
Chapter 71 Becoming A Great Swordsman! Conqueror's Haki Entangled!

In the monitoring room of the Golden Lion base.

Golden Lion's minions and Indigo gorilla stared at the screen intently.

"Boss Shiki was knocked away!"

Seeing Sander-thunder punch Shiki to the ground.

The minions were panicked.

"Asshole! Shut up!"

"Shiki is not so easy to defeat!"

Indigo slapped the minions without hesitation, and the minions were directly beaten away, and several teeth fell out.

He has been with Shiki for decades.

He knows the true strength of Golden Lion Shiki.

The guy who ate the Thunder Fruit is very strong.

But Shiki is a big pirate who can be compared with Roger, and it is not so easy to defeat.

The battle has just begun.

On the battlefield.

As Golden Lion waved his hands.

The ground began to shake violently.

Soil and sand rose from the ground, gradually forming a wall of hundreds of meters high, trapping Sander on the ground in the center under the dust.

"Is it that move?"

Sander looked at the sand and dirt rising around him with a smile on his face.

He had tested it before when he fought Aokiji, and the move of resisting the fruit ability can speed up the deduction speed.

Lion Fruit is not as good as Frozen Fruit in terms of attack power.

So, Sander still planned to resist this move.

The earth wall gradually began to change, slowly forming huge lion heads, with bared teeth and claws, and a ferocious look.

"Is this the power of the legendary pirate? It's too scary!"

Looking at the land whose terrain was changed, Robin said in a trembling voice.

"Why doesn't Sander move? Dodge or use lightning to smash these lion heads!"

Seeing Sander standing motionless surrounded by lion heads, Nami was a little anxious.

"Lion Majesty: Earth Coiling!"

With the urging of Golden Lion.

Eight lion heads pounced on Sander. "Eight four three"

Sander stood still and resisted this move.

The lion head swallowed him whole.

Then, the soil and gravel began to change.

A huge stone pillar gradually formed, trapping Sander inside, with only his head exposed.

"Has the captain lost? Golden Lion is so scary!"

"Uncle Yixiao, come and save the captain!"

Nami said worriedly.

"No, this is just the beginning. Sander must have his reasons for doing this."

Yixiao comforted the worried Nami.

Robin looked at Sander's exposed head thoughtfully.

Is this how Sander gets the Lion Fruit?

But what's going on?


Looking at Sander trapped by himself, Golden Lion couldn't help laughing.

Although he also knew that he couldn't trap the other party, he had the upper hand now, didn't he?

"Sander, is this all your strength?"

"Are all the kids now so weak?"

Sander ignored Shiki, he opened his eyes, feeling the soil and gravel squeezing his body.

Is this what it feels like to be buried alive?

He looked at Golden Lion and smiled:

"I just want to see if you are old or not!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Sander's muscles moved, and he exerted force suddenly, breaking free from the sandstone column.

The sandstone column was shattered by him.

Rocks and rocks flew on the ground.

Thunder and lightning surrounded Sander's right hand, and a thunder knife condensed in Sander's hand.

The thunder knife looked like the Tang straight knife in Sander's previous life.

Crackling lightning lingered around the thunder knife, emitting a blue light.

"Are you a swordsman too?"

Shiki took a puff of his cigar and became interested.

He is a great swordsman himself.

If he didn't want to hide himself, he might have gone to compete with the world's number one swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk.

"Just learned."

Sander chuckled.

He swung the knife and slashed a flying slash.

The flying slash was several times smaller than Shiki's "Slash Wave".

But there is thunder and lightning in it, obviously Sander added the power of Thunder Fruit into it.

"Captain, do you know swordsmanship?"

"Is that sword made of lightning?"

Nami looked at Sander's lightning sword with surprise, and raised her little face to think about what kind of weapon she wanted.

She frowned.

He felt a sense of familiarity in Sander's swordsmanship.

Golden Lion raised his foot and easily broke Sander's slash.

He laughed disdainfully:


"Is that the swordsmanship you have?"

"It's just the level of a junior swordsman."

"Don't use this level of power to fight me!"

Sander didn't answer.

He rushed forward with "Lightning Flash", and the lightning sword wrapped with Armament Haki slashed at Shiki vertically.


Shiki floated in the air and fought with Sander.

The sound of metal clashing was endless.

A violent collision.

Golden Lion was pushed back several meters by Sander's huge force.

He showed an impatient expression on his face.

Fighting with a swordsman made him lose his spirit.

Although this swordsman is strong enough, and Armament Haki has also practiced to a level that surprised him.

But a swordsman is a swordsman.

"Boy, I don't have time to play with you. Show your true strength!"

"Lion Thousand Slice Valley!"

The golden hair that fell to the ankles of the Golden Lion fluttered in the wind.

He kicked violently in the air a few times.

Several sword energies that were larger and more powerful than Slash Wave roared towards Sander.

The sharp sword energy cut the earth and cut down trees.

Faced with such a powerful attack.

Sander did not dare to be careless.

"Two hundred million volts, lightning strike!"

He first sent a lightning bolt to Slash Wave.

Then the Armament Haki wrapped around his whole body, tightly grasped the thunder sword in his hand, and continuously swung out flying slashes.

"Clang clang clang clang."

Sander's thunder slash was constantly shattered.

The huge slash of the Golden Lion slammed into Sander.

Boom boom.

The ground was slashed with a huge crack.

Sander fell into the crack.

He jumped out of the crack.

Covered in dust, he looked a bit embarrassed.

A huge octopus-like beast suddenly appeared beside him, raising its tentacles to attack Sander.

"Get lost!"

Sander glared, and Conqueror's Haki spread out.

The octopus was frightened to show human horror on his face.

The tentacles danced and kept running away.

It disappeared soon.

With him and Golden Lion as the center of the battlefield, all the surrounding beasts fled in all directions.


"Sander, you see, this is the real swordsmanship."

"Don't show off your little skills."

Golden Lion laughed mercilessly.

Compared with him, Sander's swordsmanship is indeed not good enough.

It is only because of his great strength and strong Armament Haki that he can compete with him.

"I am less than 20 years old, it is normal for my swordsmanship to be weak, Jinzi!

Sander didn't care about Golden Lion's ridicule at all.

This is his big experience pack.

Taunting him a few times, it doesn't hurt or itch.

"Two hundred million volts Thunder Dragon!"

The Thunder Dragon appeared in front of him, roaring and rushing towards the Golden Lion.

"Lion Majesty: Earth Coiling!"

The dirt and gravel turned into a giant lion, marching on all fours to meet the Thunder Dragon.

In mid-air, the Thunder Dragon roared and the giant lion roared.

The two beasts fought each other with powerful pressure.

The sound of electricity crackled.

The dirt flew, the giant lion collapsed, and the Thunder Dragon also dissipated in mid-air.

The dirt and gravel scattered on the ground turned black.

The earth smelled of burning.

Sander approached again, swinging the lightning blade, flashing a dazzling light.

Electric charges hissed in the air.

The sound of swords clashing rang out in the forest.

The beasts that had just run a short distance were frightened again and began to run away again.

Along the way, they could not withstand the instinct of hunting and fought with other beasts.

The whole forest was in chaos.

The sky over the battlefield began to be covered by dark clouds.

Obviously, Sander was serious.

"Is this the captain's true strength?"

"Too scary!"

"It's worthy of being able to defeat Marine Admiral!"

Robin stood on the Thor, observing the battlefield through a telescope.

They didn't dare to get too close to the battlefield.

The lightning arcs in the dark clouds above the battlefield frightened them, fearing that they would be injured by mistake, so they could only observe from a distance.

Yixiao finally "saw" Sander's swordsmanship clearly at this time.

Find out where the familiarity that brought him came from.

Isn't this his swordsmanship?

When did Sander learn it?

Just then, a huge bird-beast swooped down towards the Thor.

Yixiao drew out his bamboo sword and slashed it with a flying strike.

The bird-beast was instantly split in half and fell from the sky.

"This battle may not end so soon."

"It's easy to be attacked by birds and beasts when floating in the sky. Why don't we go to the village below?"

Yixiao glanced at the battlefield and suggested.

"Are you really okay?"

"Golden Lion Shiki is very strong. If we stay here, Uncle Yixiao can support the captain at any time."

Nami's face was full of entanglement, and she said worriedly.

"It's okay. It will take at least a few days for strong men of their level to decide the winner." Yixiao said with a smile.

He could feel that Sander didn't use his full strength and didn't know what he was planning.

But he didn't need to worry.

The existence that could defeat the Marine Admiral was not so easy to be defeated.

"Okay then."

Nami hesitated for a moment and nodded in agreement.

She also wanted to see the residents of the island.

"Sander said the smell there is poisonous. I remember there are masks to prevent miasma in the warehouse of the cabin. Let's take them.

Robin then remembered that Sander once said that the trees that blocked the beasts would emit poisonous smells.

In this way, the group took the Thor to the village below.

Yixiao and others were very tolerant.

Indigo on the Golden Lion side stared at the screen nervously...0

"Are we going to help, Lord Indigo?" A small minion looked at the destroyed forest and asked with a trembling voice.

"No need."

"It's useless for us to go."

"This is Shiki's battle alone." Indigo said.

They can't help at all with this intensity of battle.

On the battlefield.

Golden Lion looked at the dark clouds above his head with a grim look on his face.

It seemed that he remembered some bad memories.

The storm that destroyed the Flying Pirates had such dark clouds.

But fortunately there is no hurricane now.

That thing brought him a lot of psychological shadow.

The two kept fighting.

The battlefield also moved little by little.

The earth was destroyed, and ruins were everywhere.

They fought from day to night.

Like two tireless perpetual motion machines.

Various moves were constantly launched.

Slash Wave, lightning strike, earth lion, thunder dragon, various attacks were frequent.

The rumbling sound spread throughout the island.

The next evening.

Golden Lion panted and looked at Sander not far away, his face a little gloomy.

He was a little embarrassed at this time.

A large area of ​​his long golden hair was burnt black, the cigar in his mouth had long gone out, and a trace of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

After such a long battle, he had already understood.

Conventional means could not do anything to the opponent.

The opponent was young and strong.

He did not care about physical strength at all when fighting.

He was in his 40s and had not experienced such a high-intensity battle for a long time, so his body could not bear it.

Sander's image was also not good.

His clothes were already tattered.

The clothes on his upper body had long been beaten away, revealing solid muscles, and there were a few scars on them, all left by Golden Lion on him.

But his eyes were unusually bright.

After more than a day of fighting.

He finally got the first ability from Golden Lion.

Great swordsman-level swordsmanship!

Now he is also a great swordsman!

"Shiki, is this not enough?"

"If it doesn't work, just let me know, and I will spare your life!"

Sander taunted while holding the thunder knife.

"Asshole, I should spare your life!"

Golden Lion's slightly tired face instantly flushed with anger.

His eyes were full of anger.

This guy, when he fights, he keeps talking.

He keeps mocking him, a senior who is several decades older than him.

"Slash Wave!"

Golden Lion raised his foot and made a slash.

Sander's mouth curled up, and he felt the swordsmanship of the great swordsman level that he derived.

"Slash Wave!"

Sander swung his thunder knife.

The same Slash Wave shot out and collided with Golden Lion's Slash Wave.

The terrifying air wave blew down the surrounding trees.


Golden Lion's eyes widened, and he exclaimed in disbelief.

He clearly felt the same five zones as him in that slash.

No, it was a little stronger than his.

Because the Slash Wave of the boy opposite carried the power of Thunder Fruit.

"3.6 You kid, when?!!"

Golden Lion looked at Sander with a serious look.

"Thank you for this, Shiki!"

"If it weren't for you, my swordsmanship wouldn't have improved so quickly."

Sander grinned.

The look of being so ungrateful almost made Shiki's lungs explode.

"Damn it! You actually used me as a sparring partner?!!"

Golden Lion's eyes were red, and the whole person exuded a terrifying momentum.

Conqueror's Haki spread mercilessly in all directions.

The sand and gravel on the ground danced, and the dark clouds in the sky rolled back.

The already gloomy weather seemed to become even darker because of Golden Lion's anger.

"Don't say that.

I was once a Marine genius.

It's normal for my swordsmanship to improve in battle."

Sander said casually.

Golden Lion was slightly stunned.

Then he thought of the information about Sander.

The most talented Marine in the history of Naval Headquarters.

In two years, he not only developed his own fruit to a certain extent.

Taijutsu, Armament Haki, and Observation Haki are also Grandmasters. "What a terrifying talent.

Marine let you escape from Impel down.

I'm afraid Sengoku regrets it."

Shiki said with a complicated expression.

It's not like he hasn't seen geniuses before.

Roger, Whitebeard, BIGMOM and himself are all geniuses in the sea.

But compared with the guy in front of him who is less than 20 years old.

In terms of learning ability, they seem to be more than one level weaker.

It's a pity that such a person can't be used by him. "Then let's have a big fight, Sander. "Let's see whether you die or I die!"

Golden Lion roared and rushed towards the Baode punching machine.

His Conqueror's Haki was constantly activated.

Red lightning lingered around his body and finally gathered on Sakura Shimuku.

Conqueror's entanglement! A power that only a few strong people can possess!