
One Piece: Getting Stronger by Writing a Diary

In the world of One Piece, Arton, a sketch artist, suddenly finds himself face-to-face with a Celestial Dragon—and not in a good way. Lucky for him, he awakens a system that allows him to gain strength by writing in a diary. Fired up for some payback against the Celestial Dragons, Arton embarks on a journey, and not just for retribution but also to meet beautiful girls such as Nami, Robin, and Hancock—characters he's drawn a million times before. As his journey unfolds, Arton starts scratching his head, wondering why women like Uta, Vivi, and Hancock are lining up to join his crew. Nami throws him a compliment, "Thanks, Arton, you're the best." Carina playfully proposes a trade, "Nami, you keep the treasure, and I'll have Arton, okay?" And Nico Robin teases, "Arton, you're into more mature women, aren't you?" ***This is a translation*** original: https://b.faloo . com/1299406.html

Metarln · Anime & Comics
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119 Chs

Chapter 2 – Repay kindness and revenge

Meanwhile, elsewhere.

In the first half of the Grand Line.

Amazon Lily.

This place, known as the Island of Women, lies within the Calm Belt.

At this moment, inside the Snake Princess's palace.

Boa Hancock, the captain of the Kuja Pirates and the Snake Princess, was frowning deeply as she looked at the "Arton's Logbook (Boa Hancock's copy)."

"The diary accurately recorded my height!"

"And even my measurements were precisely noted!"

"Could it be that the author of the diary really is a transmigrator?!"

Boa Hancock murmured, her tone filled with surprise and anger.

She was confident that no one could spy on her under her Observation's Haki.

"He even wants to take me as his wife?"

"What a bold man."

"If I knew where you were..."

"I would surely tear you to pieces!"

"Huh?! The mark on my back?!"

"He... he knows about the... on my back..."

Hancock's eyes widened in disbelief as she looked at the copy of the diary in her hands.

"Sister, what happened?"

At that moment, Boa Sandersonia entered the room, asking in confusion at Hancock's exclamation.

"Sandersonia, this..."

Hancock turned around, about to share about Arton's logbook with her sister.

Suddenly, a great terror descended upon Hancock's heart.

It felt as if merely speaking of Arton's logbook would surely lead to her death.

"Sister, what were you about to say?"

"There's nothing on the desk."

Sandersonia stepped forward, looking at Hancock and then at the spot Hancock was staring at.

"You can't see it, Sandersonia?"

"Sister, I don't quite understand what you're saying?"

"It's alright, you may leave now, Sandersonia. I need some quiet."

"Okay, sister, you can call me anytime if you need anything."

Although Sandersonia was puzzled, Hancock insisted.

So, she had no choice but to leave Hancock's room.

"A magical diary."

"A strange man."

"Where could this guy be!"

Hancock said, furrowing her brows.

At this moment, she was full of doubts about Arton and the diary.

If only she knew Arton's current location.

She would have already ordered the Kuja Pirates to search for Arton.

After calming her breath slightly, Hancock turned to the next page of the diary.

[Empress Hancock is in the Calm Belt, in the first half of the Grand Line.]

[Now, there's no way to meet her.]

[Indeed, I should focus on seeking revenge on that Colonel who resembles a rat.]

[Even though he fired at me under the orders of a Celestial Dragon, since he has fired, he should be prepared to lose his life.]

[Not just the rat-like Colonel, but also that Celestial Dragon Shairia, I must take revenge on him.]

["Repay kindness with kindness, revenge for revenge," this was the motto my parents left me back on Earth.]

[It's probably the only thing I brought to this world from my parents.]

[In any case, this principle cannot be abandoned.]

[So, the debt of vengeance against Celestial Dragon Shairia, I am determined to repay!]

"Heh, he's actually planning to take revenge on the Celestial Dragons."

"Though it's just recorded in the diary, it still shows some masculinity."

Boa Hancock scoffed coldly, not really believing that Arton would actually seek revenge on the Celestial Dragons.

After all, she herself had also fantasized many times about taking revenge on the Celestial Dragons in her heart.

However, due to the deterrent force of the World Government, she could only think about it in her heart.

As for taking actual action, she dared not to embark on it.

[Although the Celestial Dragons have the backing of Marine Admirals, if someone were to harm the Celestial Dragons, the Marine Admirals would definitely take action.]

[But I have the system backing me up, and I should quickly become strong. Even against Marine Admirals, I should be able to hold my own in the future.]

[Hehe, Saint Shairia, you will regret firing at me.]

[When it comes to revenge, I believe in returning it tenfold, even a hundredfold.]

"Tenfold, a hundredfold?"

"This man, he's really something."

"Does he also plan to capture the Celestial Dragons and torment them slowly?"

Boa Hancock shook her head, feeling even more that the diary's author, Arton, was joking.

[Killing Shairia outright would be letting her off too easy.]

[Speaking of which, Shairia's sister is quite beautiful.]

[When the time comes, capturing her and making her mine.]

[Afterward, I wonder if the Celestial Dragons would still recognize her, a woman who has been 'defiled' by a 'mere human'.]

[Or, maybe just get her pregnant?]


Hancock was about to drink water when she saw the content and accidentally crushed the water cup in her hand.

"To... to have a Celestial Dragon bear the child of a 'mere human'?!"

Hancock's body trembled, and deep inside, she somewhat wished to see such a scene.

Once upon a time, the Celestial Dragons had inflicted various punishments on her and her sisters.

If she could see the Celestial Dragons receiving the punishment they would never wish for, Hancock would be the first to accept it.

[I almost forgot, there was another male Celestial Dragon with Shairia at the time, probably named Saint Charlos.]

[That guy, he also gave orders to the accompanying marines.]

[Decided! The punishment for female Celestial Dragons can tentatively be to make them bear human offspring.]

[As for this Saint Charlos, he must be cut to pieces and thrown into the sea to feed the fish.]

"..." Hancock fell silent, "If you can really achieve this, I might forgive the disrespectful content you've recorded."


East Blue.

On the vast sea.

Arton was floating above the sea, using the power of the "Logbook System," and recording in the diary panel with his consciousness.

"Damn Celestial Dragons."

"Good thing I can swim."

"Otherwise, I would have drowned before being eaten by fish."

"It's just too bad about the speedboat I rented at a high price."

"I didn't even get a chance to roam the seas of this world before the Celestial Dragons ordered it to be sunk."

Arton thought about the speedboat he had brought along when he transmigrated from Earth to the world of One Piece, feeling a pang of loss in his heart.

[Ding! Congratulations, Host, you have recorded enough content for today, the "Logbook System" is now officially open to you.]

[Continue to record daily, and you will earn points.]

[Points can be used for the lottery, with rewards including "Armament Haki Awakening Potion," "Observation Haki Awakening Potion," "Conqueror's Haki Awakening Potion," "Skills," "Templates of Characters from Various Dimensions," and so on.]

[Congratulations, you have received a beginner's gift pack — Yoriichi Tsugikuni Template (Complete Form)!]

[Using this template, you will obtain all the powers, experiences, and skills of Yoriichi Tsugikuni.]

"Finally, success."

"Now I don't have to worry about drowning due to exhaustion."

"Or being eaten by passing sharks or Sea Kings."

The sudden divine voice in Arton's mind gave him a shock.

Although he appeared very relaxed while recording in the diary, he was still somewhat concerned about his safety before receiving the reward.

After all, he was currently on the vast sea with no land in sight.

And even the speedboat, laptop, food, and so on that he brought through the transmigration were all gone.

It was impossible for him not to be nervous.

Arton shook his head and, after steadying his mind, touched the "Yoriichi Tsugikuni Template (Complete Form)" on the panel in front of him with his consciousness.

Subsequently, a video introduction about Yoriichi Tsugikuni's powers appeared before Arton's eyes.

To be precise, it was a video of Yoriichi Tsugikuni using the Sun Breathing Technique to slay the Demon King, Muzan Kibutsuji.

"Truly impressive!"

"A thousand slashes in an instant."

"Even in the world of One Piece, which is full of strong warriors, Yoriichi Tsugikuni's power must be considered remarkable."

Arton's lips curled up slightly as he used the template.

Soon, as a light enveloped him, his physique began to improve rapidly. Arton felt as if he was enveloped by flames.

After a moment, Arton reopened his eyes, and a sharp light burst forth.

At this time, Arton, compared to before, was completely transformed.

"This is the power of Yoriichi Tsugikuni."

Arton murmured to himself, looking at the Nichirin Sword issued by the system in his hands, and then at his reflection on the sea's surface.

"Yoriichi Tsugikuni's congenital birthmark has not appeared."

"It seems that the birthmark will only show when I use the power of the birthmark."

"The Transparent World has not been activated directly either."

"That's good; this way, I won't have to worry about seeing everyone as if looking at muscle and bone specimens."

After carefully examining his appearance and reviewing his power, Arton nodded to himself in satisfaction.

"Now, my power should be more than enough to deal with that rat-like Colonel."

"However, there might be other strong individuals beside that Celestial Dragon."

"Even so, I still need to go and check it out."

"I wonder if I can still encounter the Celestial Dragon's fleet now."

Arton glanced in the direction where the Celestial Dragon's fleet had left.

Due to the fleet's speed, there was no longer any sign of them on the vast sea.

Arton took a deep breath and, after recording his gains in the system's diary,

His hands began to move swiftly, and his body transformed into a blur as he swam towards the distance.

At this moment, Arton did not know that after he included the video introduction of Yoriichi Tsugikuni's powers in the diary, it immediately caused astonishment among a large group of women who possessed copies of the diary.


400 power stones = 1 extra chapter