
Chapter 94 Instant Kill Of The Donquixote Family!

Sander was unaware that the Donquixote family of Dressrosa was on full alert, and that Kaido of the Beasts, one of the Four Emperors, was about to arrive.

At this time, the Thor was sailing on the sea.

A distance of one thousand kilometers could be reached in one day at the slowest for the Thor.

The next morning.

The sun was shining and the sea breeze was warm.

The Thor finally arrived at the destination of this trip, Dressrosa.

Before reaching the coast.

Sander's observation Haki "saw" a large group of people gathered on the coast.

One of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Donquixote Doflamingo, was among them.

Behind him were most of the cadres of the Donquixote family, and countless younger brothers.

There were also many toy soldiers among them.

It can be said that.

At the moment, Doflamingo has brought all the forces he can mobilize here.

"Tsk, it seems that he has received the news that we are coming."

"It's just something that makes me strange."

"Doflamingo didn't run away?"

Sander raised his eyebrows and said in surprise.

At this moment, he was standing on the deck, followed by the crew of the Thor.

Shirahoshi and the second prince of the Royal Star and other people from The Fish Men Island were all in the cabin.

To prevent the fact that they were on board from being leaked.

"How did Doflamingo know that we were coming to Dressrosa?"

Nami was a little confused.

The Thor did not stop at any islands on the way, but went straight to Dressrosa.

Even if Doflamingo was one of the kings of the underground world and had amazing intelligence capabilities, he could not know their purpose.

Moreover, looking at the Donquixote family.

It doesn't look like they just found out.

They were obviously well prepared.

" Doflamingo has a person with the ability of the Staring Fruit."

"It can expand his vision to within a radius of 4,000 kilometers."

Sander replied with a smile.

"4,000 kilometers?!!"

"You are kidding, how can there be such a powerful ability!!"

Hearing that someone could actually see things 4,000 kilometers away, Nami couldn't help but be surprised.

Others were also surprised.

This fruit ability may not have much combat power.

But it is really useful for assisting.

With such ability, what kind of information can't be obtained?

Who would have thought that someone could secretly watch you from 4,000 kilometers away.

"Not only that."

"This ability can also see through!"

Sander said to Nami with a sly smile.

Nami and Robin were immediately panicked, feeling that a pair of eyes were secretly watching them, and they were indeed naked in each other's eyes.

"Too disgusting! Captain, hurry up and kill him!!"

Nami looked disgusted.

Robin was the same.

"Okay, no more jokes, that's a woman."

Looking at the murderous looks of the two girls around him, Sander said quickly.

"Women, that's okay."

Nami and Robin breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Being watched by a man and being watched by a woman are completely different.

"But knowing that our Thunder God Pirates came to Dressrosa, Doflamingo was not afraid at all. Is there something wrong?"

Robin frowned as he looked at the Donquixote family and others on the coast.

They came because of the conflict between Luo and Doflamingo.

Doflamingo should also be aware of this.

There is no such thing as the two sides sitting down to talk.

If they meet, they will definitely fight.

And with the commotion that their Thunder God Pirates have been causing recently.

Doflamingo should know that they are no match.

But why is he still ready to fight?

Not only Robin was puzzled, Sander was also a little puzzled.

Doflamingo does not seem to be the kind of person who fights to the death for face.

He should have decisively given up running away when he knew they were coming.

Is his reputation as a pirate with 2.8 billion berries not enough?

Unless, Doflamingo has found a backer...

Thinking of this, Sander's eyes flashed with a hint of enlightenment.

There are not many people in this world who can be regarded as backers by Doflamingo.

Marine and World government are impossible.

They have just suffered a lot.

Now they should plan to let the Thunder God Pirates fight with the New World Pirates.

Then it can only be pirates.

The only ones who can be recognized by Doflamingo and resist the Thunder God Pirates are probably the Four Emperors.

And if we talk about which Four Emperors Doflamingo has a close relationship with, Kaido of the Beasts of the Beasts Pirates should be ranked first.

There is a lot of cooperation between the two.

"Nami, take the Thunder God away from it later."

Sander said to Nami with a smile.

Nami was a little confused, but still obeyed the orders of Woods.

"Yixiao, it seems that our first battle in the New World will face the big shots of the New World."

Sander turned his head and looked at Yixiao.

Yixiao smiled and said nothing.

The ship approached the coast.

The Thunder God was not far from Doflamingo and others.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

"A big shot is here."

"Thor, Sander!"

Doflamingo stood on the shore and spoke first.

" Doflamingo, I'm really surprised you didn't run away."

Sander smiled while lying on the side of the ship.

Seeing Sander's arrogant look, the smile on Tulanmingo's face froze.

The family cadres behind him stared at Sander with sharp eyes.

No matter what.

Doflamingo's subordinates are still very loyal to him.


"Sander, you recruited Luo on board, are you planning to let him perform the immortality surgery on you?"

Doflamingo glanced and began to sow discord.

The Op-Op Fruit ability users who undergo the immortality surgery will die, and he doesn't believe that there is no rift between Luo and Sander!

"Yes, Luo is willing to perform the immortality surgery on me, are you angry?"

Sander said with a smile.

He had already made it clear to Luo about this.

He knows more than one method of immortality.

It can be said that there will be no conflict between him and Luo because of the "immortality surgery" because he has no such plan at all.

Hearing this, Doflamingo was stunned for a moment, and he looked at Trafalgar Law.

He found that Law still had that indifferent expression, without any fluctuation on his face.

He seemed to have tacitly agreed with what Sander said.

This made Doflamingo feel sour.

Damn it!

Why was Law willing to help Sander but not him!

How long had Law and Sander known each other?

A few months at most!

Doflamingo felt that his lungs were about to explode.

But he couldn't show it in front of so many people.

But he was ruthless in his heart.

When Kaido came, he led his subordinates to attack the Thunder God Pirates.

Since there was no chance of immortality surgery, he would destroy him!

At worst, he would wait until the Op-Op Fruit regenerated and then rob it!

"Luo, do you know that you will die after the immortality surgery?"

Doflamingo still didn't give up the opportunity to provoke.

He didn't believe that anyone would not cherish his life!

Luo also knew that Sander was playing a trick on Doflamingo.

Seeing Doflamingo's unhappy look, he felt very happy.

The gunshots of that day still linger in his ears, and they don't go away for a long time.

"Of course I know!"

"I am willing to sacrifice my life for Captain Sander!"

"If the captain doesn't want immortality, I will not do immortality surgery on wild dogs on the roadside, even if it is for you!"

Luo said firmly.

He compared Doflamingo to being worse than a wild dog!

Doflamingo was so angry that veins on his forehead jumped.

"Luo! You ungrateful guy!"

"Don't forget who took you in!"

Seeing Luo insulting his young master, the snot monster Torrebol naturally refused.

"My life was not saved by you!"

Luo glanced at Torrebol and said.

From beginning to end, the only benefactor of his life was the gentle man with a smile.

"Sander, are you going to go to war with the Donquixote family?"

Doflamingo looked at Sander and said.

"Start a war? Are you qualified?!!"

"If you want to delay time, just say it directly, don't make small talk!"

Sander said disdainfully.

"You know I'm stalling for time?"

Doflamingo was a little surprised.

Was he so obvious?

"You should have said this when you saw me."

"It's obvious now, but you're just making small talk." "

Sander rolled his eyes.


"Since you know I'm stalling for time, guess who the reinforcements I'm waiting for are?"

Having been discovered, Doflamingo no longer concealed it.

"Who else could it be except Kaido of the Beasts, who can scare you and make you feel like a lost dog?"

Sander said lightly.

"You know?"

Doflamingo was obviously stunned.

Facing Sander, he felt like he was seen through.

No matter what he did, he was at a disadvantage.

And Sander said that he was trembling with fear in front of Kaido, and it made him very uncomfortable like a lost dog.

Because it was true.

He was really afraid of Kaido.


"Sander, can I say you are arrogant or ignorant?"

"Since you know it is Kaido of the Beasts, one of the Four Emperors, you are still so calm. "

"I have to admire you!"

"You don't think that just because people call you the fifth sea emperor, you can really compete with the Four Emperors, right?"

"You who have never been to the New World will never know how powerful those four monsters are!"

Doflamingo laughed.

Others say that Sander defeated Admiral Aokiji.

Originally, Doflamingo thought so.

When he knew that the Thunder God Pirates were coming to Dressrosa.

He used all his strength to try to understand Sander as much as possible.

The battle with Aokiji was naturally the focus of his understanding.

Then he found out.

The battle between Sander and Aokiji only lasted a few hours.

This is nonsense.

How can the top strongmen decide the winner without fighting for a few days?

In the real situation.

No matter how talented Sander is, he can't crush a Marine Admiral in a few hours.

Whitebeard Newgate, who is known as the world's strongest, can't do it.

So, Doflamingo guessed.

That battle Aokiji didn't use his full strength.

The two of them said it was a fight, but it was more like a competition.

Sander is indeed strong.

But he is still a little short of competing with Marine Admiral and Four Emperors.

As for Aokiji's defeat.

He probably wanted to give an explanation to Marshal Sengoku and the World government.

After all, before that, Sander brutally killed a Celestial Dragons.

As for defeating the legendary pirate Golden Lion Shiki.

In Doflamingo's opinion,

it's nothing.

That old guy broke his legs and hid for more than ten years. How much strength can he have left?


When he learned that Kaido of the Beasts would come to Dressrosa in person.

Doflamingo had no fear of Sander.

When he thought of Sander's struggle against the Four Emperors, he was even a little impatient.

Looking at Doflamingo's arrogant look.

To be honest, Sander was a little confused.

Has he always been so brave?

Do you really think that I can't kill you when Kaido comes?

"It seems that with New Compared to the old guys in World, I am still a lot worse!"

Sander curled his lips and sighed.

Even a player of Doflamingo's level dared to be arrogant in front of him after he had a backer.

If it was Crocodile, it would be understandable.

After all, that guy always looked at everyone with an arrogant look of "Laozi doesn't like you".

But the one in front of him was Doflamingo.

A guy who would sweat and turn pale when he heard the name Kaido.

Doflamingo wanted to say something.

Sander disappeared on the spot.

Doflamingo still had a smile on his face, and he didn't wait for him to react.

Sander was already standing in front of him.

"Doflamingo, you don't think I can't kill you just because Kaido is backing you up, do you?"

Sander's voice sounded.

His tone was calm.

But anyone could hear the murderous intent in that calm voice.

Doflamingo's face changed, and he was about to retreat.

A stream of extremely cold air emanated from Sander's body.

Doflamingo felt his footsteps pause, and when he looked down, he saw that his feet had been frozen to the ground.

He looked up at Sander again, and a big foot kept enlarging in front of him.

Doflamingo could even see the pattern on the sole of his shoes.


Before anyone could react.

Doflamingo was kicked out without any warning.

"Young Master!"


Doflamingo's subordinates' faces changed drastically, and they exclaimed.

"Half Moon Funeral!"

Diamanti was the first to react and performed a sword move.

A sword was swung out, setting off a huge wave of sword energy, and the ground under his feet was divided into factories like tofu.

Sander casually swung his fist wrapped in Armament Haki.

The huge sword energy was casually knocked away and landed beside Doflamingo's minions.



Several minions were blown away and their lives were unknown.

After doing all this, Sander flashed directly in front of Diamante.

He held the opponent's head with his big hand and threw it to the ground.

Diamante's head came into close contact with the ground.

A huge pit with spider web cracks was smashed into the ground.

Diamante lay in the pit, his head full of blood and several teeth missing.


Others exclaimed.

"Everyone, come together!"

All the Donquixote family cadres who came here rushed towards Sander.

"Captain, will you be okay?"

Pei Jin said on the deck with a worried look on his face.

Donquixote family cadres are cadres of the Seven Warlords of the Sea after all.

To be able to travel around the New World, their strength should still be very strong.

"It's okay, these people are just a small problem for Sander."

Nami waved her hand nonchalantly.

As someone who has seen Sander fight against Golden Lion Shiki and Marine Admiral.

Nami knows Sander's strength very well.

This kind of battle that is neither heaven-destroying nor earth-destroying is not even a warm-up for Sander.


"Explosive Bullet!"

"Weapon Transformation·Pistol Girl!"

All the Donquixote family cadres used their moves to deal with Sander.


Strolling leisurely in the hail of bullets and various moves.

Then everyone kicked him.

In just a few breaths.

All the cadres were knocked out by Sander.

Looking at the Donquixote family cadres, Sander touched his chin.

These guys' Devil Fruits are pretty good.

I feel that the Thunder God Pirates can make a lot of money this time.

Other minions wanted to shoot Sander, but were directly knocked unconscious by Sander's Conqueror's.

In the distance. Doflamingo got up from the ground in a panic.

Then he saw that all his subordinates were defeated.

Sander's kick simply kicked Doflamingo away, and did not cause him much damage.

"You guy!"

Doflamingo looked at Sander with an ugly face.

Although he thought Sander could not beat Kaido.

He also expected Sander to be very strong.

But he did not expect him to be so strong!

He and his subordinates were all beaten away without any resistance.

And what about the power of freezing his feet?!

Only a few Marines know the ability of the multi-fruit.

No matter how strong Doflamingo's intelligence is, he can't know it.

" Doflamingo, I'm really curious, you are so afraid of Kaido, why are you not afraid of me?"

Sander floated in the air, looking down at Doflamingo. .