
Chapter 93 The Thunder God Pirates Are Discovered, Kaido Is Coming!


It was once a kingdom ruled by the Donquixote family, a royal family of 20.

Eight hundred years ago, after the Donquixote family moved to the Holy Land, this place was taken over by the Riku family.

A few years ago, Donquixote Doflamingo, a descendant of the Donquixote family and one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, led his subordinates to occupy this place and used conspiracy to obtain the throne of the King of Dressrosa.

At this time, Dressrosa Palace.

Doflamingo was sitting in a huge conference room.

"Young Master, why did you call us here?"

Torrebol, who was responsible for protecting Sugar, walked into the conference room.

He was followed by a little girl who looked about ten years old.

The little girl wore a bear-shaped shawl with a crown, a single-sided glasses on her left eye, and a bob.

She carried a small basket in her left hand, which was full of purple grapes.

At this time, she inserted a few grapes into her right hand fingers and ate them one by one.

The little girl was Sugar, one of Doflamingo's cadres.

She looked only ten years old.

In fact, she was already a teenager.

As the user of the Paramecia Childlike Fruit, after eating the Devil Fruit, the body will no longer grow.

Doflamingo has been able to rule Dressrosa for so long, and her role is very important.

When a creature is touched by the Childlike Fruit user, it will become a toy.

And a contract can be made, so that it cannot act freely according to thoughts and obey orders.

People who are turned into toys will be erased from the memories of others.

Toys have their own consciousness, their own emotions, and their memories before they died; they will be permanently turned into toys when the user is conscious.

You can say.

Without Sugar, it would not be as easy for Doflamingo to rule Dressrosa as it is now.

This is why Doflamingo asked one of his highest cadres, Trebol, to protect Sugar.

Doflamingo did not speak.

Leaning back on the chair and looking at the ceiling.


Many cadres of the Donquixote family, except those who deal with underground industries outside, have come to the meeting room.

"You all know that Law has joined the Thunder God Pirates, right?"

"Hey hey hey hey hey!"

"That guy really found an incredible backer."

Seeing that everyone was almost there, Doflamingo spoke up.

"Didn't we know about this a while ago?"

"Why are you talking about it again?"

"Are the Thunder God Pirates coming to Dressrosa?"

A bald old man with bulging veins on his head spoke up.

He is Lao G., a member of the Diamond Diamante Fighting Corps.

He didn't go when Diamante went to Sabaody Archipelago to capture Law, but he also learned the news from the members of the fighting corps who came back.

"Hey hey hey hey hey."

"They haven't come yet, but I always have a bad feeling."

"I feel that Law will bring the Thunder God Pirates to Dressrosa. "

Doflamingo said with a gloomy face.

Now, the Thunder God Pirates are like the sword of Damocles hanging over his head, making him feel uneasy.

Hearing this, the cadres of the Donquixote family all looked a little ugly.

As a pirate group that has been roaming the sea for many years.

They naturally know the weight of the Thunder God Pirates now.

The Marine Admiral may not attack them because of their status as the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

But the Thunder God Pirates will not have so many concerns.

Especially the captain of the Thunder God Pirates, Sander.

He is a lawless man.

Even the Celestial Dragons dare to twist off their heads and hang them on the mast.

"Are we going to give up here?"

"This is the hard work we have been working on for several years!"

"And once we leave."

"Everything we do here will be made public, and your status as the Seven Warlords of the Sea will be deprived. "

Torrebol said somewhat unwillingly.

This is the territory they have worked so hard to obtain.

It is really unwilling to give it up like this.

Besides, once the news of framing King Riku's family, enslaving the people, and stealing the throne spreads throughout the sea.

The World government will not stand idly by.

The status of Doflamingo Seven Warlords of the Sea will be abolished directly.

Although the Seven Warlords of the Sea belong to the World government camp now.

But as long as there is a chance.

The World government and Marine will arrest them without hesitation.

At worst, someone else will become the new Seven Warlords of the Sea.

There is no shortage of powerful and ambitious pirates on the sea.

"Dover, why don't we ask Kaido of the Beasts for help."

"Our factory is in Dressrosa, the Beasts Pirates should not stand idly by~".

"Although the Thunder God Pirates are very strong, in terms of overall strength, the Beasts Pirates should not be stronger."

Diamanti suggested.

They have a deep cooperative relationship with the Four Emperors Kaido.

It can be said that they are under the protection of the Beasts Pirates.

Most of the territory of New World belongs to the four sea emperors.

Others either submit to the Four Emperors or challenge the Four Emperors to replace them.

They, the Donquixote Pirates, cooperate with Kaido and barely belong to the Beasts Pirates camp.

The Thunder God Pirates are indeed powerful.

Diamanti believes that they are not opponents.

But no matter how powerful they are, the only ones that the Thunder God Pirates can fight are Captain Sander and Vice Captain Blind Swordsman Yixiao.

Others are not worth worrying about.

Such strength is still a little different from the Four Emperors with a deep foundation.

"Four Emperors Kaido!"

Mentioning Four Emperors Kaido.

Doflamingo couldn't help but sweat on his face.

That terrible monster left a deep shadow on him.

"I have spoken to Kaido's subordinate Yan Zai Jin."

"He said that if the Thunder God Pirates come here, the Beasts Pirates will send troops to help us."

Doflamingo said.

"That's it."

"With the Beasts Pirates and us, the Thunder God Pirates are not a concern.

"Besides, Sander may not go to war with us for Law."

A sturdy man in samurai armor screamed.

He is Pica, one of the highest cadres of the Donquixote family.

The user of the Stone Stone Fruit.

This is a Devil Fruit that is close to Logia but Paramecia.

"By the way, where is Violet?"

"Why didn't she come?"

"Let her monitor the surroundings of Dressrosa so that we can get the news faster and make preparations.

Trebol looked around.

No trace of cadre Violet was found.


"I don't trust her, so I didn't invite her to this meeting."

Doflamingo sneered.

"However, I did order her to monitor the movements near Dressrosa.

Cadre Violet.

Originally the princess of Dressrosa.

Second daughter of the former king.

User of the Staring Fruit.

Can see through people's minds and observe people or things within 4,000 kilometers.

Can be said to be a clairvoyant.

When Doflamingo occupied Dressrosa, he captured her.

Because he was impressed by her fruit ability, he forced her to join them.

Now the Donquixote family may face a big enemy.

How could Doflamingo trust her?

Not only that.

Doflamingo kept the fact that Law became the ship doctor of the Thunder God Pirates and that the Thunder God Pirates might come here a secret from him.

Diamante's trip to Sabaody Archipelago was a secret.

Few people knew except the person involved.

Although Violet knew that Doflamingo gave the Third Generation Red Heart to a man named Trafalgar Law, she had no idea what Law looked like when he grew up.

So, Doflamingo could rest assured to let her monitor the movements in the nearby waters.

Just then.

The Den Den Mushi at Doflamingo's hand rang.

Bru Bru Bru~

His face darkened, and his eyes were fixed on the Den Den Mushi.

This was the Den Den Mushi that was in contact with Violet.

Doflamingo connected the Den Den Mushi, and a sexy female voice came from the other end of the line.

"Master, the traces of the Thunder God Pirates were found a thousand kilometers away from Dressrosa."

"Looking at the direction, they are heading towards Dressrosa."

"Chatter chat chat chat chat!"

"Got it, keep monitoring." Doflamingo said and hung up the phone.

"Damn it, the Thunder God Pirates really came to Dressrosa!"

Diamanti said with a gloomy face.

What you fear will come true.

No one expected that they were still talking about the Thunder God Pirates here.

The countermeasures were already coming towards them.


"It seems that Sander really values ​​his ship's doctor!"

Doflamingo sneered.

In his opinion.

Sander probably had the same idea as him.

He didn't think anyone could resist the temptation of eternal life!

"Dover, what should we do now?"

Trebol asked.

"Everyone prepare for battle, I will contact the Beasts Pirates."

Doflamingo said.


All the Donquixote family cadres left.

Doflamingo also informed the Beasts White Pirates of the upcoming news of the Thunder God Pirates.

At the same time.

In a room in Dressrosa.

Violet has long brown-black hair, beautiful light brown pupils, a red flower on her head, and a flamenco dance costume.

At this time, she was holding a Den Den Mushi in her hand, with a puzzled look on her face. "Strange, what did Tuflamingo ask so many cadres to go to the palace for?"

Violet Violet whispered softly.

While talking to Doflamingo, she subconsciously glanced at Doflamingo with her fruit ability.

Then she found the Donquixote family cadres around him.

But after thinking about it, she didn't care much.

Because there were more cadres who didn't go.

Her attention began to focus on the Thunder God Pirates thousands of miles away. "Thor Sander, what is this guy doing in Dressrosa?" "I don't know if it's good or bad. "

A trace of worry flashed across Violet's eyes.

She was not worried about Doflamingo, but about the residents of Dressrosa.

She sighed, glanced at the residents in the kingdom who had become toys, and a trace of sadness flashed across her eyes.


Just as she looked at the Raizan Pirates again.

A discovery made her face change slightly.

On the top floor of the Thor, a cute mermaid was sitting on the bed.

The mermaid supported her chin with both hands, looking at the outside world, with a satisfied look on her face.

"Is this a mermaid?"

"Did the Thor Pirates come from The Fish Men Island?"

"It doesn't look like they were robbed. "

"Is it a new member of the Thunder God Pirates?"

She looked at the others again and found that there were more than twenty fishmen or mermaids.

And these people called the female mermaid "Princess Shirahoshi!



"The princess of The fish men island?!!"

"What did Sander do to kidnap the princess of The fish men island?"

"No, she didn't kidnap her."

"She came out by herself, and there was a prince of Mermaid Island following her!"

Violet soon discovered the existence of the second prince of the Royal Star.

This discovery shocked her.

When did The fish men island have such a good relationship with the Thunder God Pirates?

Even the princess and the prince are on the ship?!

This is important information!

The whole world will be boiling if it is spread out.

The fish men island is one of the member countries of the World government, and it is eligible to participate in the World Summit.

If the mermaid princess and the prince are found on the pirate ship.

The World government may even exclude The fish men island from the member countries!

Violet picked up the Den Den Mushi and was about to Doflamingo reported.

But she stopped soon.

After hesitating for a while, she still didn't report the matter.


Ghost Island.

Yan Zai Jin hung up the phone and turned to walk towards Kaido.

He came to a spacious hall.

A tall figure with horns on his head and muscular body was sitting cross-legged there.

This figure exudes a terrifying aura, like a prehistoric beast.

This person is the captain of the Beasts Pirates, Kaido of the Beasts, one of the Four Emperors of the New World.

"々` Mr. Kaido......"

Jin came to Kaido.

"What happened? Jin!"

The drunk Kaido was holding a huge wine gourd in his hand.

His face was flushed with drunkenness.

"The Thunder God Pirates came to the New World."

"The Thunder God Pirates?"

Kaido blinked confusedly.

It took a while to remember.

"Oh, the one called Thunder God Sander, I know, he has made a lot of noise recently, and he beat up that kid Jack before."

"Has he come to the New World?"

"Oh, hehe, there is finally an interesting guy in the world."

"I just don't know if his Thunder Fruit ability can kill me!"

Kaido took a sip of wine and laughed.

His voice was thick and rough.

"I heard that some people on the sea call him the fifth emperor of the sea?"

"There is such a saying." Jin said calmly.

After all, he defeated Aokiji and the legendary pirate Golden Lion Shiki.

Jin didn't find it strange to have such a saying.

"Oh, hehe, the fifth emperor of the sea?!!"

"A bunch of idiots, do you really think anyone deserves the title of emperor of the sea?"

Kaido said disdainfully.

The four emperors of the sea have gone through countless battles to establish the reputation of the Four Emperors.

Although Sander has a good record.

But if you want to have the title of emperor of the sea, you are still far away!!

" Seven Warlords of the Sea, Heavenly Yaksha Doflamingo sent a message that the Thunder God Pirates may go to Dressrosa to deal with him.

"(Lee's) You know, Doflamingo's SMILE factory is in Dressrosa."

Jin said calmly.

" Doflamingo? How did that guy offend Sander?"

Kaido asked in surprise.

"The doctor of the Thunder God Pirates has some grudges with Doflamingo. "Jin said.

Doflamingo had already told him about this.

Not only that. "The ship doctor is the user of the Op-Op Fruit." "This Devil Fruit is worth 5 billion Baileys, and it is said that it can give people immortality surgery."

Jin continued.

In Doflamingo's opinion.

With Sander around, he can't get Law.

In that case, he can't join the Thunder God Pirates.

So, he told Jin about Law's fruit ability.

He hopes that the Beasts Pirates will fight the Thunder God Pirates.

It would be best if both sides can lose! "Eternal life? Hahaha!"

Kaido laughed, even laughing to tears. "What's so good about immortality."

As the top powerhouse in the sea, he doesn't care about immortality at all.

He just wants to die, but he can't die like a pig.

Seeing that Kaido doesn't care about the Op-Op Fruit at all, Jin is not surprised. "Once Doflamingo loses or dies, Dressrosa's factory will not be able to provide us with artificial Zoan Devil Fruit. '

Jin told Kaido about the consequences of the confrontation between the Thunder God Pirates and Doflamingo.

Kaido stopped drinking.

His expression became more serious.

The artificial Zoan Devil Fruit is very important to the Beasts Pirates!

"So, Doflamingo is asking us for help?"


"Tell him that the Beasts Pirates will help him, but the production of artificial Devil Fruit will be increased by half."

Kaido said.

"Are you going there in person, or should I take the fleet with me?"

"Oh, hehe, I will meet Sander in person and see his strength."

"By the way, I will help Jack vent his anger!"

Kaido said with a big laugh.

Jin nodded and turned away.

Kaido of the Beasts, one of the Four Emperors, went there in person, which was enough to give Doflamingo face.