing.

"Nature is not weaker than people."

White Feather also feels amazing.

Don't feel that you can ignore the natural department if you are domineering, otherwise you will underestimate the natural department too much.

Don't say anything else.

Passive elementalization.

Actively advance elementalization.

Both of the above are different.