
One piece Fan Fiction: Renji

An alternate universe where future Fleet Admiral Sengoku has a grandson. There may be huge deviations from the main story as luffy isn't the main character anymore.

Daoist_Exp_Gain · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs


Garp and Sengoku took a ship heading back to Marineford.

Sengoku carried his grandson and stood on the deck, while Garp sat on the side with his arms crossed. Renji's eyes gleamed at the sight of the clouds and the vast blue sea while traversing back below from the sky, you can notice his smile while the wind blew on his face. Sengoku smiled at the sight of his grandson.

" That boy seems smart for his age, you can see his eyes spark with intelligence at the sights. I guess we got a little genius in our hands! Hahahaha!" Garp said while laughing.

"Yes he's going to be the best marine! So you better not corrupt him Garp!" Sengoku says while glaring at Garp sharply.

"What do you mean?! I'm quite possibly the best role model for that runt!" Garp said with a smirk.

"Yeah you did a good job raising your son!" Sengoku said with a sarcastic tone.

"What?! He chose that path on his own! I have no role in that." Garp said with an annoyed tone.

"Alright alright, when we return I'm gonna introduce my grandson to Tsuru, she might be able to teach him some things." Sengoku said with a smile.

"Oh right, the kid does need a mother figure. She'll fit right in perfectly." Garp said with a cheeky smile.

"Yes, being around her will at least expose him to women." Sengoku says with satisfied tone.

"I still don't understand why her unit is only composed of women. Like what's her problem with men?" Garp says while picking his nose.

"I don't know, let's just leave her be. Her unit is quite efficient anyway. Besides this is Tsuru we're talking about." Sengoku says while smirking.

"Yeah yeah." Garp responded while flicking his booger across the ship.

Renji finally got bored and hungry so he cried, his stomach growling.

"Oh it seems like he's hungry. We'll go inside for a while, this boy needs to Drink milk and rest." Sengoku said while walking towards the cabin.

"Alright, I'll be staying here for a while." Gap said cheekily.


Hours later...

They arrived near Marineford and is preparing to dock and go to the HQ. Renji was amazed by the sights he saw although he doesn't understand what they were, the sight of enormous buildings amazed him greatly. Sengoku smiled at the sight of his grandson's amazement. He was rather proud of being a Marine, so seeing his grandson like this pleased him greatly.

"Look right there Renji! You see that big window near the top?! That's Grandpa's office! I'll take you there later!" Sengoku said proudly while pointing at his office.

Renji smiled and giggled while watching his grandfather's antics.

"Look at you! We just arrived and you're already bragging to your grandson huh?!" Garp said with a cheeky grin.

"Hahahaha! I can't help it, it's not everyday that you get a sensible grandson!" Sengoku said while grinning proudly.

"I guess you're right! At least you won't be that boring old man that broods a lot anymore!" Garp said with a teasing tone.

"With a cute grandchild like this who wouldn't be happy? Sengoku said while laughing.

"I wonder when Dragon will get me a grandchild as well.." Garp said while slightly pondering.

"That rebel son of yours still contacts you right? Why don't you ask him later?" Sengoku said with a smile.

"Yeah he doesn't send a letter much, because his letters have to be damn screened before they show it to me. Ohh why did he become so damn rebelious!" Garp said with annoyance.

"Hahahaha! Enough about Dragon! Let's go in! Renji, I'll introduce you to your Uncle Rosinante later! I'm sure he'll like you too" Sengoku said happily. In which Renji replied with a smile and cute baby sounds.

The trio went in the headquarters and walked towards Sengoku's office on the higher floors.


When they arrived at the office Sengoku put Renji down on the couch.

"Hmmm.. It seems you need to buy some baby stuff huh?" Garp said with a grin.

"Yeah, my office isn't really fit for babies." Sengoku said with a smile.

"You should add more colors, look the boy isn't even slightly interested." Garp said teasingly while pointing at Renji who was sitting with a poker face.

"Yes my office does seem like a gloomy dark place. I'll have things fixed tomorrow." Sengoku said while pondering.

"Good, that would at least make that other kid happy as well! I guess you'll be raising to boys now eyy?" Garp said with a cheeky grin.

"Oh right I wonder where that brat is right now?" Sengoku said while smiling.

While they were talking the door suddenly opened and in came a boy with blonde hair covering his eyes, It was the boy they were talking about, Rosinante(Future Corazon).

"Oh you're here! Come! Come meet my grandson, Renji!" Sengoku said enthusiastically.

"Wow he has beautiful silver hair! he's so cute!" exclaimed Rosinante while his eyes gleamed.

Sengoku picked the boy up from the couch and kneeled in front of Rosinante.

"Here Renji, he's your Umm- Uncle. Right your Uncle, Rosinante!" Sengoku exclaimed happily.

"Hi Renji! Nice to meet you! wait.. Can he even understand me?" Rosinante said while scratching his head.

"Of course! My grandson is smart for his age. He might even be a genius!" Sengoku exclaimed proudly.

"Hmpp bragging again?" Garp comments with a smirk.

"But it's true! I'm really sure of it! He's gonna be a fine admiral someday, Just like me!" Sengoku said while grinning proudly.

While they were talking Renji was examining Rosinante with a confused look. Rosinante noticed this and smiled cheekily. At first Renji was nearly going to cry, but Rosinante hurriedly grabbed hold of his little hands and made faces to cheer him up. This action made Renji happy and he giggled, he suddenly tried to reach for Rosinante so Sengoku gave Renji to him to carry. Rosinante carried him at the side to where he hid some of his toys. He showed it to Renji in which the little boy took interest and looked at them curiously.

"Oh it seems he warmed up to him already! Hahahaha!" Sengoku laughed happily and turned to Garp who was also watching both of them play.