
One Piece: Getting Stronger by Writing a Diary

In the world of One Piece, Arton, a sketch artist, suddenly finds himself face-to-face with a Celestial Dragon—and not in a good way. Lucky for him, he awakens a system that allows him to gain strength by writing in a diary. Fired up for some payback against the Celestial Dragons, Arton embarks on a journey, and not just for retribution but also to meet beautiful girls such as Nami, Robin, and Hancock—characters he's drawn a million times before. As his journey unfolds, Arton starts scratching his head, wondering why women like Uta, Vivi, and Hancock are lining up to join his crew. Nami throws him a compliment, "Thanks, Arton, you're the best." Carina playfully proposes a trade, "Nami, you keep the treasure, and I'll have Arton, okay?" And Nico Robin teases, "Arton, you're into more mature women, aren't you?" ***This is a translation*** original: https://b.faloo . com/1299406.html

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118 Chs

Chapter 3 – Gion’s friend request

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At Marine Headquarters.

Women's dormitory.

Marine Captain Hina and Marine Officer Ain were both looking seriously at their respective copies of the diary in front of them.

[Arton's Logbook!]

[Reward Recording Video — Swordsman Yoriichi Tsugikuni's Skill Demonstration.]

"Hina-senpai, how can this recording video be played?"

Ain turned her head, looking somewhat puzzled at Hina beside her.

"I'm not sure, but perhaps it can be played by clicking the button in the center of the video."

Hina shook her head, speaking with some uncertainty.

Hearing this, Ain nodded slightly, and then she and Hina together clicked the "play" button in the center of the video.

Soon, a ray of light appeared within the notebooks of Ain and Hina.

Watching the video, Hina and Ain somehow came to know the names of the characters appearing in the video.

The person in red clothing, holding a blade, with a mark on his forehead, is Yoriichi Tsugikuni.

And in front of him, the one holding his head, which could not be reattached to his neck, with his arms broken, is Muzan Kibutsuji.

"Eh?! I actually know their names?"

"Wait, why is Muzan Kibutsuji still alive after having his head severed?"

"Could it be that he's a user of some Devil Fruit?"

Ain's eyes widened, incredulously thinking to herself.

"Pay close attention, Ain."

"This is our way to understand Arton."

Hina's brows furrowed slightly, speaking with a serious tone.

Ain immediately nodded.

Having read the previous diary entries, both understood that the diary's owner might possess the ability to know the past and the future.

And he also harbors considerable disdain and hatred for the Marines and the Celestial Dragons.

Such a person, if not handled properly, could cause severe impacts on the world.

["What have you made of life?" Yoriichi Tsugikuni, his face shadowed, spoke solemnly to Muzan Kibutsuji.]

[Muzan Kibutsuji, biting his teeth, incredulously looked at Yoriichi Tsugikuni, without answering his question.]

[Seeing this, Yoriichi Tsugikuni no longer intended to continue the conversation with Muzan Kibutsuji. With a step forward, he had already raised his blade.]

[At that moment, Muzan Kibutsuji's body suddenly exploded, turning into countless pieces scattering around.]

['Transparent World!' Yoriichi Tsugikuni murmured in his heart, and the entire world suddenly slowed down.]

[The scattering flesh pieces did the same.]

[Not only that, but now, Yoriichi Tsugikuni could even see through the flesh pieces close to him to see more pieces behind them.]

['Sun Breathing: Thirteenth Form!'] Yoriichi Tsugikuni whispered in his heart, reciting silently.

[The next moment, the blade in his hand instantly turned into a blur, stirring up waves of scorching flames as it swung towards the scattered flesh pieces.]

[In just an instant, most of the flesh pieces were annihilated.]

"So...so powerful, completely invisible."

Ain's mouth hung open, emitting a shocked voice.

When Yoriichi Tsugikuni mentally recited "Transparent World," the video also entered a slow-motion state.

At that time, Ain could still see Yoriichi Tsugikuni's movements.

However, when Yoriichi Tsugikuni swung his blade, the video returned to normal playback speed.

In Ain's eyes, only the afterimage of Yoriichi Tsugikuni could be seen.

Besides that, there were the nearly overflowing scorching flames from the notebook.

"Hina-senpai, could you see clearly?"

"What do you think, how strong is this man named Yoriichi Tsugikuni?"

Ain looked at Hina and asked.

"Hina... also couldn't see clearly."

Hina frowned deeply, speaking with a serious face.

Just then, a crisp voice accompanied by the sound of a door opening reached the ears of Hina and Ain.

"In that instant, Yoriichi Tsugikuni swung his blade thousands of times consecutively."

"He killed over 1500 pieces of flesh."

"The remaining smaller pieces escaped."

Ain and Hina were startled, looking towards the source of the voice, only to find that the person at the door was the Vice Admiral, known as Momousagi, Gion.

"Vice Admiral Gion, you... you have a logbook too?!"

Ain stood up, surprised at the logbook in front of Gion.

Gion smiled and nodded, coming to sit next to the two, laughing and saying:

"This logbook suddenly appeared in front of me earlier."

"And I couldn't mention it to others, otherwise, I felt a terrifying sense of death looming over me."

"I was just planning to see Hina, but I didn't expect you to be here too, Ain."

"And, both of you have logbooks."

"What's even more incredible is that those of us who possess the logbook seem to be able to mention it to each other."

"And we can even add each other as friends."

As Gion's words fell, a prompt appeared in the logbooks of Ain and Hina.

[A nearby Logbook detected. Gion sends a friend request. Do you accept?]


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