

23 years after the death of Gol.D Roger,the pirate king, a major event happened.It wasn't anything special to the whole world, but it will later become known as 'The birth of God'.This day a 20 years old young man found a fruit.But not any fruit, he found the Kaze-Kaze no mi, the Wind Devil Fruit.

Nero was just a normal man, he lived a normal life in a small island located near Marineford.Of course due to how close it was to the Marine Headquarter, the island was always filled with Marines.Nero didn't cared about that, he was just a normal librarian.He knew many things about the world, but there was one thing he knew more than anyone.He knew how boring the world was.

When one looked at it, it was true in a sense.Since Gol.D Roger died, everyone talked about the Pirate Era, and how the One Piece would trigger a war that would embroil the whole world.

'They're are all so stupid to believe that.PFF!What war?'Thought Nero.

He was brushing his teeth when he thought of how the Marines liked to exaggerate things.He decided to cut his long pink hair a bit shorter, as they tended to fall on his eyes.After that he exited his little house and made his way to the library.On his way he came across a Marine that he recognized.

Monkey.D Garp 'The Hero of the Marines', walked towards him and smiled.

"Oh!Nero, seems like you still love to wake up early!Most of the villagers are still asleep, you don't really need to go to work now!"Said the old man.Nero rolled his eyes and snorted.

"Contrarily to some people i take my job seriously!"Said Nero as he glared at Garp.The hero of the Marines had always been fascinated by his pupil-less black eyes.Some said that it made him look like a demon, but Garp said that it made him unique, again it was true in a sense.

"AH!Your words hurt me so much Nero!"Said Garp in a mocking tone.

"Yeah, yeah.So....What are you doing here?Ain't you supposed to....You know, chase after your son?"Asked Nero, Garp winced at that.

"*Sigh*I should've acted before he became so stupid.Seriously, i can understand that he hates the government but he's just bringing chaos to the world.!"Garp thought that Nero would nod, but instead he merely shot a mocking glance to him.

"Maybe it's the right thing to do.Maybe chaos will bring peace after it ends.Who knows!The government says that Dragon is a criminal and a monster but...Between the Celestial dragons and the Rebellious Dragon, i'm really wondering who's the monster.The arrogant, selfish, cruel and powerful ones or the dangerous, rebellious,brave and somewhat naive one."Said Nero, he then continued towards the library, leaving a stunned Garp behind.

'This boy....I'm always feeling stupid in front of him.'Thought Garp.

As he walked, a frown appeared on Nero's face.He saw the Marines training and sparring, and it made him jealous.They were so passionate, so powerful.He was none of that, nothing brought enjoyment to his life.He became a librarian just to have money but...Wait, now that he thought about it money was something that made him happy.The more he had, the happier he was, but.....He never wanted to go too far in order to have more.He always told himself'Why?Money is good, but is it worth abandoning this life?Money will become boring eventually.'

'In the end, i'm weak but don't want to become stronger.I'm bored but i'm afraid that any attempts at liberating myself from this boredom, will eventually lead to even more boredom'

As he thought this, he drifted from his usual path.He walked until he reached a small cave.

'Huh?This cave wasn't there before.I already explored the entire island and i know that it wasn't there.'

His curiosity forced him to explore this cave.Maybe he would find something......

"A fruit?"Said Nero as he stumbled upon a small box that contained a fruit.The fruit appeared to be in the shape of a large purple apple, it had swirls on it that made it look like......


Now that was something interesting!

Nero looked at it and suddenly, he heard a voice.A feminine and sensual voice, that charmed him.

"Take it, eat it, use it, control it.You're destined to become something far greater than you think, with this fruit, the world will be yours.It seems weak, but it contain the power of the divine wind.Eat the fruit, my dear Nero~"Said the voice, Nero picked the fruit and brought it to his mouth.He tried to resist the voice, but his mind wanted it, his heart needed it.Most importantly his instinct told him something.

'This fruit is the key to enjoyment!It's the only way to get away from this life of boredom!'

He knew that it made no sense, but...Who cares!


He ate the fruit and was immediately dazed.


The Devil Fruits were rumoured to taste bad, but it was the most delicious thing he ever ate.For some reasons he felt attracted to the fruit, as if it was linked to him.The fruit wanted to be eaten and he wanted to eat it.The same voice appeared in his mind once again, this time it sounded incredibly pleased.

"You have no idea how much happiness it brings to me, knowing that you took your first step towards...Domination, power, destruction.HAHA!You'll become much more than him, YOU'LL BECOME A GOD!!NOW NERO!TAKE ANOTHER STEP TOWARDS YOUR FUTURE!!BECOME A PIRATE!!"

Nero lost consciouness at this moment, the voice laughed and kept telling him how amazing his life will become.

Unknown to him he was smiling.A bloody and crazed smile, that widened when the voice talked about epic battles and power beyond imagination.

Hope you enjoy it!

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