
Start of the Adventure

Nero was literally floored when he saw the huge ship in front of him.It was a normal ship and had nothing special, contrarily to the Moby Dick or the Thousand Sunny.However it was as big as the Moby Dick and had so much cannons, it looked like it was made for war.


"Nah, not really.This ship was already there when i came.The voice said that it's a present from the old master.Inside you'll find even more things to help you during your adventures, but most importantly."Naga took a scroll from between her breasts, and put it on the ground.

"Spirit trapped in the Shadow World.Hear my call and pledge allegiance to the new master of the Divine Wind!"As she finished, the scroll glowed in an ominous purple light.A creature came out of the scroll.It looked like big lion and had spiked, jagged backs.It had pretty impressive fangs, covered in poison.It growled and walked to Nero.


Naga petted it and motioned to Nero, to do the same.He did with slight fear, but the creature seemed extremely happy.

"That's a caragor.It's an ancient creature that originated from a land called the Mordor.Which is the place where Orcs were born from.They're incredibly aggressive and have a huge appetite, their fangs are covered in posion that paralyze it's target, but be aware that not all the caragors have poisoned fangs.This one is a normal caragor but there's also a paler version, called a dire caragor, which are larger and more powerful.This creature will be the first of many, that will come to help you during your life.You'll be a pirate,but sooner or later, things will get out of hands, and grow to terrifying proportions."Said Naga as she shivered a little, remembering a certain human who was also called 'Immortal'.

Nero nodded and observed the ship.

"So....Are we setting sails right now?"

"Yep, why?Do you have something to do before?"Asked Naga.

".......No, nevermind.Let's go, i can't wait for this new life to commence!!!"

They both got on the ship, as the caragor followed them.Nero knew what he had to do, so he and Naga pushed the ship a little, so it would face the exit.The exit was connected to the outside but it was way too high, as such Nero would need to propulse the ship with Wind and then use said wind to stabilyze it.

With a quick burst of wind, the ship was propulsed from the cave, flying in the air but falling rapidly.



Nero pushed himself to his limit and stabilyzed it, allowing the ship to continue on longer.It would allow them to travel quickly,even though Nero had no idea where they were going.

"Naga, you didn't even told me where we're going."

"OH!Right, sorry!Since you've reached the level of a Vice-Admiral, we need you to recrute more pirates.We can't fight just the two of us, right?No one is stupid enough to become a pirate and only have a dozens crew members, every pirates knows that the size of the crew, is also very important!"Said Naga, as if she was lecturing him.

"Naga, a few months ago you told me that most orcs were dumb, why are you so smart?"Asked Nero, which made the femal orc blush.

"W-Well, that's because i'm from the Marauder tribes.Us Marauder, love to have trophies on us, but also to live like humans, meaning that we read and all.Most aren't that smart, but i'm an ancient Warlord so i'm naturally better than the others!"Said Naga with pride.

"Well that's good and all, but....How are we going to recrute pirates?"Said Nero, getting a sigh from Naga in response.

"*Sigh*First we attack some marines to have a bounty, then we make sure that this bounty is the higher it can get!After that we go to the Sabaody Archipelago and post an offer to all pirates, saying that they can all join us, that they'll get glory money...BLAHBLAHBLAH....And finally we make sure to prove that you're worthy of being the boss!"

"Sabaody Archipelago?Oh, right!I forgot that the voice, told you about the outside world.I'm okay for all parts, but about the showing who's the boss part...How am i going to do that?"Said Nero as Naga gained a dark glimmer to her eyes.

"Master you remember the Conqueror's haki, right?"

"Yeah, and?"

"Well i never told you, but yours is one of the most powerful in the world.Considering who you are, it should've been even stronger ,but your soul is still too weak to hold the ful power if this Haki.You just need to use it on them, i bet they'll piss their pants!!"Said Naga

"Really?I'm not so sure about that.After all i'm still weak, even if it's naturally powerful, we can't be sure.I'm still going to believe you, but you better help me if things go wrong."Said Nero.

"Master, use it now.Use your Conqueror's Haki."


He used his Conqueror's Haki by sending a quick burst of power, that slightly cracked the Ship's deck.

"See?It's not really that powerful!"Said Nero as he walked to the Captain's room.

Naga shook her head and smirked.

'If Master knew how resistant this ship is, he wouldn't say that!'Thought the orc.

"Even I, am surprised by this, it's seriously so powerful that common sense can't be applied to it.Sadly, he can't use too much, or he will risk his soul being damaged."Said Naga as she turned her head towards the Caragor.


Hope youn enjoy it!!




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