
Chapter 84 You Try To Move One!

Several people ran with Luffy and soon arrived near the Thor.

Seeing the Thor so close, Luo and his friends breathed a sigh of relief.

They were safe here.

Even if the people in the auction house had a hundred courages, they would not dare to act recklessly on the Thor.

He took the mermaid and jumped onto the deck of the Thor.

Several people were panting heavily.

Especially Xia Qi.

Others ran by themselves, but he was the only one who held a fishman.

"You are so tired, bastard!"

Pei Jin looked at Xia Qi who was constantly panting and said angrily.

The mermaid was placed on the deck by Xia Qi, and looked at Luo and others nervously.

She was afraid that she would just get out of the tiger's den and fall into the wolf's den.

At this moment, Rayleigh slowly walked out of the cabin with a kerosene lamp.

"Hey, you brought back a mermaid?"

"Mr. Rayleigh."

Luo stood up and greeted Rayleigh.

They had met Rayleigh once before when they returned to the ship.

"This is the mermaid we rescued from the slave auction house. We want her to lead us to The fish men island safely."

"Haha, it seems that Sander's crew is much more reliable than him. They even know to let the mermaid lead the way for you."

Rayleigh laughed, looking at Luo and others with admiration in his eyes.

"Xiao Ba, come and see if you recognize this mermaid."

Rayleigh shouted to the cabin.

He called Xiao Ba to help him.

After all, Sander spared his life, so he had to show it more or less.

"New! Rayleigh, what happened?"

Xiao Ba pouted and said in a muffled voice, rubbing his sleepy eyes with one hand.

"Merce man?!!"

Luo and others saw Xiao Ba and widened their eyes. They didn't expect that there would be a mermaid on their ship.

"Xiao Ba is my friend. He came to help me coat your ship."

Rayleigh explained with a smile.

At this time, the mermaid on the deck saw Xiao Ba and her face suddenly showed excitement.

"Xiao Ba?!!"

Xiao Ba heard someone calling his name, looked at the deck blankly, and saw the mermaid on the deck at a glance. "Ishili?" "Why are you here?" "Great, I actually see you here, phew.

The mermaid Ishili was so excited that she shed tears when she saw the acquaintances on The fish men island.

The fear and anxiety she had experienced for many days were vented with tears at this time. "It seems that it is Xiao Ba's acquaintance, Brother Luo, you did a good job."

Rayleigh said with a smile.

Luo and others were also very surprised.

I didn't expect that the rescued mermaid actually knew Mr.

Rayleigh's fishman friend. "New, Ishili, weren't you on The fish men island, why are you here? "

Xiao Ba came to the mermaid Isili.

Isili cried and told how she was captured by humans, sent to an auction for auction, and then rescued by Luo and others.

Xiao Ba looked at Luo and others with gratitude in his eyes.

"Thank you for saving my friend. When we get to The fish men island, I will treat you to takoyaki."

"Master Xiao Ba, you don't need to thank me. It's just a small favor."

Luo waved his hand and said.

"My name is Isili, a striped sea bream. Thank you for saving me. If it weren't for you, I can't imagine what would happen to me after being auctioned. '

Isili thanked Luo and others.

"You're welcome, Miss Isili."

"This is what we should do."

Pekin said first.

Xia Qi rolled his eyes and didn't say much.

"You want to go to The fish men island, right? I will take you there."

Isili looked at Luo and others and said.

"Ishili, you can go back first.

I promised Rayleigh that I would lead the Thunder God Pirates to The Fish Men Island.

You haven't been back for a long time.

Camie must be worried."

Xiaoba patted his chest and said. "..."

Ishili hesitated.

After all, Luo and others saved her, but she really wanted to go home.

The shore could not bring her a sense of security at all. "Miss Ishili can go back first.

With Xiaoba's leadership, we can also go to The Fish Men Island safely."

Luo thought for a while and said.

With someone leading the way, Ishili can stay here or not.

"You are the Thunder God Pirates, right? I'll remember that when you arrive at The fish men island, you must come to my house as a guest." Ishili said.

"For us, the Thunder God Pirates, the captain is a big shot with a bounty of 2.8 billion, and the vice captain's bounty is also more than 1 billion.

Pekin couldn't wait to brag about the Thunder God Pirates.

For him and Xia Qi, who used to be gangsters.

Joining the Thunder God Pirates is a very glorious thing.

"2.8 billion Baileys?!!!"

Ishili lives on The fish men island and doesn't know much about what's happening on the sea.

But she also knows what a bounty of 2.8 billion Baileys means.

Whitebeard, the protector of their The fish men island and one of the Four Emperors, has 5 billion Baileys.

The vice captain Ma has only a few billion Baileys.

The captain of her benefactor actually has 2.8 billion!!!

Thinking of this, she looked around, as if she wanted to find the figure of the pirate with a bounty of 2.8 billion.

"The captain is not here.

Apart from us and Mr.

Rayleigh, there should be no one on the ship.

Everyone is playing in Sabaody Archipelago."

Xia Qi saw what Yishili wanted to do and explained softly.

At this moment, Xiao Ba quietly leaned into Yishili's ear and whispered: "Arlong was killed by Sander.

He is very powerful."

Yishili shuddered when she heard this.

She also knew Arlong.

She worked in the Mermaid Cafe on The fish men island.

The manager of the Mermaid Cafe is (dadf) Arlong's half-sister.

However, unlike Arlong who hated humans so much.

Shyarly, the manager of the Mermaid Cafe, did not reject humans and was even very interested in them. "Then is it really okay for you to be here?" "Why don't I take them to The fish men island? I have been missing for several days and I don't mind a few more days." "Or you can go back and bring me a message."

Yishili said with some concern.

She probably knew the reason for the demise of Arlong's group.

Xiao Ba is also a member of Arlong's group, and it is difficult to guarantee that the pirate named Sander will not hurt Xiao Ba.

"No problem, Rayleigh said that Sander will not hurt me again."

"I have also apologized to Nami, and I have obtained Nami's forgiveness."

Xiao Ba patted his chest and said.

If he had not obtained Nami's forgiveness, he would not dare to set foot on the Thor at this time.

"That's good."

Yi Xili breathed a sigh of relief.

Luo and others looked at each other. He didn't expect that the fishmen in front of him and their captain, Poseidon, had such a story.

"Then I will go back first. When you arrive at The fish men island, you must find me at the mermaid cafe."

Yi Xili looked at Luo and others and said.

"No problem, Miss Yi Xili, we will definitely go!"

Pei Jin patted his chest and said.

With the eyes of several people, Yi Xili jumped into the sea, and they waved their hands and disappeared on the sea.

On the other side.

The person in charge of the slave auction house called Doflamingo's men.

After enduring a scolding.

The person in charge of the auction house quickly organized people to capture the escaped slaves.

Especially the mermaid.

They had put out advertisements.

If there was no mermaid at the auction tomorrow, the Seven Warlords of the Sea would lose face.

After a night of searching.

The auction house found several escaped slaves.

But there was still no trace of the mermaid.

Early in the morning.


Doflamingo woke up from the bed and sat on the dining table to eat breakfast.

Diamante came to his side.

"Dover, we were attacked at a slave auction house in Sabaody Archipelago. Dozens of slaves escaped, including a mermaid.

Diamante briefly recounted what happened in Sabaody Archipelago.

Doflamingo stopped what he was doing, and his face instantly became extremely cold.


"What a waste! Chop up all the waste responsible and feed them to the fish."

Doflamingo said lightly.


"Find out who did it?"

"According to the captured slaves, there are four of them, three young men and a talking bear."

Diamanti said.

"A talking bear? The fur tribe, that's really interesting.

Doflamingo showed an interested look on his face.

The fur tribe, a race even rarer than the merfolk.

If they can be caught and auctioned, they might be more valuable than mermaids.

The black industry he runs is not only about buying and selling humans, merfolk, and mermaids.

All creatures of all races are bought and sold.

"I heard from the slaves that the young man in the lead is called "Luo"

"And this man is Demon fruit power."

"He can chop off a person's head without bleeding or pain, and it's the same as if he hadn't been injured when he put it back."

Diamanti hesitated and said.

"Hey hey hey hey hey!

"Is it Luo?"

"It's been a long time since we last met, and there's finally news about him!"

"I didn't expect that he would give me a surprise as soon as he showed up, it's really good, he's worthy of being my recognized "little brother"

Doflamingo showed a surprised look on his face.

Being able to chop off a person's head and put it back together, what else can this be if it's not the ability of the Op-Op Fruit?

And it's called Luo

Isn't that his beloved Third Generation "Red Heart"?

Doflamingo, who was originally in a bad mood because of the auction house, suddenly felt much better.

Compared with Luo's news.

The loss of the auction house is not worth mentioning.

"It should be him if nothing unexpected happens. The age, name and ability all match."

Diamanti said.

"That's good. I didn't expect him to come to Sabaody Archipelago.

"I thought it would take a few years to hear about him." Doflamingo said with a smile.

"You take people to Sabaody Archipelago in person and be sure to bring him back!"

"Understood! Dover!"

Because the mermaid was not found.

The reputation of the auction house has been greatly reduced.

The person in charge of the auction house and the seven guards disappeared without a trace that day.

Luo and his group, who successfully made Doflamingo suffer, were in a good mood.

They began to play in Sabaody Archipelago.

Experience the characteristics of Sabaody Archipelago.

This day.

Luo and his friends patted their bellies and came out of a restaurant.

"We are so full. Today is the day to go to The fish men island. I wonder what kind of delicious food there is on The fish men island."

Pei Jin wiped her mouth with a satisfied look.

"Hehe, and Miss Ishili, we will go to visit her when we get to The fish men island. I wonder if there are many beautiful mermaids on The fish men island."

"Don't fantasize, hurry back to the boat and gather. "

Xia Qi said calmly, crossing his arms.

Just then, Luo suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?"

Pekin was confused, and saw Luo looking forward with a serious face.

He looked forward.

He saw more than a dozen people standing in front of them blocking their way.

The leader was a five-meter-tall man wearing a fur-brimmed hat, two facial wrinkles on his face, wearing a red cloak, dressed like an indigenous tribe, and wearing a Western sword on his waist.

"Long time no see, Luo!"


Luo said with a serious look in his eyes, gritting his teeth.

"He is One of the highest officials of the Donquixote family, run!"

Luo shouted to Pei Jin and others, and stretched out his hand to use the fruit ability. "Army flag!"

Before Luo could make a move, Diamante took the lead.

Luo only felt that the ground became like a large piece of cloth fluttering in the wind, making it difficult to keep balance.

Pei Jin and Xia Qi even lost their center of gravity and fell down.

This is the ability of the fluttering fruit! It can turn any object touched into a light and floating form like cloth and silk, and the material of this object will not change. "Is this your partner, Luo?" "So weak, I am so disappointed."

Diamante said with sarcasm.

When he first came to Sabaody Archipelago, he thought that since Luo and his group could come here, they must be quite strong.

Who would have thought that they were so weak.

"You go first, I'll hold him back!"


Luo directly used the Op-Op Fruit ability to attack Diamante.

The fruit ability attacked Diamante's heart, but it had no effect at all.

"Hahaha, Luo.

"I roughly learned about your ability from those trash, do you think I won't be on guard?"

Diamante laughed.

He had long known from the guards that Luo could dig out a person's heart.

So he had covered his body with Armament Haki.

The Donquixote family has been in the New World.

As one of the highest cadres, how could Diamante not know Armament Haki.

"Luo, let me see how much you have grown over the years. "

Diamante took out the rapier and flashed in front of Luo De.

"Sword·Snake Sword!"

The sword in Diamante's hand turned into a light and fluttering shape like silk, and then swung the sword towards Luo. The rapier, like Lion Majesty, launched unpredictable irregular attacks.

"So fast!"

Luo had no time to react to Diamante's speed.

He could only raise the "Ghost Cry" in his hand to block.


Luo was blown away and hit the wall heavily, and blood immediately flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Facing the highest cadre of the Donquixote family, Luo now seemed vulnerable.


Seeing that Luo was easily defeated, Bepo roared and rushed towards Diamante, and was then kicked away by Diamante.

Pekin and Xiaqi, because they could not keep their balance on the ground, could only take out their pistols and shoot at Diamante.

Diamante seemed to be able to predict the attacks of the two and easily dodged the bullets.

"I am really disappointed. "

"How did you get to Sabaody Archipelago?"

"I was lucky not to be killed by other pirates along the way!"

Diamanti looked at Law with some disdain and said.

Too weak.

There is not even one person who can use Haki in the group.

Law's fruit ability is not well developed, so he has no interest in taking action at all.

"Come back with me, Luo, Dover misses you very much."

Diamanti came to Luo and said with a smile.

"You guy, do you know who we are?"

"Let us go quickly, or you will be in trouble!"

Seeing Diamanti trying to take Luo away.

Pekin shouted while pulling the trigger.

"Oh? Who are you?"

Diamanti said with a mocking face.

In the whole sea, how many people can't be offended by their Donquixote family?

A group of minions who can't even use Haki and came to Sabaody Archipelago by chance, what kind of people can they know?

"Luo is the ship doctor of the Thunder God Pirates!"

"If you hurt him, the captain will never let you go!"

Xia Qi said with a gloomy face.

In the face of absolute strength, they could only bring up the captain's name, hoping to scare away the powerful guy in front of them.


Diamanti couldn't help laughing.

"Are you members of the Thunder God Pirates?"

"I am really laughing to death!"

"You don't think that the Thunder God Pirates are in the Sabaody Archipelago, and you can scare me away by bringing him up, right?"

"Do you really think I am a fool?"

Diamanti said with a face full of sarcasm.

Luo disappeared in North Blue.

To go out to sea, it must be from North Blue.

He has never heard that the Thunder God Pirates have been to North Blue.

This is Sander's fault for recruiting Luo too quickly.

From landing to leaving, there was only half a day in total, and it was a relatively remote island. Not to mention Diamanti, even the World government and Marine, now don't know that Luo has become the ship doctor of the Thunder God Pirates.

"Stop talking nonsense, Luo, come with me, or I will kill your partner!"

At this moment, a cold voice sounded above everyone's head.

"Really, try to move one!!".