
Announcement (Please read to the end)

Hello everyone, thank you for reading this announcement. As an author as well as a reader I have come face to face with a very problematic thing. I have mulled it over, going back and forth between myself and whether I should do it or not but I have finally come to a conclusion. As a writer, I am quitting Webnovel. It is honestly not an easy decision for me, Webnovel has been with me from the start and I feel attached to it. But I have grown tired of its system and the fact that it only has Chinese novels. It's constant updates which make the app worse and worse, it's money-grubbing policy, it's poor selection of novels (they literately have only Chinese novels) and it's bad UI is something I just don't want to deal with. So I will be transferring over to RoyalRoad, all of my fanfictions will also come along with me, everything will be named the same and I have the same username over there. If you want to continue reading my novels then come over to RoyalRoad. You might see me as a reader pop up here and there on Webnovel, but that's because some of the best fanfictions are here. Thank you all for reading this to the end and I hope that you have a wonderful day.