
One Piece : From Slave To Pirate!

A guy from Earth died and found himself in One Piece world inside a slave's body. He was about to be auctioned in next few days. Timothy did not even have time to properly go through all memories of his new body as his mind was busy planning ways to escape fate of being sold. Thankfully he had a golden finger available which was not overpowered like a system but still very helpful for him. He made good use of its power and escaped to the Sea. Then his journey as a pirate started from there as his only dream was to live freely.

Gursimran_Singh_8817 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 12

" Hahaha.. Damn.. " Tim laughed so hard when he was amused by the sight of Lufy who had become a round ball after eating even more than him.

You know Tim's physique was too powerful but it also needed a lot of nutrients so he had to Mary great amount of food always in his backpack.

But Luffy was a strange creature in real life too who could swallow meat like a bottomless hole.

By the way Ace ,Tim and Luffy were currently resting near a shore feasting on grilled sea king which of course was hunted by Tim as other two were cursed by the sea.

" Its like I told you, right? Luffy can really eat meat ever since he was small. Ah... this realy brings back memories. " Ace.

Tim was not intested in listening to their childhood stories as he was already fed up after constantly listening to them for hours now.

" Okay so Luffy, are you fine not grouping up with your crew mates? " Tim.

Behold, Luffy stretched his body some way and his round body was already back to normal. Tim never got tired of his crazy antics like this.

" Umm.. it's fine. Shishishishishi.. my crew mates are really strong so they will be fine without me for a while. We have plan to meet up in Yu.. Yuba.. That's it." Luffy.

" Okay. I've been there before. The town has only one old man stubbornly living there despite constant sandstorms but he is real nice guy. His name is Toto. You can tell him that you are my friend when you meet him. I'm sure he will welcome you." Tim.

Both of them continued to chat as mostly Luffy was sharing his adventure stories while emphasizing about his crew mates. He was also constantly trying to recruit Tim to his crew which Tim casually refused each time.

" Oh? Luffy! Look, isn't that your ship? " Ace.

Tim's eyes sparkled as he realy saw Going Merry from afar in real life. It was just a small ship but remembering the emotional episodes from anime, he had great feelings for it.

' But why is Going Merry sailing here when Luffy said that his crew was on land?" thought Tim and immediately shook his head as it did not make sense to waste his brain cells for this trivial matter.

The three of them immediately boarded the ship after a few minutes when it docked near the shore.

Tim glanced at the long nosed Ussop for a second before ignoring him and focusing on the small reindeer licking on a cotton candy.

Tim crouched down and smiled at him.

" You must be Chopper. I'm Tim, its nice to meet you." Tim.

" Ni.nice to meet you too." Chopper.

He stuttered at first but managed to reply in the end. Tim did not mind though as he hissed that Chopper was still not used to interacting casually with humans as he had just left Drum Kingdom with Luffy.

" Hahaha.. dont be so nervous Chopper. So can you introduce everyone else to me? " Tim.

Chopper hopped with a cheerful smile as he thought that he made another friend in Tim. Well his conceptions were still innocent like a child.

Chopper kindly agreed and started introducing Tim to other crew members one by one.

The first one was Ussop who enthusiastically shook hands with Tim while on the other hand Tim only pretended to smile.

Tim simply did not like Ussop much even though he did not hate him either. There were many reasons for this but most important ones would be Ussop's boasting habit and his choice of weapon which was a slingshot.

Tim did not quite understand why Ussop who had shown such talent in marksmanship but refused to tap on it properly. I mean sure he weak weak physically compared to Zoro and Sanji but if Ussop used guns and like and trained his body a lot more, he would definitely become a force to be reckoned with.

Next was Sanji who had the gal to ignore Tim after a casual handshake as he was focused on serving Nami who was busy sunbathing on the deck leisurely.

Tim was not angry though as on the contrary he laughed at this behavior which was fit for the Sanji he knew from anime.

Tim also took many secret glances at Nami's hot future as it was truly captivating for any normal grown man. Besides she wore few clothes and they were revealing at that too. So it was hard to ignore her figure instead.

She only greeted him casually before started talking with Ace about Luffy's childhood. Tim was honestly disappointed as he could tell from this little interaction that she was not interested in him.

Well Tim could make her after spending a lot of time and effort but sadly he did not have so much time to spend with Straw Hat crew. Besides Tim did not think that he had romantic feelings for Nami either. So he did not dwell much on this topic and went to meet Zoro who was drinking sake leisurely.

Zoro was one of his favorite characters in the whole famine series so Tim smiled genuinely when he shook hands with him.

Zoro on the other hand was thinking about requesting Tim for a spar because he could tell that Tim had trained his body a lot from his rock hard muscles.

Zoro trained his body a lot too so he had good feelings for Tim.


" Spar? Sure! " Tim immediately agreed when Zoro asked him for a quick spar. Just because he wanted to see the infamous Three Sword style in live action.

Both of them jumped on the shore and stood more than ten feet apart from each other. Zoro could feel that Tim was real strong so he immediately decided to use all his three swords.

Tim nodded in appreaction when he saw Zoro started to take it seriously from the start. His instincts as a fighter were quite good.


" Zoro! Dont you dare loose!!" yelled Luffy while other straw Hats also looked at the two people who were ready to fight with interest.

Only Ace was smiling warily at the back as he knew that Zoro did not stand a chance to win in first place. He even wondered why Tim was even interested in sparring with Zoro in first place as Zoro was lot weaker than him now and Tim was not even a swordsman who would want to see Zoro's skill with the sword.


Zoro was the one to make the fist move. He rushed towards Tim at fast speed while holding two swords in his hands vertically and the one in his mouth obviously horizontally.

Tim decided to take on the attack head on. So he casually held his iron club in front with relaxed stance.


Not seconds later, powerful wind pressure was produced as the weapons coluded with each other.

The situation of the two opponents was different at one glance though.

Zoro could be seen clenching his swords tightly and beings were bulging on his arms and forehead as he tried to his best to push Tim back.

On the other hand Tim looked to relaxed and he did not even feel the strenght behind Zoro's attack. He casually used his iron club to block the ONIGIRI attack of Zoro which was famous in anime.

" What's the matter? You cant push me back with such weak attack Zoro! " taunted Tim casually before swinging his arm with little force which forced Zoro to fly back few mertes before landing on the ground.

Zoro could feel his hands shaking as he continued to slid back about ten meters more before managing to stabilize his posture.

Zoro stood there panting with trembling arms ignoring the shocked gasps of his crew mates as his mind was filled with horror.

' What monstrous strength! ' thought Zoro as he remembered the feeling of being stared by a monstrous beast when he closed with Tim before.

Soon though Zoro's expression changed into a grin as he felt his blood boil with excitement. He did not hesitate to kick the ground and charge forward using the same attack as before.

Tim also grinned satisfied with the spirit of Zoro. He happily greeted Zoro's swords with his iron club.

The fight became more and more intense with time as the same pattern followed.

Zoro charging towards Tim with different attacks which produced powerful wind pressure each time. Each time he could not hold the ground and was flung back with force with trembling hands.

The same pattern contained for more than two hours before they finally stopped.

Well it was Tim who took back his iron club with a slight helpless look. Zoro was still standing holding his swords aimed at Tim's direction but he had already passed out while standing.

It ass enjoyable as the difference in endurance of both sides was enormous. Especially Tim who had monstrous amount of endurance even among the most powerful in this world due to his extreme training.

Ignoring the unvelievable looks of all the straw Hats expect Luffy , Tim humped on the deck casually.

He ignored Luffy who was pestering to spar with him while looking bitey at the iron club which had accompanied him for long time now. It was full of cracks formed after clashing with Zoro's swords.

Tim knew that it could not be helped as the difference in weapon quality was too much for his iron club to bear but he still felt a little bitter about this weapon which would not be able to accompany him anymore.