
Chapter 98 The Future Is Foreseen And Violet Appears.

Luo stood on the side of the ship, watching the fight between Kaido and Sander through a telescope.

The two fought fiercely on the coast of Dressrosa.

"Huh? What is that?"

At this moment, Robin's puzzled voice reached Luo's ears.


Luo put down the telescope and looked at Robin.

"What are those thin lines in the sky? Fireworks?"

Robin pointed to a place above Dressrosa and said.

Following the direction of Robin's finger, Luo looked through the telescope.

In the sky, white thin lines exploded in the air like fireworks, and scattered in all directions like meteorites.

"What is that?"

Luo widened his eyes and a drop of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.


Past memories came to his mind.

That was the day he ate the Op-Op Fruit.

It was this move that trapped him and Mr. Corazon that day.

In the past few years, Luo often thought about it.

If it weren't for the Birdcage, they might have escaped from the island that day, and Corazon wouldn't have died!

So, Robin remembered the skill of Doflamingo very clearly!

"Birdcage? What is that?"

Robin asked curiously.

"It's Doflamingo's fruit ability. After using this move, these thin lines will surround an island like a birdcage.

"Those thin lines can easily cut through buildings, and no one can escape!"

"Moreover, the thin lines will continue to shrink until everything within the birdcage is destroyed!"

"Is Doflamingo crazy?"

"Is he going to kill everyone in Dressrosa?!!"

Luo explained to Robin, his voice gradually became excited from the original calmness.

"If you can't get it, destroy it?"

"What a crazy guy!"

Robin's face changed when he heard it.

No one would have thought that Doflamingo would dare to destroy everything in Dressrosa.

This is not a village.

Dressrosa is a member of the World government.

Once Dressrosa is destroyed, Doflamingo will definitely be hunted down by the World government again!

"How can this be stopped?"

Robin asked Luo how to solve the Birdcage.

"I don't know, but the moves of the ability users are usually defeated and the fainting can be lifted.

"A strong man like the captain should be able to cut off the Birdcage."

Luo said after thinking for a moment.

Doflamingo's "Birdcage" is a killer for ordinary people and weak pirates and marines.

But it should not work against top strong men.

Otherwise, Doflamingo would not be so afraid of Four Emperors Kaido. "That's no problem."

Robin breathed a sigh of relief.

Sander has said more than once that Xiao is also a top strong man who can compete with Marine Admiral.

Birdcage can be broken without any accidents. "We must stop this crazy guy!"

Duo said with an anxious look on his face. "Don't worry, Vice Captain Yixiao has already rushed over, he will solve everything."

Robin said softly. "Even the captain recognizes Vice Captain Yixiao's strength, it should not be a problem to solve Doflamingo." "Besides, he once defeated Crocodile, who is also a Seven Warlords of the Sea."

Hearing this, Luo's nervous expression warmed up a lot.

If it were before, he might have doubted and worried.

But after watching the battle between Sander and Kaido, this worry was much less.

The captain who fought against Four Emperors Kaido on the coast was really too fierce.

He was too fierce to be human.

Kaido had horns on his head, which was not very human.

But the captain was more like a humanoid monster.

To be recognized by Sander and serve as the vice-captain, he must be very strong.

On the battlefield on the coastline.

Sander, who was fighting fiercely with Kaido, also found the Birdcage.

He had been using Observation Haki to the maximum extent in the fierce battle with Kaido, so he noticed it when Doflamingo just used the Birdcage.

But he didn't care.

Because a smile would solve everything.

There is a reason why Yixiao, as an Admiral in the original work, did not cut off the Birdcage.

First, because he is a Marine Admiral and is in the same camp as the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

According to the rules, he cannot attack Doflamingo.

Second, because he does not want Marine to solve this matter.

Yixiao likes gambling and is a gambler himself.

He bets that King Luffy will win and let the world realize the drawbacks of the Shichibukai system.

So Yixiao will not cheat before the "dice" stops.

In the original work, he won the bet.

Now, unlike in the original work, Yixiao can solve this matter without reservation.

Doflamingo will definitely not be Yixiao's opponent!


On the battlefield, Sander was hit by Kaido's mace.

He slid on the ground for dozens of meters before he stopped.

Sander quickly got up from the ground.

At this moment, he was much more embarrassed than before.

His head was full of Bloodline.

Without the observation Haki that can foresee the future, he was at a disadvantage in close combat with Kaido.

Moreover, Kaido's defense is much stronger than his.

If it weren't for his top-notch Armament Haki, he would have been seriously injured.

"Oh, hehe"〃"

" Sander, if you keep going like this, I'll beat you to death sooner or later!"

Kaido laughed while holding a mace.

His condition was not very good either.

Like Sander, his face was covered with bloodline.

"I admit that you are very strong, but you don't have the Observation Haki that can foresee the future, and your defense is not as good as mine. Sooner or later, you will lose to me!"

"Hurry up and let your vice-captain come with you. I heard that he is also very strong. "

"I don't mind you besieging me!"

Kaido made a suggestion to Sander with a big laugh.

As someone who attacked the Four Emperors and Marines alone countless times.

He was besieged many times.


Sander wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

He looked at the derivation panel and pulled a smile from the corner of his mouth.

As expected of Master Baishou, you can learn fast from him!

The panel suddenly showed that the ability of Observation Haki to foresee the future has been successfully deduced!

[ Kaido of the Beasts Observation Haki's ability to foresee the future has been successfully implemented! ]

[Deducing Kaido of the Beasts' special physique of indestructible diamond, the remaining time is 3 years, 261 days and 13 hours. ]

[Deducing Kaido of the Beasts Zoan·Fish Fish Fruit Fantasy Beast·Blue Dragon Form, the remaining time is 3 years, 198 days and 07 hours. ]

This battle made Sander gained a lot.

Not only did he get the ability to foresee the future with his Observation Haki, but he also deduced almost half of the Mythical Beast Blue Dragon Fruit and the special physique of Vajra Indestructibility.

I believe that if he continues to fight, he will soon be able to successfully deduce these two abilities.

Sander rushed towards Kaido.

He raised his fist and hit Kaido.

"It's useless, Sander, your Observation Haki is not as good as mine, you can only trade injuries with me. "

"Your defense is not as good as mine. You will be the one who loses in the end!"

Kaido swung the mace wrapped around Conqueror's Haki towards Sander.

The two kept fighting on the battlefield.

As they fought, Kaido found a difference.

Before, he had to hit Sander twice with the mace before Sander could hit him once.

Now it's evenly even!

Kaido's face changed, as if he had thought of something.

"You, you actually learned the future prediction of Observation Haki?!!"

Kaido's face showed surprise.

He looked at Sander as if he was looking at a monster.

"I have to thank you, too!"

"Without your on-site teaching, how could I learn so fast!"

Sander grinned, revealing his teeth with Bloodline oozing from the roots.

"Oh, giggle!"

"I'm really surprised, Des!"

"I didn't expect you to learn it so quickly!"

Kaido laughed.

He thought Sander would learn the swordsmanship of Golden Lion Shiki and Conqueror's entanglement was realized after the battle.

This is very normal.

Understanding after a life-and-death battle is one of the important ways for pirates to improve.

It is also the fastest way to improve strength.

Although staying at home to practice can also improve.

But it is definitely not as fast as the big battle!

But now, Sander brought him a big surprise.

He actually realized the future foresight of Observation Haki during the battle!

And judging from the use, it doesn't seem like he just realized it.

Being able to foresee the future and using the foreseen future to make appropriate actions in battle are also different.

Assisting in the battle is like cooperating with countless battles.

There is no discomfort at all when I just realized it.

Such a fighting talent is too terrifying!

"Great, Sander!"

"With you, I will no longer be alone!"

"I keep defeating those who claim to be stronger than me."

"I came to my senses and I have become the strongest."

"What can you see from this position?"

"It is a view that no one can surpass!"

"Too boring!"

"You know, Sander, this is too boring!"

"And you let me see the existence that surpasses me!"

Kaido carried the mace on his shoulder and laughed at the sky.

At the age of twenty, he could fight him to this extent.

During the battle, he also showed a monster-like learning ability.

Kaido dared not imagine how much he would grow if Sander was given a few more years!

"Don't brag, Kaido!"

"How many of the other Four Emperors can you defeat with 100% certainty?"

Sander sneered without hesitation.

He did not deny Kaido's strength.

That unparalleled defense made it difficult for even the thunder wrapped around Conqueror's Haki to do much damage.

But to say Kaido is the strongest, Sander didn't believe it.

Which of the remaining three Four Emperors wasn't a monster?

If Kaido fought to the death with those people, at least both sides would suffer losses.

"You don't understand, Sander!"

Kaido didn't care about Sander's ridicule.

"I'm not sure I can completely defeat them, and they are the same."

"What I want to see is an existence that surpasses me.

"Instead of being on an equal footing with me!"

Kaido laughed.

"The feeling of being at the top of the world is too boring!"

"Come on Sander, let's see who falls first!"

Kaido looked ready to fight, holding a mace and launching another attack.

Sander was so eager to do so, and he punched him.

I don't know how long it took.

The thin line above Dressrosa disappeared.

On the Thor.

Nami came to the deck with a glass of juice in her hand.

"That Birdcage disappeared, let's go to Uncle Yixiao."

"Looking at the captain and Kaido, it's estimated that it will take a long time to fight."

Nami suggested.

Luo and the others looked at each other and agreed to this suggestion.

At this time, the people who had fainted on the ship had already woken up.

After two meals, Sander and Kaido's battle was still going on.

Nami urged Thor to fly towards the interior of Dressrosa.

At this time, Dressrosa's royal courtiers.

Doflamingo and several cadres were lying on the ground unconscious.

Yixiao stood there with a bamboo sword, with a tangled expression on his face.

And around him, there was an army of countless toys.

At this time, all these toys were pressed to the ground by Xiao's power.

"々` Uncle Yixiao?"

Nami shouted and jumped off the Thor.

"Has Doflamingo been defeated?"

"Uncle Yixiao is so powerful!"

Nami saw Doflamingo wearing a pink feather coat at a glance.

"Are these toys?"

"Why do they feel like real people and can move? It's really amazing!"

Looking at the toys struggling on the ground, Nami said with a look of novelty.

"Is it Demon fruit power?"

Robin also got off the boat.

"Luo, you know the Donquixote family best. Do you know if they have any special Demon fruit power?"

Nami asked Luo.

"I don't know. I didn't see any members with this ability when I left."

Luo shook his head.

When he left Doflamingo.

Doflamingo had not yet officially overthrown the regime of the Riku royal family.

There were also Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Some people he didn't know.

"Then what about these toys?"

"Should we kill them all?"

Nami's hands flashed with lightning, looking at Yixiao and asked.

"It's not necessary for now. I have been here before, and I haven't seen so many toy people appear in Dressrosa."

"This should be done by Doflamingo. Before we figure out what these toys are, we should not kill them all.

Yixiao shook his head and said.

There are many kinds of Devil Fruit in the world, and their abilities are all kinds of strange.

If these toys were originally toys, it would be fine if they were given vitality by the Devil Fruit ability.

What if these are toys transformed from people?

Killing them all is not appropriate.

This is why Yixiao only restricted the mobility of these toys.

Instead of dropping a meteorite to destroy them all.


The lightning in Nami's hand dissipated.

"Didn't the Donquixote family say anything?"

Robin asked.

Hearing this, Yixiao smiled awkwardly.

In order to quickly resolve the battle, he beat all of Doflamingo's subordinates to faint, and he didn't have time to ask.

At this moment, footsteps came from a distance,

and a woman in a skirt came to them.

"A cadre under Doflamingo, I know her, she was standing on the coast with Doflamingo before!"

Luo held Guiku and looked at the person with a wary face.

"My name is Violet. (Li De)"

"Originally the second daughter of King Dressrosa." Forced to join the Donquixote family. "

Seeing the people of the Thunder God Pirates wanting to take action, Violet quickly revealed her identity.

After seeing the strength of the Thunder God Pirates.

Violet decisively chose to leave the Donquixote family and rescued the imprisoned Dwarf Princess.

She was unwilling to follow Doflamingo anymore.

In fact, she had been observing Yixiao.

When Doflamingo performed Birdcage, she was desperate.

She knew this powerful skill.

When it was originally thought that Dressrosa would be destroyed by Doflamingo's men, Yixiao appeared and beat Doflamingo and his subordinates.

This made Violet relieved.

But this was not the reason why she came here.

The defeat of the Donquixote Pirates can only be regarded as Dressrosa changing the rule of a pirate group.

Although it would not be worse than being ruled by Doflamingo.

But based on Violet's understanding of pirates, it would definitely not be much better.

She originally thought that she was hiding her identity in Dressrosa life, or take her family away.

But after she found out that Yixiao didn't even want to hurt those toys, she decided to stand up and help the Thunder God Pirates.

"The king's second daughter? Princess?"

"Then why did you join the Donquixote family?"

Nami asked curiously.

"It was to save my father, King Riku's life. I am the user of the Staring Fruit, and Doflamingo is attracted by my ability."

Violet said truthfully.

"Are you the clairvoyant?"

Nami's eyes widened.

It's really like what the captain said, she's a woman.

Fortunately, she's a woman.

Otherwise, it would be so disgusting!

"It's me."

Violet admitted frankly.

If she didn't have this ability, Doflamingo wouldn't let her join.

" Doflamingo used conspiracy to seize the power of our family, and used String-String Fruit to control my father to massacre soldiers and civilians [which made my father famous in Dressrosa]."

Violet told how Doflamingo seized the power of the Riku family. .