
Corrupted Guards!!


Frost rushed through the forest, everything inside the forest was the same as it was before. If anyone was to look at this Island, they could never guess that a secret base was beneath it. Frost Advanced to the secret entrance to the base, he then scanned his card to let the guards and desk person know that he wasn't hostile. This is just a standard processor Frost set up when he made this base.

Frost descended the elevator and walked in. There was a woman at the front desk looking through some files and bounties. Frost would surely remember if he ever recruited such a woman. Frost didn't bother to look much and walked past her. Just when he did that the woman called out to him.

"Hey, young lad, are you new around here? If you are, let this big sister help show you around." The woman had long brown hair, though her chest wasn't big her curves were still pretty good. She had a nice butt along with a beautiful face. Frost wanted to explain to her that he was actually the leader here but she would probably not believe such a thing.

"Ah, yes, show me around. I just came from a long journey. I wanted to go to the lower floor to check things out." Frost didn't bother to explain. He could tell she was hard working and wanted to really help him.

"The Lower floor? Only the higher ranked people are allowed on that floor. All of them are having a meeting now, so its best not to disturb them. Ah, My idol Athena is powerful and amazing, AH!" The woman's eyes sparkled talking about Athena. She appeared to hold Athena in the highest regard. Black Line formed on Frost's head wasn't she a little to star struck?

"A meeting? What could the meeting be about?" Frost asked unconsciously

"Little recruit, you shouldn't talk about these things. But since you're new and don't understand what's going on, I can tell you a few things." The woman got closer and whispered to Frost as she continued. "I heard that there is Some Organization that wants to ally with us, they call themselves The Reclaimers. I don't know all the details but I heard they approached Elise when she was out, it was 2 months after the destruction of that animal Island about 9 months ago." The woman explained

"Ally? With an Organization called The reclaimers?" Frost was at a loss, this never happened in the original series, could he have changed something in the story due to his presence? The woman nodded to what frost said and looked at him thoughtfully. She only told frost this to gain his favor, she thought he looked really handsome and different from any guy she has seen before.

"I will go greet them, I will head to the lower floor, do you wish to join me?" Frost asked nonchalantly. He wasn't worried, though he knew that no one would recognize him because he always wore a helmet or mask to cover his face, they would recognize him soon enough.

"No, I can't go! That is a huge no-no! The Elevators to the lower floors are guarded anyway, on top of that you'll need a special card to descend downward." The woman said in horror, was this guy crazy talking about going to the lower levels!?

"Hmm, I see. I happen to have a card that could take both of us down to the lower levels." Frost said with a smile, then he continued. "How can one be eligible to descent to the lower levels anyway, other than those high-ranked dudes?" Frost asked

"What!? what did you say? I am hearing things right now, can you repeat that?" The woman was shocked, did he say he had a card to the lower levels!?

"It is as you heard. I happen to find this card in the trash, someone must have hated going to the lower floors." Frost said with an innocent face. He was trying his hardest to not laugh looking at her dumbfounded expression.

"You found it in the trash!" The woman looked at Frost like she was looking at some clown.

'Found it in the trash! Like hell you found it in the trash. You shameless liar, stop trying to look innocent with those eyes!' The woman almost punch frost in the face, he was clearly lying, to top it off, he had an innocent smile with bulged eyes to sell his lie even further.

"Well then, Let's go. Oh, By the way, what is your name?" Frost asked

"My name is Caitlyn and I've been in GodBless for 8 months." Caitlyn said while holding her head high in pride. "I know just about everyone around here and was given this minor managing job by Mason. I was recruited by the great and beautiful Athena who saved me, she is so amazing! Ah!" More sparkles popped up in her eyes again, this caused frost's mouth to twitch.

"Alright Caitlyn, let's go to the lower floors, have one of your friends work the front desk while you're gone." Frost stated as he moved forward, Caitlyn was reluctant but complied. She called one of her girlfriends to work the desk until she returned.

Frost had Caitlyn lead the way although he already knew the way. He liked playing with people and seeing their reactions, so why not play along? They approached the Elevator, there were people around the elevator talking with smiles on their faces. Frost could hear the conversation clearly, they were talking about his higher-up's people. They were mainly talking about baron, apparently, Baron is one of the most famous amongst his people.

Frost walked pass them and boarded the elevator with Caitlyn. "Hmph, idiots who are blind! Can't they see that Athena is the coolest person ever, what baron!?" Caitlyn said boldly when she entered the elevator

"My gosh, do you have a poster of her in your room or something? You're a die-hard fangirl!" Frost said somewhat disdainfully. This woman could only be described as a fangirl who'd scream when she saw her idol. Frost felt somewhat regretful bringing her along, now that he thought about it.

Caitlyn was shocked, how did he know I had tons of posters of her in my room and even all over my wall!? Frost could vaguely understand what she was thinking and almost fainted when he understood.

You actually have tons of posters of her, dont you!? Frost had to look away or he would burst into laughter if he looked into her eyes. Frost scanned his card over the special card reading device. It took them 2 minutes to descend to the lowest floor.

"You still never answer my question from earlier, who are the people other than those higher rankers allowed on this floor?" Frost asked as they got off the elevator

"Ah, sorry about that. The people that are allowed to come down here are usually their subordinates. Someone like me isn't allowed to step foot down here." Caitlyn was now starting to get nervous, she might get punished if she was found down here!

"Don't worry, I guarantee nothing will happen to you." Frost assured her. She could see the seriousness in his eyes but was still worried. Both of them walked off the elevator and were stopped by Two guards who didn't recognize them. He had seen Caitlyn before but he had never seen Frost in his life, one must know he has been working here for 9 months!

There were approximately 10 levels to this base, the floors were extremely huge. They could accommodate a lot of people. There was one floor that everyone except the higher ranked people wasn't allowed to go on, and that was the 10th Level. This was because there was a huge safe on the floor, Weapon of mass destruction could be found in them and sometime they would be on display, rather them in a safe. There were several other reasons but that reason was one of them and one of the main ones to top it off.

"Hold it right there you 2! Who gave you the authority to step down here!? Do you 2 want to be punished!?" The man said with a fierce face. During his course of being with GodBless, he had grown far too arrogant and was bossy all the time. He looked at the 2 with contempt, his buddy was no different, it was obvious that they've been doing this for a while now!

"I have a Special Elevator key that allows me to come down here. I need you to guide me to the meeting room down here, asap!" Frost said loud and clear, he wasn't worried about these clown bodyguards. He would deal with them later once he spoke to his people about the kind of attitude they have grown to have.

"Boy! Are you nuts!? You are not qualified to speak to the higher-ups!" The man said angrily. Frost then made his move, he flashed before them and kneed one of the guards in the stomach, knocking him out.

"What are you doing!? How dare you attack the guards of the lower Levels!? Die you little bast.." Before he could finish what he wanted to say, he was slapped in the face.

"PAAA" A loud slapping sound echoed through the halls. "Who recruited you?" "Pa" Right after he asked the question he slapped the man again. Caitlyn was shocked, did he lose his mind!? How is he so strong anyway?

The man spat out blood that was accompanied by some teeth, the man looked at Frost in fear. "I was just recruited with a batch of people, I wasn't specifically chosen by anyone. I only landed this job because I was with Jayce when he was attacking Marines in the West blue." The man said as he really couldn't wait to put this guy in his place, How dare he slap me!?

Frost: Guide me to the meeting room or I'll slap you to death!

The man was angry but did so anyway. Frost couldn't help but think, how could such arrogant people form in his Organization. Frost then thought that no one was perfect and some bad apples will sometimes arise amongst the group of people recruited.

The man led Frost and Caitlyn through a hall with paintings on each side of the wall and a very beautiful red carpet. As they were walking they came across a group of women, Frost easily recognized them. These were the women that were with Elise on that day, he even saw the woman who gave him the earpiece that time.

"You! Hold it right there. No one should be in this area and what happened to your face?" The woman questioned, the guard face was swollen and he had sausage lips from being slapped hard. The man's face changed to a happy expression like he was finally saved.

"Help me! Help me! This man is crazy, he beat me up and forced me to take him here, I think we should break his legs and throw him to the dogs. We can also do the same to his companion who went along with it!" The man said quickly, he really wanted to get revenge on the both of them, definitely Frost who beat his face blue.

The woman looked at frost, she felt like she recognized him from somewhere but couldn't put her finger on it. The woman didn't know who he was because Frost was wearing a Ninja get-up at that time. She wouldn't know who he was anyway because she had never seen or met him before he left Mirage Island, she was recruited later after he left.

The woman: Young sir, did you beat him to such an extent?

Frost: I sure did, he wouldn't show me to the meeting room and even caused trouble, so I beat him.

The woman: You do know that fight amongst each other isn't permitted unless it is a spar. If this is not the case, then it punishable.

Frost didn't waste his time anymore. "I am the leader of GodBless, now show me to the room. I need to understand what is going on before I leave again." Frost said lazily

"The leader of GodBless? You? What a joke, miss Lara, please enact justice!" The Man said viciously, he couldn't help but think Frost had lost his mind with such a bullshit lie. He was certain that he could get this guy punished really badly or even better, Killed!

The woman face turned dark. This guy just said he was the leader of GodBless, she herself had never met him before. How dare some new recruit state that he was the leader of the Organization she respected and was recruited to by her master Elise! The man noticed Lara dark expression upon hearing what Frost said and was overjoyed.

"See, I told you! He is some spy from the Organization that has been troubling us! We should kill him now!" The man face displayed joy, he couldn't wait to see Frost dead. He wouldn't allow Caitlyn to die, he would play her to death. Though she had a small chest, she had a nice figure and a nice ass worthy of playing with. He drooled at the thought and stared at her, he couldn't wait to later to have his Fun-Fun time with that ass.

Frost didn't notice The man lecherous gaze towards Caitlyn but Caitlyn herself did. She felt chills when she saw him looking at her like that, she knew what type of person he was. Caitlyn had heard rumors about some corrupted Guards in the lower floors who would abuse their power and do obscene things to women here through blackmail. If Frost knew his Organization was getting corrupted by such people he would rage and kill them all on the spot. To join the organization you would need to be loyal in heart towards it, so not just anyone could join.

This didn't include people who grew corrupted over time and acted like a tyrant toward people in the organization as they were 2 different things altogether. Once Frost Checked the base files and information on everything since he could monitor and see everything once he checked it. As stated earlier, he could see people achievements and wrong doings. So once he checked it, he would know everything. This came with the base creation set up as stated earlier, this was exclusive only to him, of course. He could also change the rules set to join his organization to prevent more corrupted fools forming in his group. After all, he was still new to this organization creation thing.

"Sir, Why are you talking nonsense!? Do you want to be punished? The Organization doesn't punish people often and is quite laid back in that department. But for you to say something so ridiculous is slander in itself!" Lara was angry, the organization never punished people and let people do what they wanted freely but this was pure slander to her, this guy must be punished! The man wanted to dance with joy but held back, he'll just dance on Caitlyn's ass later.

"Lady! I am warning you! You better think carefully about what you're doing." Frost said, then he thought for a moment. He pulled out his card and tossed it to the woman. The other women behind her just silently watched, although their eyes expressed anger as well, they didn't say anything this whole time. Lara caught the card and looked at it, it was a card that changed in color every second, it was like the rainbow card but always changed color instead. This was yet again another exclusive item to Frost.

The woman had never seen a card like this before, the symbol alone was enough to prove that he was in GodBless. The Symbol was a shield with two swords going across it, the shield also had 2 white wings on each side of it. She was speechless, but then she thought, could the card be a fake?

"That card is a fake, there is no such card that changes in color like that. The man is clearly using forgery, we have to kill him now miss Lara." The man said urgently

Lara nodded and deemed the card fake but she didn't want to kill him, she wanted to capture him and get answers out of him. "Capture him and bring him in for questioning, we'll see what his real purpose is!" Lara said in a commanding tone. She had a devil fruit ability to top it off. The man smiled victoriously, just when the women behind Lara were going to attack frost who'd been standing there without saying anything, a voice resounded the area.

"You Dare attack the leader of GodBless! Do you want to be punished with death!?" The voice was filled with rage like no other. As a person appeared from who knows where. This was Mason, whose face was distorted from anger.

To be continued......