
Chapter 99 Tieshou And The User Of The Healing Fruit.

"String-String Fruit control?"

Nami asked in confusion. "Doflamingo's String-String Fruit can control people with strings, just like a puppet." "Moreover, the controlled person still has a clear consciousness." "Doflamingo likes this feeling of manipulating people." "He likes to manipulate people to kill their subordinates, companions, relatives and friends, etc. "

Roh, who was more familiar with Doflamingo, explained.

"That's right, my father killed the civilians and subordinates he wanted to protect when he was conscious!"

Violet still remembers it.

How her father killed those people with a painful look on his face.

"Is that so? It's really bad!"

Nami glanced at Doflamingo with disgust and said.

How painful it must be to kill your companions and relatives while conscious.

The cruelty and viciousness of Arlong's group seemed very kind compared to Doflamingo.

Put yourself in their shoes.

If she had been controlled by Doflamingo to kill Bell-mère, she would have committed suicide long ago.

"So do you know what these toys are like?"

Roh relaxed his guard and put Ghost Cry on his shoulder again.

"It's the Devil Fruit ability of Sugar."

"These people were all human beings."

Violet answered.

" Paramecia Childlike Fruit. "

"It can turn the people it touches into toys.

When the target is in the toy state, it will not lose its language ability and independent thinking, but its body has been controlled by Sugar and a contract has been made: it is not allowed to harm humans, and it must work for the Donquixote Family or fight to death.

Violet told what she knew.

"They are all humans!"

Nami looked at the toys on the ground with some surprise.

"Working and fighting to death, Doflamingo really knows how to exploit people!"

"Not only that."

"People who are related to the target who has been turned into a toy, such as relatives or friends, will have all the memories of the time they have been with Yu Zhuwei before they were turned into play objects."

"In other words, these people are like they never existed in front of his relatives and friends."

"The father knows his daughter, but the daughter has no memory of her father at all."

"More than half of the residents of Dressrosa have been turned into toys."

"Doflamingo also issued a decree to separate humans from toys in order to control the minds of the residents of Dressrosa.

Violet continued.


Nami's eyes widened, and she didn't know what words to use to describe the Doflamingo and Donquixote families.

This kind of thing is scary to think about.

Suddenly one day you become a toy.

And your family and friends all forget you.

Even face to face, they treat you as a stranger.

And you, you have to work and fight to death for the culprit who made you like this!

How desperate these toy people must be.

Nami looked at the toy people with sympathy.

The other people in the Thunder God Pirates were the same.

"How can we get rid of this state?"

Robin asked calmly.

"These toys attack Yixiao, so Sucrose must be nearby, right?"

She didn't ask Violet if Sucrose was among the people lying on the ground.

Because if there was, Violet would have said it long ago.

"I don't know how to get rid of it."

"But Sucrose is indeed nearby, on the second floor of that small building."

Violet pointed to a small building not far away and said.

On the second floor of the small building, standing at the window, Sucrose saw Violet pointing at her and squatted down in fear.

"Torrebol, what should we do?"

"They found us!"

Even when Doflamingo was fighting Yixiao, Torrebol had been protecting Sucrose.

"There's no other way, we can only jump first."

Torrebol said.

"Escape? The young master is still there, and we just leave like this?"

Sugar frowned and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Escape to find Vergo first, and then work together to rescue Shao Li." Torrebol said in a deep voice.

After that, he was about to leave with Sugar.

Going out to fight now is to seek death.

Escape to find Vergo to have a chance to rescue the young master.

Before Torrebol walked out of the small building.

Yixiao had already fallen from the sky and blocked their way.


Torrebol was directly knocked away.

Sugar, who was carrying him, also fell to the ground.

"This runny-nosed sloppy uncle is not called Sugar, right?"

Nami asked Torrebol who was lying on the ground.

"No, that little girl is Sugar, an important cadre of the Donquixote family."

Violet pointed at Sugar on the ground and said.

"She looks only ten years old, is she really a cadre of the Donquixote family?"

Seeing Sugar who was obviously very young, Nami was a little suspicious.

"She should be older than you.

After eating the Childlike Fruit, her body will not grow anymore."

Violet explained. "Violet, you traitor, don't forget who let your father go!"

Torrebol got up from the ground with a fierce look on his face. "I haven't forgotten who made this country what it is now."

Violet said with disgust.

Thunderbolt! Just then, a thunder sounded.

Everyone was startled.

Then they saw Sugar lying on the ground with white eyes, unconscious. "Don't worry, I control the strength and won't kill her." "First try to knock her out to see if the fruit ability can be removed. "

Nami saw everyone looking at her and laughed.

Generally speaking, the fruit power will be released when the user is unconscious.

Of course, there are also some that cannot be touched even if the Demon fruit power is dead.

"It seems to be useful!"

Luo glanced at the toys in the distance and said softly.

Everyone looked back and saw that the toys gradually became adults.

These people were dressed differently.

There were ordinary civilians and soldiers in uniform.

There were also people wearing black suits who looked like gangsters.

All these people looked at their hands with joy.

"Change, change back!!"

"I turned back to human!"

"Finally changed back! Finally changed back!"

The toys that turned back to human cried with joy.

Yixiao also released the gravity applied to them, and everyone regained their freedom.

In various places in Dressrosa.

All the toys on the street turned into humans.

And the residents who were originally human also found their forgotten memories at this time.

They remembered their fathers, mothers, children, husbands, wives, and friends.

"Damn it Doflamingo is finally defeated!"

"We are free! Free!"

"Damn Doflamingo, he actually let someone turn me into a toy!"

"Great, I'm going to find my children! Find my wife!"

All the toys roared and screamed madly.

Vent out the anger that was originally suppressed in their hearts.

Then they began to run wildly towards home.

After being toys for several years, they were eager to reunite with their families.

The same is true for humans who have not been turned into toys.

They ran to the street, looking for their relatives.

A small house among the flowers of Dressrosa.

A toy soldier with a broken leg turned into a burly middle-aged man in an instant.

A little girl with pink hair stood beside him.

The little girl's eyes were briefly blank, and then she stared at the middle-aged man with a broken leg.

Past memories came to mind, and tears flowed from the girl's eyes.



"You finally remembered me!"

The father and daughter hugged and cried.

After a long time, the two separated.

"Dad, what happened?"

Rebecca asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, it may be related to the sound of fighting from the coast."

Cyrus shook his head.

To protect (daef) his daughter.

After hearing the battle on the coast, he stayed by his daughter's side, so he didn't know what happened outside.

"Rebecca, stay here and wait for me to come back, okay?"

Cyrus took out his sword and said softly.

"Dad, where are you going?"

Rebecca grabbed Cyrus's red cape with her little hands, looking nervous.

"Although I don't know what happened outside, this may be the only chance to overthrow Doflamingo!"

Cyrus rubbed his daughter's pink hair.

He must take the opportunity to turn back into a human to completely overthrow the Donquixote Pirates' rule over Dressrosa.

"But, isn't it only when Doflamingo is defeated that Dad will turn back into a human?"

Rebecca asked doubtfully.

"I'm not sure yet, what if it's just that Demon fruit power that has an accident." Cyrus shook his head and said.

In any case, he has to go to the palace.

If Doflamingo is defeated, everyone will be happy.

If not.

Then he will use the sword in his hand to defeat Doflamingo and save Dressrosa!

He believes that he is not the only one who thinks so.

The former soldiers who were turned into toys must also think so.

"Wait for me here. "

Cyrus told his daughter and walked out of the house with a big sword.

It was indeed not just Cyrus.

Many of the original kingdom soldiers picked up their weapons and ran towards the palace.

And those who were faster than them.

The army led by King Riku.

A large number of people walked towards the palace, and then gathered more and more.

The palace.

Looking at the toys that turned back into humans.

Violet shed tears.

No matter what the outcome of Dressrosa will be in the future.

At least those "toys" who were separated from their family and friends can finally reunite with their families.

"So, what should we do next?"

"Rule here?"

Nami looked at the toys that turned back into humans and asked everyone.

Doflamingo was defeated, Law's revenge was avenged, and the people of Dressrosa were liberated.

What should they do now, the Thunder God Pirates?

"I don't know, these are for the captain to consider."

Robin chuckled and shrugged.

Then everyone looked at the vice captain and smiled.

It seemed that he noticed the gazes of everyone.

Yixiao smiled: "I am just the vice captain. "

Just then, Nami said in surprise:

"The sound of fighting on the coast seems to have stopped. Will the captain be okay?"

"Uncle Yixiao, go and have a look!"

"No need, he's already here."

Yixiao looked up and looked at the sky with his eyes wide open.

Everyone looked up and saw Sander falling from the sky with injuries all over his body.

"Are you okay, Sander?"

Nami looked worried.

"Luo, you are the ship's doctor, go and have a look at the captain."

Sander waved his hand:

"It's nothing serious, just a little injured."

He turned to look at Violet: "You are the daughter of King Riku, right?"

"I am."

Violet said with some fear.

The man in front of him is someone who can fight against Four Emperors Kaido.

He is as strong as a monster.

"Help me find someone, a princess of the dwarf tribe, who has the ability to heal."

"Help me heal my wounds."

Sander said directly.

In terms of healing efficiency, Luo's Op-Op Fruit cannot be compared with the healing fruit.

His whole body was like falling apart, and he didn't know how many bones were broken. It hurt so much!

After saying that, Sander looked at Luo again:

"Help me straighten the bones first."

Luo nodded, and the Op-Op Fruit was cut open for Sander, but there was no blood left.

Soon, Sander's broken and dislocated bones were straightened.

Violet went to take the little human princess.

"Sander, did you defeat Kaido?"

Nami asked curiously.

The battle was over, and Sander came back safely. Logically, Kaido should have been defeated.

Others also looked at Sander with curiosity or expectation.

Defeating the emperor of the sea!

What a great achievement!


Sander shook his head.

"It's a draw."

"We stopped when Marine came."


"Yeah." Sander nodded, "If we keep fighting, Marine might take advantage of us."

Kaido of the Beasts appeared in Dressrosa, Hainan must send a fleet to take a look.

Not to mention that there was another him.

If it wasn't for the lack of time, Admiral would have come.

That's why Sander and Kaido stopped fighting.

If they both lost, and Admiral arrived, Marine would have gotten away with it.

He and Kaido were not fools.

So they agreed to fight again some other day in a deserted place, and Kaido left without even caring about Doflamingo.

Just then, Violet came here with the Little People Princess.

Mansherry was about 20 centimeters tall, with a Xiuzhen body and a pointed nose, and her long yellow hair was braided into two braids.

There were red blood streaks on her cheeks.

At this time, she was held by Violet, looking at Sander timidly.

In fact, Sander's current appearance was really unflattering.

Not only was he disheveled and tattered, but he was also covered in Bloodline.

"Hello, my name is Sander, can you please heal me?"

Sander said with a smile that he thought was kind.

"You don't need to use your recovery ability, just heal me. "

Sander added.

Recovery ability consumes lifespan. Although he is seriously injured now, there is no need to use this ability.

Man Shirley nodded and jumped down from Violet's arms.

Sander sat cross-legged on the ground so that Man Shirley could reach him.

Shirley put her hands on Sander.

Sander immediately felt a warm current slowly filling his body.

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Sander's injuries quickly recovered.