
Chapter 62 How Awful, Captain!

Cocoa West Village.

The Thor quietly landed on the coast.

Sander lowered the sail and took down the pirate flag. He jumped onto the shore carrying a huge box, followed by Robin and Yixiao.

"Captain, what's in the box?"

Robin looked at the small box Sander handed to her, and pointed to the big box Sander was carrying and asked.

"It's Bailey, 100 million Bailey!"

Sander patted the big box on his shoulder and said with a mysterious smile.

"As for what's in the box in your hand, you'll know in a while."

"100 million Bailey?!!"

"Why do you bring so much money?"

Robin asked with some doubts.

She didn't doubt whether there was 100 million Bailey in the big box.

There were a lot of treasures piled up in the storage room.

Bailey was probably the least valuable among them.

100 million Bailey was a drop in the bucket compared to the value of the treasures in the storage room.

"Our navigator lady really needs this 100 million Bailey."

Sander said with a smile.

"But after she gets 100 million Baileys, the result may not be so good."


Robin smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

Anyway, we will know what Sander is keeping in suspense in a while.

And Yixiao on the side frowned as he looked at a place in Kokoyasi Village.

The three of them walked into Kokoyasi Village.

The village seemed a little depressed, and they didn't meet anyone after walking for a while.

Suddenly, a bearded man in a police uniform walked out from the corner.

His face was full of scars, and there was a wind bank on his head.

"Who are you?"

"What are you doing here?"

The man stopped Sander and others with a serious face.

Sander glanced at him, and the man's image suddenly overlapped with someone in his memory.

Ajian, the sheriff of Kokoyasi Village.

A very good person.

"We are pirates, and we are here to find a girl named Nami."

Sander said with a warm smile.

Robin on the side looked at Sander in surprise.

Is it really okay to say that you are a pirate in front of civilians?


Ajian's face changed.

When he heard about pirates, the first thing that came to his mind was that the pirates who were robbed by Nami had come to his door.

At this time, Nami had already gone out to sea to steal the pirates' property.

And Ajian also knew why Nami did this.

"We don't have this person here, you've found the wrong place."

Ajian pretended to be calm and said.

He tried to send Sander and others away quickly.

"I think you may have misunderstood. We came here because we heard that Nami has an excellent talent for sailing, so we plan to let her be our navigator."

Sander said.

Hearing that they were not here to seek revenge, Ajian was relieved.

Nami has had this talent since she was a child.

Because of this, Arlong and his gang regarded her as a surveyor.


Ajian was about to say something when footsteps came from a distance.

His face changed, and he quickly pulled the three people to hide.

A ferocious and ugly fishman swaggered through the street. When he walked away, Ajian breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's very dangerous here. A group of fishmen have occupied this place."

"Nami probably won't go with you. You'd better leave quickly. If you are discovered by the fishmen, it will be very dangerous." Ajian said to Sander.

In fact, if possible, Ajian really wanted Nami to leave Kokoyasi Village with these people in front of him.

Not only him.

All the villagers in Kokoyasi Village wanted Nami to escape from here.

For this reason, he pretended not to know that Nami saved money to buy Kokoyasi Village.

He just didn't want to become a stumbling block for Nami when she wanted to escape from Arlong's group.

But Ajian also knew.

Nami would not abandon Kokoyasi Village and leave by herself.

Although the group of people in front of him are pirates like Arlong.

Both men are tall.

But Ajian doesn't think they are opponents of those fishmen.

The fishmen are too powerful.

Marine warships are not opponents.

So Ajian hurriedly persuaded Sander and others.

"We won't leave. Can you take us to see Nami?"

Sander said with a smile.

"Oh, why don't you listen to my advice."

"Those fishmen are very cruel. If they find you, you will die.

Seeing that Sander was unwilling to leave, Ajian was a little anxious.

"Forget it, I'll take you to her sister first, and leave quickly after seeing Nami.

Ajian said, noticing Sander's determination.

He took Sander to avoid the possible fishmen and walked towards Nokigo's residence.

On the way, Yixiao asked Ajian: "Are those fishmen very bad to you?"

"More than bad, we need money to buy our lives."

"One hundred thousand Beli for adults and fifty thousand Beli for children."

"People without money will be killed immediately."

Ajian said in a lonely tone.

"Is that so? It's really bad."

Yixiao whispered.

"Is there no Marine to take care of it?"

Robin asked curiously.

"How could there be no Marine? Marine came several times, but he was no match for those fishmen. They were too powerful, just like monsters. I advise you to leave quickly."

Ajian persuaded again.

But Sander and the other two still looked indifferent.

This made Ajian very helpless.

Several people soon came to a house.

There were some orange trees planted in the backyard of the house.

Ajian knocked on the door, and a girl with short blue-purple hair and some tattoos opened the door and stuck her head out.

"Ajian? Who are these people?"

The girl looked at Sander and others with some confusion.

"Let's go in first, don't let those fishmen find us."

Ajian pushed the door open and walked in.

After closing the door, Ajian introduced Sander and the others.

"Are you here to find Nami? Do you want her to be your navigator?"

Noqigao looked at Sander and said.

"That's right."

Sander smiled.

"Nami won't leave here. You should leave quickly. If you are found by those fishmen, you won't be able to leave."

Noqigao's eyes were a little dim.

"Can we meet her? Maybe she will agree."

Sander put the big box on the ground and sat on it.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Ajian and Noqigao looked panicked.

"Who is it?"

Noqigao shouted loudly.

"It's me, Nokiko."

A crisp female voice sounded outside the door.

Ajian and Nokiko breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Ajian opened the door, and the girl with orange hair walked in.

The girl looked about thirteen or fourteen years old.

She had a mature expression on her face that didn't belong to her age.

She changed her face immediately after seeing Sander and others.

"Who are you? What do you do?"

"Is this the navigator the captain is looking for? He looks like a child.

Robin looked at Nami and chuckled.

"We are pirates, and we want you to be our Poseidon."

"I won't leave here, please leave quickly.

Nami said sternly with a small face.

"Don't you want to listen to our conditions first, Miss Navigator?"

Sander stood up from the big box, and his tall figure seemed very oppressive.

Nami took two steps back and looked at Sander warily.

"I won't leave here no matter what the conditions are!"

This is her home.

If she leaves here, Arlong will kill everyone in Kokoyasi Village.

She will never allow this to happen!

She has to save up 100 million Baileys, and then buy Kokoyasi Village and herself back from Arlong's group.


Sander's mouth curled up and he snapped his fingers lightly.

He opened the big box, revealing stacks of Baileys inside.

"Being my navigator, you can get a salary of 10 million Baileys a year."


Seeing the Baileys in the box, Nami's eyes instantly turned into Bailey's.

Ajian and Nojiko were also shocked by the Baileys in the box.

Such a big box, how much money would it cost.

"Is this why the captain wants to bring so many Baileys? It's really interesting.

Looking at the money-loving Nami, Robin covered his hand and chuckled.

"Here are 100 million Baileys. As long as you agree to be my navigator, these are the gifts for meeting you, and there will be another 10 million Baileys as salary every year.

100 million Baileys!!

The little stars in Nami's eyes became brighter.

Hearing that if she became the navigator of the man in front of her, she would get a 100 million Bailey gift and a salary of 10 million Baileys every year in the future, Nami's face was full of excitement.

"Are you telling the truth?"

Nami's voice was trembling.

"Of course!"

Sander nodded and pushed the big box towards Nami.

"Nojigo, Ajian, did you hear that?"

"Here are 100 million Baileys. With it, I can buy the village of Kokoa from Arlong." Nami said excitedly, her eyes moist and her face full of hope for the future.

As for being a navigator for others, Nami doesn't care.

It's better than being a surveyor for Arlong, the beast who killed Bell-mère.

Nojigo and Ajian were not as happy as Nami imagined.

On the contrary, they looked gloomy and wanted to say something.

Nami, who was in a state of excitement, didn't realize that at this moment she was only happy and excited.

She can finally buy the village and let the villagers no longer accept Arlong's brutal rule!

Robin looked at Nojigo and Ajian, then at Nami, thinking.

"I am willing to be your navigator. The 100 million Baileys are mine now, right?"

Nami pointed at the Baileys in the box, carefully verified the authenticity, and looked at Sander asked seriously.

"It's yours. You can dispose of them as you like, give them away or burn them. It's up to you." Sander said.

"Okay, thank you. Wait for me for a while, and I will be your navigator."

Nami thanked Sander and hurriedly dragged the big box out.

Her small body dragged the huge box, and her tear-stained face was full of joy and encouragement.

Nokigo pursed his lips and his face turned pale.

Ajian lowered his head and said nothing.

They all knew that Arlong would not let Kokoa West Village and Nami go.

Everyone knew.

Only Nami still had fantasies.

Watching Nami leave the courtyard with a happy face.

Ajian said to Nokigo: "That's it, Nokigo, it's time to make a break with those guys."

Ajian looked at Sander again.

"Although you don't know anything, I am very grateful for your Bailey.

"If possible, take Nami out to sea later. "Please take good care of her!"

After saying that, Jian bowed to Sander and the other two. "Please!"

Jian left and began to gather the villagers with a firm belief. "Don't go out no matter what happens. "Take Nami away directly when you see her."

Nojigo took out a knife from the room, said to Sander and ran out. "You are so mean, Captain!"

Robin looked at Sander and said.

From the conversation just now and the reactions of the two people.

Robin has roughly guessed the cause of the incident.

A group of fishmen occupied this place and reached some kind of agreement with the navigator girl.

They could buy this village by paying 100 million Baileys.

Robin, who had been wandering since childhood and had seen the filth of the world, understood.

The hope of the little girl of the navigator would soon be shattered.

Those fishmen would not keep their promises.

This was known from the reactions of Nojigo and Ajian.

This was also why she said that Sander was bad.

He personally shattered the innocence and fantasy of a teenage girl.

A bit bad.

"This world does not need innocence."

"You can survive well only if you face the reality."

Sander said frankly.

He could indeed kill all of Arlong's gang like a god descending from heaven.

But Nami would never grow up.

Robin fell silent.


The world does not need innocence.

Because of innocence, she suffered a lot when she was a child.

Compared with her.

Nami is undoubtedly lucky now.

Because Nami has the three of them to support her.

No matter what happens, her family and friends will not be harmed.

"Aren't we here?"

"Those people outside will not be harmed."

Sander continued to speak as more and more people gathered outside.

"Besides, I have prepared a gift for apology."

Sander pointed to the small box in Robin's hand and said.


Robin remembered Nami's money-grubbing look when she saw Bailey before.

"More precious than treasure."

"You can open it and take a look."

Robin curiously opened the small box.

There was a strange fruit inside, with a lightning-like pattern lingering on the fruit.

"This is... Devil Fruit?!!"

Robin was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there was a secret treasure of the sea inside.

"How about this gift?"

Sander asked with a smile.

"It's the most satisfying to take revenge by yourself."

"She will take the power I give her and take revenge by herself!"

Sander said.

"You don't plan to let Nami take revenge after eating this Devil Fruit?"

Robin looked at Sander in surprise.

"It's impossible to be a match for those fishmen after eating the Devil Fruit at the beginning."

The devil story does contain powerful power.

But those fishmen who are naturally stronger than humans are not easy to mess with.

Having just eaten the Devil Fruit, she is not yet proficient in using her abilities, so she cannot possibly be a match for those fishmen.

"What if this is a Logia Devil Fruit?"

Sander said calmly.

Logia Devil Fruits have their own elemental transformation.

No one in Arlong's group can use Armament Haki, and they probably don't have Seastone either.

Just be careful not to fall into the sea.

After eating the Logia Devil Fruit, Nami will have a chance to fight against Arlong and other fishmen.

It's a good idea to practice with those fishmen in her first battle as a member of the Thunder God Pirates.

"Logia Fruit?!!"

Robin opened his mouth wide, looking at the Devil Fruit in his hand in disbelief.

There was a little surprise on his face.

Robin never thought that this Devil Fruit was actually a precious Logia Fruit.

Each Logia Fruit is very powerful.

Because the ability to transform into an element can make the ability user almost invincible in a small place like East Blue.

No wonder the captain wants Nami to take revenge on her own.

With the ability of the Logia Fruit, maybe it can really be done.

"What kind of Logia fruit is this?"

Robin asked curiously.

"You'll know in a moment."

Sander said with a mysterious smile on his face. .