
Attack on the Marine Base

"Okay so here's the base.Naga you go place the bombs and i'll be waiting here."Said Nero.

"Oh~Don't worry master!!Naga is super stealthy, no one will see me!!"

Naga entered the base by the roof and started the place the bombs inside.Meanwhile Nero was waiting in front of the base, he was sitting against a wall, playing with his wind ablity.He was a bit shocked when Naga told him that it was actually a special fruit.According to her the Kaze Kaze no mi, was created in the sole purpose of being used by his ancestors, and again according to her there exist many other 'Divine' fruit in the world, each being used by powerful individuals linked to the Void Century.She told him that only those people could help him to remember his past, figthing would trigger his memory and show him who he really was.She also said that even though they had 'Divine' fruit, none were as powerful as the Kaze Kaze no mi.

As he continued to play with the wind, he saw that Naga was approaching him.


"YAY!"Said Naga excitedly, sometimes she seemed to love things like that a little too much.

Nero got up and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Guess it's time to go, but remember.Keep your calm, don't be too absorbed in the fight."Said Nero, Naga nodded and they both went to the gate.Nero put a message on the gate and walked in, unaware that a figure watched him from the shadows.

'So that's the guy who ate the Kaze Kaze no mi?He seems....Bored, meh!He may prove to be worthy, i need to test him a little.'Thought the figure, he/she reached for a Den Den Mushi and called someone.

"What is it?"Said a powerful and grumpy voice.

"Mah, mah.Don't be so angry Doffy!I just called you because i need you to do something.I want you to quit the Shichibukai, go to Dressrosa and stay there.Make your bounty higher and call me when a guy called the Wind Devil comes to you, but call me before talking to him."Said the figure in a serious tone, that let no place for negotiations.

"*Sigh*That's why i'm always angry when you call me.Okay, i'll do it, but you owe me a sword!I don't think i need to remind you that i do whatever you want only because it's you...."Said the man identified as Doffy but the call ended before he could say the name of the figure.

'How many times do i need to tell him, that no one shall hear my name.This guy's becoming more and more annoying!Atleast he may become a stepping stone for the new Divine Wind user, i'm wondering if he will start a war like the last one'Thought the figure, before disappearing in the shadows, leaving only a small tree branch behind.


"Well they reacted faster than i thought!"Said Naga, while Nero merely grinned and used his Wind Boots to charge at the ennemies.


Naga carelessly attacked the horde of Marines, slashing randomly at anyone who approached her.As she did that Nero used his Wind daggers to kill every Marines who were aiming cannons at them, he then rushed inside the building and searched for the alarm.He found it in a small room filled with Marines Officers.

"HEY YOU!!WHAT ARE YOU DOING HE-ARGHH!!"The man had no time to react, his arms were already sliced and he could only watch in pain, his fellow Marines Officers being slaughtered by Nero who blocked any sword or bullets with his Wind Shield.




All the Marines panicked and tried to leave the room, but were quickly disposed of by Nero.He walked to the last man who trembled and fell on the ground.

"P-PLEASE....I-I HAVE A FAMILY!!"Said the man.

".....Good for you, bad for them."Said Nero simply, with a swift movement he beheaded the man.After that he killed everyone inside the building and reached the roof, where officers were trying to shoot at Naga with cannons.

Nero decided to use a new techniques that he created recently.

"Kaze Kaze no: Wind Spear!"

A spear of wind appeared in his hands as he attacked the officers with it.With the spear he could attack from a distance, but also slash at several ennemies at the same time.He wielded the spear like a master and proceeded to a massacre, leaving no one alive.He then aimed the cannons at Naga and shouted.



He shot three cannonballs that hit the ennemies in front of Naga.She wiped the sweat on her forehead and continued to beat down the Marines, using only her fist and feets.It was something that she learned early in her life.

"Your fists are weapons, your feets are weapon.Your whole body is a weapon and contrarily to a weapon made of metals, it cannot break as long as you want to win.As long as you have the will to live, and beat your ennemy"Said Naga as she recalled her master words.She was about to kick a man in the face when he received a dagger in the neck.


She turned around and saw a young man, the same that Nero saw earlier.

"Help arrived guys!!"

'That's.....HOW THE FUCK IS HE HERE?!'

She wanted to shout at him but Nero appeared and grabbed her.


They both ran towards the ship as the young man watched, shocked.

"Wait, why are they-"


The entire base exploded, destroying a part of the city and burning the forest that was situated behind.The young man was stunned but he quickly followed after them.



Nero continued to run, ignoring the young man as he couldn't hear him, his voice being lower than the screams of the villagers.

They arrived a the ship and Nero concentrated the wind, in order to propulse the ship.He wanted to propulse it in the air so he needed to concentrate for a total of 5 minutes.



The ship flew in the air, shocking the man once more.Naga looked at him from the air and smiled.

She was sure that it was something,the young man would never forget.He would always remember the time, he saw a pink-haired man using the power of wind to propulse an incredibly huge ship.

'Goodbye, for now....Portgas.D Ace!'

Hope you enjoy it!!



REVIEW!!!(It would be great if the novel could have a rating soon)

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