
First Target!!


Frost, seeing that these pirates had attempted to kill him made him a little upset. Frost coated his leg with armament Haki and use Soru, he appeared to the side of the pirate, much to there surprise. He then kicked the pirate in the leg which completely shattered his bones.

AHHH!" The pirate screamed and fell to the floor, frost then through a pill to the bartender and told him to eat it. "My leg!! My leg!! I think my leg is broken! I want him dead!! Kill him, shoot him!! Stab him!! Just make sure he dies." The Overbleed pirate yelled hysterically, everyone then pulled out their pistols ready to fire. Frost had seen the scene far too many times, it was starting to get old. Frost didn't bother to sit there to let himself get shot to let them know how useless it was.

You guys barked up the wrong tree today. This is an unfortunate encounter that you will regret for the rest of your life." Frost knew that these idiots probably did this every place they went, acting like they owned the place. Frost then used Conquer Haki on everyone in the bar knocking them out. While everyone was knocked out, he broke all of their legs and left but not without paying the bill. Although the old man was knocked out he had already consumed the pill so he should heal really soon.

"Alright, I better head back to the ship. I think my first target will be the Redbull pirates, they have a pretty high bounty. The captain is even rumored to be able to change into a red bull, this means he must have a Devil fruit ability." This would be the first time Frost would actually take on someone with a devil fruit ability. He wanted to get used to this because he knew he would run into Devil Fruit user allot in the new world. Frost check the OverBleed pirate captain bounty and it a was a puny 4 million berries, he didn't feel like wasting his time so he just broke their legs.

Frost was walking towards his ship when he saw someone scoping out his ship. It was a group of people, apparently, the people around could recognize what kind of wood the ship was made of. The people were shocked to see the Adams wood, and a lot of it at that, people started to chat about it. "How is this possible!? Isn't this the legendary Adams wood!?" "There is someone on board the ship but they won't come out, this is understandable." Everyone was shocked to see such rare wood, this was the east blue so how could such wood appear so easily. Just as everyone was discussing, a guy walked over.

This ship will belong to me, the captain of the slaughter pirates." A man with a huge brown beard and one eye declared. This ship didn't have a pirate jolly roger or a marines symbol, in fact, it didn't even a flag so what could the owner do if he wanted to take it away.

"Board the ship and kill whoever is on it. This ship will be our new one, the other will be our secondary for recruiting more men." Captain slaughter was talking like this ship was already his, who would dare defy him!? Just as he was enjoying the moment of this seamlessly new owned ship, a voice came upon everyone in the area.

Aye, you shitty clown, get the hell away from my ship!" Frost was furious, who the hell did he think he was to try an steal his ship, like fuck off dude!

Who dares to call me a clown and shitty!? Little man! What the hell are you? Are you a damn ninja wannabe!? I'll send you back to the shadows!" Right when he finished a shadow descended upon him, it was frost who planted a kick on Slaughter's chest. The sound of bones could be heard cracking which made people in the area almost vomit. Captain slaughter was kicked flying upside down in the air and right into the sea, it was no telling if he was alive or dead.

How Dare you kick our captain, die for me!!" Captain slaughter crew was shocked to see the turn of events but could this guy beat them with their high numbers, no way right? The slaughter crew couldn't be any wrong, frost had disappeared from where he stood leaving them at a loss, did this guy run away? "Rankyaku" Frost said casually as he kicked out, he had viewed these pirate as nothing more than clowns, so why would he waste his time killing them. The Rankyaku hit all the pirates that were gathered and sent them flying, frost could have made it deadly sharp which would have chopped them up, but didn't do so. The pirate flew in all directions, well at least they had one thing in common, they all fell into the sea.

What a waste of time. Time to go hunting for well worth pirates, I hope." Frost boarded the ship with ease and saw Cynthia with a gun in her hand, it was clear she knew what was going on. "Haha, relax its just me. Let's get out of here, we're going to hunt our first pirate group." Frost said to Cynthia who had a serious face on.

Ah! I didn't see you! When did you get there!?" She jumped when she heard Frost from behind her, she was defending the ship from any invader if there were any to come. "I just got here. I see that you're defending the ship well even though you're just a scary cat." Frost teased seeing her carry a gun while shaking, it looked quite comical from Frost point of view. "This..I wasn't scared. I w..wo..would have fought the d..death." Cynthia put her head down after making such a bold statement due to her shyness.

Yeah, sure, Well let head to the Island of Rare Animals. This place is where the Redbull pirates are, at least that's where they were last spotted. They usually make transactions with other pirates and maybe some with corrupted marines." Frost was given this information at the marine base, Except for the corrupted marine part obviously. Since he knew so much about this particular group he decided that these guys would be his first targets, well, technically second targets.

Okay, you said you had wanted posters, right? Can I see the poster of the guy we are hunting?" Cynthia asked as she drifted the ship out of the docking area. "Sure, the guy has the ability to transform into a bull, so he would be quite the opponent for regular people." Frost handed the poster over to Cynthia, she looked at it and was a little scared. The guy had a scared face with huge sausage lips. He had messy red hair with a face that looked like it was sucked dry. A man that could turn into a bull!? Impossible! Cynthia immediately kicked this thought out of her head, it was simply too unbelievable.

We're going to be fighting such a scary guy? I wish I was strong, so I could beat all those bad pirates up." Cynthia frowned looking at the picture, these guys looked how they were like, it was just too nasty for her to take.

Cynthia, I am going to tell you something right now. I am a pirate who is undercover as a Pirate hunter so not all of us are corrupted." Frost didn't really care if he revealed himself to Cynthia since she was basically his crew member, he felt.

What!? You're a pirate!? I thought you said you were a pirate hunter." Cynthia was shocked, did she get tricked into a trap!? "Haha, I am a decent guy who kills bad pirates and corrupted marines, it's good you've joined me. After I am done training by hunting pirates, I will start my pirate group, of course, you'll be apart of it, hehe." Frost stared at Cynthia, he then looked at her chest saying and continued.

You are only 14, how in the world is your chest so freaking huge, like damn!" Frost started to tease the dumbfound Cynthia. Cynthia blushed hard and ran away to the room area and into her room. The girl was too young and shy to talk about such a thing, her chest was going on a D cup, it just didn't make sense to Frost, so he had to tease.

I guess that was a little too personal but seriously they're huge for her height and age. I guess I better wait until she gets over her embarrassment for the ship to advance." Frost thought for a moment and continued "Hmm, actually I don't have time for that, I need her to guide me now." Frost was complete shit at navigation and worried about how he would travel without Nami. He had come across this girl who had so many Life skills, he couldn't help but feel that fortune had shined on him. Frost then went to her room door to knock, hoping she'd come out.

Cynthia, I'm sorry about what I said, I really meant to say..."Frost stopped to think for a second, then continued. " I wanted to say you're amazing and I need you so please come help me steer the ship, I need you." As frost said this he heard a crash sound, it sounded like someone trip or something. He then heard footsteps running toward the door, the door quickly opened, revealing Cynthia.

D..Do you really mean that?" Cynthia's eyes bulge hearing what frost said and asked again to ensure she wasn't hearing things. Cynthia had always been called a useless nerd who didn't know the meaning of fun. All she did was study with her dad in many fields and never played with the other kid as they had rejected her.

Yes, I mean it. I was wondering, once I start up my crew will you join it, hehe." Frost grew a little bold and asked her, he knew she didn't like pirates, so he never asked before. Frost felt that at this moment, this was the best time.

I..I will join, then we can beat all the bad people who do evil things." Cynthia agreed which made frost jumped with joy in his mind, of course, he stayed composed on the surface. "I am very weak, so all I can do is be a mechanic or a navigator at best." Cynthia lowered her head, she felt good that she was apart of something. She didn't know what her life would be like if Frost didn't show up at that time.

Cynthia, You're actually really talented. Do you wish to become stronger than what you are now? If so, then I can easily help you with that." Frost gave Cynthia a knowing smile.

I want to become stronger and be of some use here other than just fixing things all the time. In the long run, I would probably get in the way or be used as a hostage or something." Cynthia wasn't stupid, she knew she would probably get caught without a decent amount of strength.

Good, You are now apart of the Yin Yang Pirates. The crew hasn't been officially made but once 10 months have passed, it will become a thing. We will adventure across many lands and places that people would never be able to go to in their lifetime, so be ready." Frost said, this cause Cynthia eyes to glow hearing such a thing was going to happen.

Alright, I going to explain quite a lot of things to you so take a seat and listen." Frost then started to tell her about Devil fruits and their classes. He told her about martial arts, the martial he talked about was Rokushiki, these martial arts were taught to the Marines, mainly cp9. The shock on Cynthia's face was too funny to behold, it looked like you could fit an egg in her mouth. Her eyes looked like they were about pop out and it seemed that if you gave her a tab on the back of the head they would surely pop out.

Such magical fruits exist, Where can we find them?" Cynthia seemed to have forgotten about the martial arts and was more concerned about the Devil Fruits. Martial arts were obvious to all, but fruits that granted people special powers were simply too amazing.

If you were to have a devil fruit ability, could describe what it would be like." Frost asked he wanted to see what kind of ability she would opt for.

I would choose an ability that grants me flight, I would be able to control wind and lightning." Cynthia imagination went wild thinking about what type of power she wanted.

Goodness, You're quite the greedy one arent you. Take this Devil fruit, it suits your taste perfectly. This fruit will grant you all the abilities you named and more." Frost took out a Devil Fruit that was white with yellow and green swirls on it, he then gave it to Cynthia. She couldn't believe it, she had never seen a fruit that was so beautiful before. "Oh, the Fruit taste terrib.." Frost didn't get the finish when she took a bite of the fruit.

Blarrg!!" Cynthia threw up the fruit right away but still ended up swallowing a good amount successfully. The path to power for her has only just begun.

Author Note: There might be a few errors in this chapter. O_O