
One Piece : From Slave To Pirate!

A guy from Earth died and found himself in One Piece world inside a slave's body. He was about to be auctioned in next few days. Timothy did not even have time to properly go through all memories of his new body as his mind was busy planning ways to escape fate of being sold. Thankfully he had a golden finger available which was not overpowered like a system but still very helpful for him. He made good use of its power and escaped to the Sea. Then his journey as a pirate started from there as his only dream was to live freely.

Gursimran_Singh_8817 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

News of Devil Fruit.

Tim was honestly getting bored as Aokiji had not attacked for more than five minutes now. He did not think that Aokiji was helpless too as Tim did not show any opening to attack even in Tim's relaxed stance.

Finally Aokiji opened his mouth and surprised Tim a little.

" Well let's stop this battle. " Aokiji.

" Huh?" Tim/Don.

Aokiji lazily scratched his cheek with a finger before walking towards his bicycle which miraculously was not frozen by the ice.

" I want to say that there is no need to fight anymore as we most likely wont be able to decide a victor anytime soon. I dont want to fight for hours or days. Honestly that's too bothersome." said Aokiji and then yawned lazily.

Tim thought for a while and decided to agree as he was not having much fun in this battle either. Battling without his iron club felt like Tim had some kind of shackles on his body which is the feeling he did not like.

Besides he did not feel comfortable with pure body close combat style.

Just like that Aokiji went away traveling on the sea with his bicycle and slowly was out of Tim's eyesight range.

" Captain, is it okay to let him go just like that?" Don asked with confusion in his tone.

" Hmm.. it's fine. Aokiji is correct anyway as we wont be able to decide a Victor anytime soon. Its better to stop before Aokiji starts using large scale ice attacks as dealing with them will definitely be annoying." replied Tim casually while Don nodded still shivering in fear at the previous display of power.


Puru puru...

Sengoku picked up the phone ( den den mushi ) and smiled when he realised that it was from Aokiji.

" So how did it go?" Sengoku.

" We battled for a while and then I decided to stop. Honestly I dont want to deal with him in future." Aokiji..

Sengoku was silent for a few seconds before his expression became serious.

" Even you were not able to deal with him? Quickly tell me the details of the battle." asked Sengoku hurriedly as he was not able to hide his immense shock from his tone.

Aokiji turned off the phone after finishing his explanation and could not help evaluate Tim in his mind.

' Absurd physical strength, powerful agility and speed , Armament Haki stronger than most of the strong this world. Sigh.. this Timothy guy is another troublesome one...' thought Aokiji and sighed while riding his bike in middle of the sea.


"Huh? You want to try my training method? " Tim.

" That's right. I want to quickly catch up with you captain. " said Don with conviction while Tim could not help but burst into laughter.

' What a cute guy. ' thought Tim and told Don roughly about his insane training method which resulted in his insane physique.

Tim once again burst into laughter seeing Don stunned on the spot with open mouth. This 13 year old cat mink's reactions felt too cute to Tim especially with his cute appearance.


" Eh? " Don was immediately stunned when he heard his captain's orders.

Well it's not surprising as just now Don was looking forward to adventures but Tim instead ordered him to train desperately on Little Garden for at least six months.

Tim's decision was made after his unexpected fight with Aokiji. Both of them did not fight with even half of their full strength but Tim still had to admit that his mind was filled with worry about Don during the fight.

Tim's Armament haki was strong enough to protect him from the extreme chill of Aokiji's ice but that was not the case for Don.

If Don was frozen for even a second, his life would end there just like that. There will be more and more strong enemies with absurd devil fruit abilities in future so Tim thought that Don should have at least strength of a rear admiral or vice admiral preferably before they head to the New World where monsters live.

The timing was just perfect too as Summit War will happen soon and then Straw Hats will train for two years. Only after that the main Chris will happen. Tim could use that time to train himself and his crew while visiting some nice locations from time to time.

It took more than one week to reach Little Garden where Tim met his giant old friends and entrusted Don to them before leaving just after few hours. If he stayed longer then Tim would be more reluctant to leave as they held a banquet and reminisced about past.

Tim left with a relived smile on his face as the giants would definitely take care of Don well plus they could give him some pointers about Haki too. Don would not be able train madly like Tim but he will still become stringer quickly after battling beasts all the time. After all Mink race had great potential in their body.

Tim had changed his plan to visit Water 7 too as he will go there together with Don after he had finished his training. They could travel leisurely for few months too before changing their ship to new one.

Tim left their current ship at Little Garden too as handling such a big ship alone was too much work even for Tim. He had changed into a small boat with one cabin which they had purchased from an island on the way.

Thankfully Tim had eternal log pose for Little Garden otherwise it would take months of travel before they could reach Little Garden from the uninhabited island where Tim had fought with Aokiji for a short time.

Now Tim was heading towards an island which was usually uninhabited but this time the Saud island would be busting with crowd in few days.

After all an auction was going to be held there. On top of that the product was infamous Devil Fruit. Tim could never miss this as he happened to be free too.

Crook Pirates were the one auctioning the Devil Fruit. Tim only knew that their Captain was nicknamed Barry Crook and he had bounty of 56 million on his head.

Tim heard this news unintentionally when he eavesdropped on conversation of some pirates while he was purchasing his new small boat. Well they were whispering secretly so Tim naturaly became curious about the content of their conversation. Still this piece of news about whereabouts of Devil Fruit was unexpected harvest.

Tim hoped that this news was true though as if it turned out to be false then Crook Pirates will not be die peacefully. Well Tim was planning to kill them anyway because he knew from news that Crook Pirates were a very vicious bunch and had slaughtered whole villages and towns many times. Such scum was not allowed to live in Tim's eyes.