
Chapter 85 Going To The Fish Men Island, Sea Beasts Are Attacking.

The indifferent voice made Diamante stiffen.

Xiaqi and Peijin looked up when they heard the voice.

They saw their captain floating in the air with his arms folded.


The two looked overjoyed and excited.

Luo was relieved to see Sander coming.

At the same time, a sense of powerlessness came over him.

He had no power to resist the cadres of the Donquixote family.

He didn't even have the ability to protect his companions.

What if he faced Doflamingo?

He was still too weak now.

Diamante turned around and looked up, a drop of cold sweat gradually slid down his forehead.

It's really Sander!

How could he be here!!

Could it be that Luo and those little ants are really members of the Thunder God Pirates?!!

"I'll let you try to move one!"

Sander lowered his eyes and looked indifferent, and Conqueror's Haki burst out of his body.

All the men brought by Diamante fainted on the ground with their eyes rolled up.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

Diamanti forced out an ugly smile.

Facing Sander, he had no intention of resisting.

Just kidding, the existence that can defeat Admiral, let alone him, even if Dover came, he would have to bow his head and admit defeat.

Admiral would not take action because of Dover's identity as the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

But Sander is different.

He doesn't care whether you are the Seven Warlords of the Sea or the Celestial Dragons.


"Didn't you just want to take my ship doctor away?"

Sander fell to the ground and said lightly.


Diamanti wanted to say something.

Sander flashed directly to Diamanti's side and kicked him in the air.

Diamanti's face twisted instantly and he was kicked away.

Spider-web-like cracks were smashed on the distant wall.

The whole person fainted directly.

"Can you still move?"

Sander came to Luo and whispered.

"I can move, Captain."

Luo struggled to get up from the ground.

"Then go and gather. I'll be waiting for you."

"I'm sorry to bother you, Captain."

Law said with an apologetic look on his face.


Sander raised his eyebrows and said disdainfully:

"You call this trouble?"

"But he is right about one thing. You are too weak now. You need to strengthen your training."

Law has good talent and a powerful fruit ability.

But he is still too young now, two years younger than Sander.

It's normal to be a little weak.

"I understand, Captain, I will work hard to practice!"

Law had a guilty expression on his face.

If he could be stronger this time, maybe he could run away with his companions.

But now, he is indeed a little too weak!

Law made up his mind in his heart that he would practice well after returning.

Sander did say that he would help him avenge.

But he can't even beat the members of the Donquixote family.

There is no point in revenge like that.

Xia Qi and Pei Jin were also very ashamed.

Bepo can still stand firm in the face of the enemy's fruit ability.

They didn't even have the ability to keep their balance, and could only lie on the ground like a dead dog and shoot.

"You don't have to belittle yourselves."

"You are only in your teens and twenties, and he is already in his teens. It's normal that you can't beat him for the time being." Sander said again.

At this point in time.

Luo and his companions have just been out to sea for a short time.

They have experienced few battles.

Diamante was already a pirate when Doflamingo was a child.

And he followed Doflamingo to travel the sea for more than ten years.

Whether it is Haki, physical skills, or fruit abilities, they have all been practiced to a certain extent.

Facing a young pirate like Luo who has just gone to sea, it is normal to crush him.

Luo blushed when he heard this.

The captain in front of him seems to be only twenty years old.

Sander led his men back to the Thor.

At this time, the Thor has been assembled.

"What happened? Why is Luo so wounded?"

Nami asked curiously when she saw Luo and the others in a mess. "The little trouble has been solved."

Sander said easily. "Where is Rayleigh?" "Mr.

Rayleigh left and gave us some instructions."

Robin responded.

Sander glanced at the crew on the deck: "Are you all here?" "All are here, and we can dive to The Fish Men Island at any time."

Nami said. "Very good, get ready and remove the buoyancy bag on the bottom of the ship."

The coated ship has the ability to reduce various pressures.

So just remove the buoyancy bag that supports the bottom of the ship now.

The ship will sink to the bottom of the sea due to insufficient buoyancy. "I'll do it!"

Xiao Ba volunteered and jumped into the sea with tools.

After a while.

The film on the ship began to inflate. "The jelly is expanding!"

Bepo looked at this scene in amazement.

Soon, the entire Thor was shrouded in a transparent bubble. "Wappa, raise the sail."

Nami said, holding the instruction manual given by Rayleigh.

Wappa nodded and jumped towards the sail. "Sail? Do we need sails in the sea?"

Pei Jin was puzzled. "I heard that the coated ship uses ocean currents instead of wind to propel the ship."

Robin explained. "I thought we could reach The fish men island by sinking directly to the bottom of the sea."

Xia Qi was surprised.

Soon, the sail was lowered.

The whole ship was also wrapped in bubbles.

Xiao Ba returned to the deck.

In the expectant eyes of everyone, Sander flew into the air. "Set sail! Go to The fish men island!"

The whole ship began to dive.

Gradually disappeared on the sea.

Not far away, Rayleigh was holding a bottle of wine and watching this scene. "New World is going to stir up waves again..."

The Marine in charge of monitoring the Thor also immediately reported the Thor Pirates' trip to The fish men island.

The chief officer of the Sabaody Archipelago Marine resident breathed a sigh of relief.

Somewhere in the Sabaody Archipelago.

Diamante woke up.

He looked around in horror at first.

He was relieved to find that there was no trace of Sander.

He immediately took out the Den Den Mushi and reported the situation to Doflamingo.

"Bulu Bulu Bulu~"

The moment Doflamingo answered the phone, the phone minister suddenly changed into Doflamingo's appearance.

Wearing sunglasses.

With an exaggerated expression.


"Diamante, have you found the family's Third Generation 'heart'?"

"I can't wait to talk to him."

Doflamingo said with a smile on the other end of the phone.

In his opinion, it would be easy for Diamante to take down Law.

Even if Law got the Op-Op Fruit, what would it matter?

It's only been a few years, and Law's strength is not that strong.

"Dover, the plan failed."

Diamante said.

One side of his face was swollen, and his speech was unclear.

The expression of the Den Den Mushi froze.


"I never thought that in just a few years, Law has grown to the point where he can escape from you?"

"What a surprise!"

After a moment of silence, Doflamingo said.

"No, Dover."

"Law is weak, and his companions are also weak. I defeated them easily.

"But now he has joined the Thunder God Pirates!"

Diamanti quickly told the story.

"What did you say?"

"Law joined the Thunder God Pirates?!"

"Is it the Thunder God Pirates I was thinking of?!"

Doflamingo was a little unbelievable, and a drop of cold sweat appeared on his head on the phone.

"Yes, Dover, it's Sander's Thunder God Pirates. "

"He is now the ship doctor of the Thunder God Pirates."

"I had defeated Law and his crew, but Sander suddenly appeared and kicked me, and I passed out. When I woke up, Law and his crew disappeared."

Diamanti said.

Doflamingo held the Den Den Mushi for a long time without saying anything.

Things are getting a little troublesome.

Roy joined the Thunder God Pirates.

It means that he can no longer bring Law to his side.

His plan to live forever will also fail completely.

No one knows the power of Marine Admiral better than him.

That group of monsters helped Marine dominate the sea and laid the foundation for Marine to become the first force in the sea.

Even Marine couldn't do anything to Sander.

He couldn't do anything more.

"I know, Diamanti, you come back first."

After a long time, Tulamingo said.

After that, he hung up the phone.


Doflamingo sat on the sofa with a cold smile on his face.

"Master, will Law take revenge on us after joining the Thunder God Pirates?"

Trebol, who was standing by, heard Diamanti's conversation throughout.

"Who knows...?"

"It depends on how much Sander values ​​Luo."

The Thor slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.

The world became quiet.

The huge tree roots that went deep into the sea appeared in front of everyone.

"The sea surface is getting farther and farther away from us."

On the Thor, Robin held a book in his hand and looked up at the sea surface.

Everyone looked at the sea in shock.

"It feels like the human world is getting farther and farther away from us, so it's exciting!"

Nami looked at the sea fish swimming outside the coating with a surprised look on her face.

"It's really spectacular!"

Luo exclaimed while carrying Gui Ku.

His pirate ship is a submarine.

But submarines can't be equipped with such large windows.

They are in a transparent bubble, with a panoramic view of all directions.

"Hey, hey! Will this bubble really not break? It doesn't feel safer than a submarine!"

Pekin stretched out his finger and gently tapped the film, a little panicked.

"New, it won't break.

Rayleigh's coating skills are very good.

As long as these bubbles don't hit the reef or are bitten by a big fish, even shooting won't break them.

Xiaoba explained. "Yes, don't worry, this bubble is not only durable enough to withstand the huge pressure on the seabed, but also allows objects to pass through without destroying the bubble as a whole.

Nami saw that the people of the God's Guard were also panicked.

He took the instruction manual given by Rayleigh to comfort them.

Looking at the huge tree roots deep in the seabed beside him.

Sander felt that his previous threats to Aokiji were a bit exaggerated.

In this case, no matter how strong his Lion Fruit is, it can't float the Sabaody Archipelago.

At most, it can damage the land and buildings on the surface of the Sabaody Archipelago. "Wow! What a big fish!"

Bepo suddenly exclaimed, with fear on his face.

Everyone turned their heads to look. .......

Then they saw a fish several times larger than the Thor, stuck in the middle of the tree roots, motionless, as if dead. "It's really big, it feels like it's almost as big as Sea Kings!"

"But it looks like an ordinary fish."

"The sea is really magical, it can make fish grow so big!"

Xia Qi said softly.

"Hey, Yixiao, it's a pity that you can't see this beautiful scene on the seabed."

Sander said to Yixiao with a smile.

"Captain, how can you expose Uncle Yixiao's scars like this!"

Nami looked at Sander angrily.

Yixiao waved his hand and said with a smile:

"I experienced all this when I was young."

"The seabed is really beautiful, and I still remember it."

The group laughed and sank while watching the wonders on the seabed.

Soon, the ship sank to a certain extent.

The light on the sea surface could no longer shine through the sea water.

The Thor fell into darkness.

The dead silence and darkness swept across, making everyone feel terrified.


At this moment, the lamp shells were turned on one by one.

This is a specialty of Sky Island, which can be used as a light.

The Thor had light, and everyone's inner anxiety was immediately dispelled.

With the mermaid Xiaoba leading the way.

Sander and his team arrived at 10,000 meters under the sea without any danger.

"The fish men island is in front!"

Xiao Ba pointed to the island in front and said.


"It's amazing. There is sunlight coming in from 10,000 meters under the sea."

Robin said softly while looking at the light around him.

And in the distance.

In a spherical bubble similar to the Sabaody Archipelago bubble.

An island exists safely in it.

A large number of fish are swimming around.

Several huge Sea Kings are swimming near the huge bubble.

Nami looked at the pointer on her wrist pointing to the island in the distance and smiled, thinking:

"The fish men island is in front."

"There are actually clouds above."

"Maybe there is air!"

A group of people chattered about the magic of the fish men island.

Except for Xiao Ba and Yi Xiao, no one here has been to the fish men island.

The people of the God's Guard live at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

From 10,000 meters in the sky to 10,000 meters in the deep sea.

They crossed a distance of 20,000 meters to get here.

Therefore, everything about the fish men island is extremely new to them.

Just then.

Several huge sea beasts blocked the way forward for the Thor.

Walrus, sea lion, sea rhino...

"Such huge sea beasts, what do they want to do?"

Pekin's face was full of horror.

"It seems that there is a fishman sitting on it."

Xia Qi said.

"It's the New Fishman Pirates!"

Xiao Ba said in a panic.

"What is the New Fishman Pirates?"

Nami asked.

"It's a pirate group formed by the fishman Hodi Jones."

"It was formed after Arlong's death."

"It claims to have inherited Arlong's will."

"They hate humans very much, and I don't know why they are here."

Xiao Ba explained.

After explaining, he looked at Sander again.

"It wasn't me who tipped off. "

He is still on the Thor.

If Sander thinks that he is the one who tipped off and wants to avenge Arlong.

He will be killed by Sander in an instant.

"Are they here to avenge Arlong?"

Nami showed a panic on her face.

This is 10,000 meters deep in the sea.

The captain and the vice captain are all Demon fruit power.

No matter how powerful they are, they may not be able to deal with these sea beasts.

"Don't panic, they are just a few sea beasts. "

Sander jumped onto the deck and said lightly.

Atop the giraffe sea beast.

A fishman appeared in front of everyone.

He was dressed like a gangster, wearing a hat, with slightly curled curly hair and a small tuft of shadow on his chin.

A tattoo of "Arlong Gang" was printed on his lower right abdomen.

"It's Hammond, a fighter of the New Fishman Pirates!"

Xiao Ba recognized this man at a glance.

"Harmon! Hammond!"

"Xiao Ba, you actually mixed with humans, it's a shame for us fishmen!"

Hammond looked down at everyone on the Thor and laughed.

"Hammond, what are you going to do!"

Xiao Ba asked loudly.

"What? Hammon Hammon!"

"Of course it's to avenge Arlong!"

"If a pirate with a bounty of 2.8 billion dies in our hands, the New Fishman Pirates will definitely become famous. "

"When that happens, which human dares to look down on us fishmen again!"

Hammond laughed.

"Get out of the way Hammond, if Jinbei finds out, he won't let you go."

Hachi brought up the fishman Jinbei to scare off the new fishman pirates.


"Our boss is Hody Jones, not Jinbei!"

"He is a traitor who mixes with humans, and he is not worthy of being the leader of the fishmen!"

Hammond said disdainfully.

"You are Sander, right?"

Hammond turned to look at Sander.

"Because you killed Celestial Dragons, the captain was planning to recruit you as a subordinate."

"But your strength is too strong, and the captain is afraid that he can't control you."

"So, you can only go to the dead door!"