
Offending The Noble!!


Frost looked at Redbull Briefly before turning away. He continued to wait, time passed and the place was starting to get packed. Frost looked around and saw some marines and even some noble, it was just as Elise had said. Frost already knew that there would be noble here before he came, the nobles had bodyguards around them who looked fierce and ready to kill at any moment.

The Auction was getting ready to start when a woman approached Frost's Table. He looked at her for a bit but before he could say anything she flashed a clear card at Frost. He didn't say anything, she then passed him a note and an earpiece and walked away without looking at him. The clear card represented his army so he grew silent as she stealthy put the note and earpiece on the table.

That woman was very smooth, I guess they're training the new recruit well at base, hehe." Frost whisper to himself.

Frost opened the note, the note was clearly from Elise. It said that the woman that she sent over was her subordinate and that she had more near the ship docking area. The earpiece she gave him was to communicate with him secretly without raising suspension. The subordinate didn't know who frost was, she thought that he was here to help Elise in some way. In fact, during the time that Frost was away, they recruited a lot of people, almost all of Grey terminal, before causing trouble in Goa.

Frost put the earpiece into his ear after reading the note. Cythina, seeing the silent event take place was surprised, just who was she doing? She just showed him a card and passed him and note with a strange black thingy! Cynthia always felt that she was in the dark when dealing with this guy. She had never even seen his face before, so he was still a mystery to her.

Frost: I see you're putting the Tech I gave you guys to good use, huh.

Elise: Well, this is a form of communication while talking, it is even better than the Den Den Mushi. I just thought it would be good to talk and communicate during this auction.

Frost: This makes sense, I am surprised that you even have subordinates." Frost did set a rule about subordinates. The rule was that you'd have to be a certain rank for that. Elise noticed what he was thinking and responded.

Elise: Oh, dear boss, I didn't want them as subordinates but they insisted on following me. I couldn't just leave them out to dry, now could I?

Frost: It all good. Does anyone else have subordinates?

Elise: Nope, Just me.

Just as they were talking a man walked onto the stage dressed in a black suit. He was tall and slim, he had a long and pointy nose with black hair. "Hello everyone, It's pretty obvious why everyone is here. You've come to buy some good slaves and special equipment rumored to be part of the treasure the pirate king Gol. D Roger left behind. We first will be selling some slaves from other races, the price will vary depending on the race. I hereby announce the start of this Auction!

Frost wanted to get up and leave, he was really bored of Auctions but when he heard about some treasure left behind by Roger, that thought left at a moments notice. The man in the suit snapped his finger and 5 slaves walked on stage. The slaves were very small in size, Frost recognized them with ease, they were clearly Dwarves. Frost's eyes turned into sparkle, they were simply too cute, he had to buy them no matter what. Frost had thoughts of free the dwarves from their torment under Doflamingo, but that was for another time.

As you can see, these are the dwarven race. We will be having special for this Auction, they will be sold together. The 3 Female and 2 male dwarves will be sold together, this is a deal in itself!" The tall slinky man yelled out, he did this to sell what he was saying, sort of like advertising. Most of the pirate found these dwarves to be useless and wouldn't participate in this first bidding. This wasn't the same for the nobles, even though the size of these dwarves were small the female dwarves could still perform some good "Service" in their minds.

SlenderMan: Alright, The starting price for the 5 of them will be, 120 million berries. Starting now!" Frost then spoke to Elise through the earpiece telling her to purchase these dwarves. Elise was a little surprised but complied. She had completely robbed the nobles during that time, she had billions of berries, this was not from just one noble family but from about 6 families. she pretty much had money to burn if you know what I mean.

The bidding battle started but didn't last long as Elise easily won the 5 dwarves over. The noble was upset but didn't care too much after thinking about it for a bit. The 5 dwarves were escorted to Elise's table that was far to the backside, it was pretty much near the door area. She ended up paying 305 million berries for these dwarves.

Frost knew that once she confirmed that her sister was here she would try to get her. "The next are mermen, they're beauties that would make your fantasies come true in the bedroom, hehe ya get me "Wink Wink"." The room was deadly silently, you could even hear a pin drop if it were to happen. "Oh, uh, just me, just me. Okay, bring them out!" The slender man clapped his hands and 3 beauties were pushed out, they were inside a decent sized fish tank. One had Green hair, one had Black Hair, and the last had Orange hair.

Frost decided that he would buy these women. The reason was quite simple. Frost planned to make Fishman Island his territory in the future, so why not set a good image for himself now? The nobles and pirates upon seeing these 3 beauties smile lecherously. Elise looked around and saw their expression and her face turned cold under her hood. She'd seen this scene way too many times, honestly, no one here was any good. She already set her goal to kill everyone here, she hated being like this but it seemed this was the only way.

Alright, we will Auction these girls then we will go to some Item left behind by him! Then after that we will Auction some really special slaves, yes, that is right, some fallen noble and 1 royal family members, hehe!" There wasn't much being Auction here, but Auctioning a Fallen royal member and some nobles were enough to grab their attention

Alright, the starting price for these 3 girls will be 200 million berries! The bidding starts now!

210 million berries!"

230 million berries!

270 million berries!

290 million berries!

320 million berries!

350 million berries!

Who!?" A noble was starting to get annoyed, he looked over only to see Frost bidding like it was nothing. Honestly, Frost planned to rob this auction. Elise already told him that she planned to kill everyone here. The noble was, in fact, someone who was backing the Red bull pirates. This allowed them to do things more freely in this area or just in general.

Little Pirate! I suggest you let Sir Nobleman Regal have these beauties!" Captain Redbull who was sitting quietly spoke up. He glared at Frost with killing intent, with the fact that this was a pirate territory, he wouldn't hesitate to attack.

If sir whatever the hell his name is can't afford to pay, then take a hike!" Frost said in an Arrogant voice, he wasn't nice to people who threatened him in the least.

YOU DARE!? Are you asking to die you, little ninja!?" The Red bull captain raged, how dare this shitty nobody talk to the great Red bull captain like that! Redbull saw that Frost wasn't even looking at him, he saw frost doing a gag as if he was picking his ears, this almost made him faint from anger, just as Redbull was about to attack he was stopped by the noble.

Redbull, there isn't any need to worry." Regal then looked at Frost coldly and continued. "Pirate, what is your name? Do you dare to speak your name out right now!?" Regal glared fiercely at Frost, the Marines seemed to be ready to attack at any moment.

Bro noble dude! Can't you stop yelling, I can see the green fumes coming out of your mouth, go brush your teeth, jeez!" Frost taunted, from what he could see, everyone here was dead. According to Elise, God bless had already surrounded this island. Let's just say that the weapons they were packing were no joke and could annihilate a ship with ease. They even had a special device that would disable Den Den Mushi so no help was coming!

AUDACIOUS!! DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH NINJA!?" Regal felt some blood in his throat threatening to come out. He immediately calmed down or he might actually cough up blood. He couldn't believe that a normal pirate would actually talk to him like that. "Just you wait, little ninja, wannabe!" Regal said no more after that and turned away but Redbull was still glaring daggers at Frost.

Big bull, I am sorry but I like women, so I can't accept your proposal. They call you Red bull right? I think there is a couple of animals you can mingle with out in the wild somewhere since you're into that type of thing." Frost smiled and said

RedBull face turned green from anger, it was like he'd eaten grass for the past 10 years with a side of wheatgrass to accompany it." YOU!" Just as he wanted to say something regal spoke up. " Ignore him, after the Auction, he will get what is coming to him!" regal threatened and Redbull calmed down knowing that Frost was a dead man.

Uh, Okay, is anyone going to bid higher than 350 million berries?" The slender man was sweating, he was scared to offend this noble so he waited after the confrontation.

Regal: No, Just let the bastard have them! Hmph, we'll see how long he can keep them!"

Sold to the man in the ninja get up!" The 3 slaves were sold to frost, but he merely had them pushed and kept off to the side. Their eyes were filled with fear, one moment they were heading home and the next they were caught by some pirates, how could this happen!?

Frost didn't bother to explain, he was simply too lazy. He was just here to kill Redbull to complete his mission and get those rewards, and on top of that, some berries.

Alright, for our next item. Bring it out!" The slender man yelled again and a man came out holding a box. The man sat the box on the Auction table and left the stage in a hurry. The slender man walked up to the box and opened it to reveal the item inside.

The item was a black orb, this grabbed everyone attention. The slender man scanned the area and began to explain.

Slender dude: This item is quite special, this item allows you to spy on anyone who is approximately 100 miles away from you. This is truly a treasure, the only thing is... you have to know their full name or it won't work." The whole Auction hall went into an uproar, this item was next level, wasn't it!?

Since today is a special occasion it will start at the price of 300 million berries! The bidding starts now!" Frost immediately told Elise to purchase this item, she was pretty rich right now compared to him. She nodded in agreement, this item was too good to pass up.

320 Million Berries!!"

360 Million Berries!!"

390 Million Berries!!"

420 Million Berries!!"

460 Million Berries!!"

500 Million Berries!!"

540 Million Berries!!"

600 Million Berries!!"

800 Million Berries!!"

950 Million Berries!!"

Damnit!?" Some other noble lost his cool, his budget was 1 billion berries. He didn't want to spend any more than that. He may be a noble but money wasn't something that grew on trees.

Little lady, how about you give me face and let me have this item, what do you say?" The noble tried to sound nice but under his interior, he was impatient and actually threatening her.

If you don't have the money then to bad for you. Continue the Auction Mr. Auctioning guy!" The noble face turned red with rage and gave a cold hmph before sitting back down. Elise won the item a gave frost a thumbs up! The item was delivered to Elise and she put it into her Storage ring.

Slender dude: Okay, we only have 3 special items that Gol D Roger left behind outside of leaving them on the island Raftel. One was just sold, so we only have 2 left, we will Auction one more then we will Auction some good slaves off, hehe! Bring in the other item!

The same man raced onto the stage with another box, this box was smaller in size though. The man immediately left the stage in a hurry again while sweating bullets. The slender man did the same thing and walked up to it, slowly opening it.

The box revealed a circle object that was black and had golden symbols on it, it looked like a Relic of some sort. "This item is teleportation key, it can teleport you to any given coordinates. The only problem is it requires a 24 hours cooldown, be careful though. If it is damaged or hit the wrong way it could teleport you to a random location." Slenderman warned

Slender dude: The starting price will be 150 million for this one, because of our special occasion, hehe! The Bidding may begin now!

To be continued...

Author Note: The next chapter is going to get crazy! I've set a stage for something I've been trying to do for a minute.

Be sure to check out my Page.

I am writing another novel based on fantasy.

It is Called The Dimensional Sovereign, be sure to check it out if your into that type of thing. It has system as well!

Enjoy the Chapter Guys :D

ChampionOfEternitycreators' thoughts