
Chapter 61 Are You Ready To Die In East Blue? Garp!

The warm sea breeze blows on my face.

Seabirds flutter in the blue sky.

The sea surface shimmered under the sunlight.

Sander and Yixiao sat on the side of the boat fishing.

The fishing line hanging into the sea moved, and the fishing rod bent.

Sander and Yixiao pulled up the fishing rod together.

Two big fish were pulled out of the sea in an instant.

"Haha, Yixiao, I win again this time, my fish is bigger than yours."

Comparing the sizes of the two fish.

Sander laughed.

Yixiao chuckled and put the fish back into the sea, and continued to fish.

Yes, they were betting again.

Sander had had enough of the bets he and Yixiao played.

Let's just bet on who can catch the bigger fish.

Robin, sitting on the second-floor lounge chair, crossed her legs, with orange sunglasses on her forehead. She glanced at the two people on the side of the boat and smiled slightly, then continued to read the book in her hand.

Since joining the Thunder God Pirates.

Robin can clearly feel that her mentality has changed a lot.

She will no longer be scared every day, nor will she always think about hiding, fearing that she will be Marine or bounty hunter found it here.

It was found that a black spot appeared on the sea.

She raised her head and picked up the telescope next to her.

Sander, fishing on the side of the ship, shouted: Five -three "Captain, found a warship, do you need to detour?" "No!"

Sander answered without returning.

Robin put down the telescope and ignored it.

There is a captain who can defeat Marine Admiral, a vice-captain who can defeat Seven Warlords of the Sea, and even Marine Admiral's warships don't need to take a detour.

At the same time.

The Marine on the watchtower of the warship also found the Thor.

"Pirate ship found ahead!"

The Marine in charge of lookout shouted loudly to the deck.

"Did you see which pirate group it is?"

"What does the pirate flag look like?"

A Marine sergeant asked on the deck.

Facing the pirate group that appeared.

There was no panic on his face.

The same was true for other Marines on the deck.

It was just because their warship was very different from ordinary warships.

This was the warship of Marine hero Vice Admiral Garp!

East Blue, or the whole world, there are not many pirate groups that can make them panic.

"It's a bit familiar, a skull with a lightning symbol."

The Marine on the watchtower answered loudly.

The sergeant's face showed a thoughtful look when he heard the words.

After a moment, his face changed drastically.

"Are you sure it's the lightning symbol? The lightning that goes from top to bottom through the skull?"

The sergeant asked hurriedly, with a bit of panic on his calm face.

"Yes, sergeant, it's what you said."

"Damn it! It could be the Thunder God Pirates!"

"How did they appear in East Blue?!!"

The sergeant couldn't help but exclaimed, and hurriedly asked Vice Admiral Bogart for help.

Bogart was wearing a gray suit and a Marine justice cape. He was calm after hearing the sergeant's report.

He came to Marine Vice Admiral Garp.

At this time, Garp was wearing a dog-head hat and sleeping on a chair with his head held high.


With his breathing, the snot bubbles on his nose grew larger and smaller rhythmically.

"Vice Admiral Garp!"


Garp's snot bubbles burst instantly.

"Bogart, what happened? Do you want to eat?"

For Garp, who looked unreliable at all, Bogart was not surprised. There was still no expression on his face, and he looked unusually calm.

"Vice Admiral Garp, the Thor Pirates appeared not far from the warship."

"Do you need to order a pursuit?"

Bogart asked.

"Thor Pirates?"

Garp's face showed a moment of confusion, and then he suddenly realized.

"That kid Sander, how come he's in East Blue?"

Smoker, who was kicked by Sander, didn't report the news that the Thunder God Pirates appeared in East Blue.

Because he knew it was useless to report it.

The Naval Headquarters couldn't send a large army led by at least two Admirals to hunt them down.

So, Garp didn't know that Sander had come to East Blue.

"Of course I have to chase him. I'm a righteous Marine. How can I turn a blind eye to pirates?"

Garp stood up from his chair and answered seriously.

Then he muttered quietly: "That kid beat Aokiji like that, I have to see if Aokiji is letting up."

As he said that, Garp strode to the deck. "Vice Admiral Garp!"

Seeing Garp, the Marines on the deck suddenly became energetic.

It is their honor to be the Marines on the hero Garp's ship.

Garp jumped up and jumped to the top of the bow.

He folded his arms and looked forward.

The cloak of justice he was wearing was blown by the wind.

If you ignore the cute dog-head hat on Garp's head, it should be very majestic. "Wow, here comes a big guy." "This old man really treats East Blue as a resort.

He ran into him here."

Sander's observation Haki found Garp.

He immediately put away the fishing rod, looked at Yi Xiao and said: "No more playing, we might have a fight soon. "

After saying that, he walked to the bow, jumped on it, and looked across the sea at Garp.

Yixiao also put away his fishing rod after hearing this, and came behind Wards with a bamboo sword.

Seeing Sander and the others like this, Robin was a little surprised.

She took a telescope to look at the warship on the opposite side, and immediately found Garp on the bow.

"Is this the Marine hero Garp?"

After Robin found that it was Garp on the opposite side, he quickly put down the book and jumped onto the deck.

"Captain, are we going to fight with the Marine hero?"

Robin asked.

"It's probably just a small fight. "

Sander replied.

Garp is not Akainu.

He will not fight him regardless of everything.

With their strength, if they really fight all out, few Marines on Garp's warship will survive.

The two ships are getting closer and closer.

Yixiao's face is calm, but Robin is a little nervous.

A person's reputation is like a tree's shadow.

The name of Marine hero Garp is very famous among pirates.

After all, he is the one who can chase the Pirate King Roger around the world.

When the two sides are three or four hundred meters apart, Sander speaks first.

"Long time no see, old man Garp."

He and Garp are not familiar with each other, and have only met a few times.

In the two years of Marine career, most of the time he has been training with teacher Zephyr or fighting pirates.

"Hahaha, Sander kid, I heard that you hurt Aokiji?"

Garp laughed and asked loudly.

"Old man, are you going to avenge your disciple?"

Aokiji was Garp's lieutenant and his disciple.

Aokiji's Ice Gloves are a combination of the power of the Hyoto Fruit, Gu, and the Iron Fist inherited from Garp.

"I won't avenge him. I can't even laugh at him."

Garp laughed.

After hearing that Aokiji was defeated by Sander, he made a special call and laughed at Aokiji.

"Then what are you doing? Are you going to arrest me?"

"Of course, the butcher is Marine!"

"When you meet a big pirate like you, you can't just stand by and watch."

As he said that, Garp clenched his fists and jumped up from the dog's head.

Sander also disappeared instantly.

The two appeared in mid-air at the same time.

"Sander, kid, let me see how you beat the Marine."

Garp shouted, and his iron fist wrapped in Armament Haki suddenly blasted out.

Sander was not to be outdone.

Ultimate Armament Haki wrapped around his arm, and he clenched his fist to meet it.

He did not use the power of Thunder Fruit.

He fought Garp purely with physical skills and Haki.

The fists of both sides collided in mid-air.

Boom! The powerful impact created a wave of air.

It pushed the dog-headed warship and the Thor backwards.

The terrifying impact caused huge waves on the calm sea.

The dog-headed warship kept shaking, and the Marine on it hurriedly grabbed the hull to avoid falling.

Bogart carried a knife and stared at the two people in mid-air.

Sander and the two punched each other and retreated to the ship.

Looking at the old man with a dog-head hat, Sander's face was solemn.

This old man is really awesome! After just one blow, he felt that Garp's iron fist trained to Ultimate and the powerful Armament Haki.

I can only say.

As expected, he is a powerful existence at the Admiral level with only Taijutsu and Haki.

Those fists were really trained to the Ultimate by the old man Garp.

"Haha, Sander kid, you are not bad."

"I really don't understand how you trained in Impel down."

"What a monster!"

Garp clenched his fist and smiled at Sander.

A top powerhouse under the age of twenty.

It's a pity that he has already gone to the opposite side of Marine.

"Why don't you use your thunder fist?"

"Isn't that your specialty?"

"Old man, just fight with a punch, prove that you have chased me, and you can give an explanation to Sengoku."

"If we really get serious, the Marine on your ship will not survive. "

Sander waved his hand and said.

He and Garp can't fight at all...0

"Arrogant brat!"

Garp's face changed when his thoughts were exposed.

He did have this idea.

After all, he is also a Marine Vice Admiral.

If Sander really lets him go without firing a shot, it will be embarrassing for Marine.

Of course, this time he also considered Sander's strength.

The punch he exchanged with Sander made him clearly feel that the opponent's physical skills and Haki should be stronger than his disciple's. Combined with the Thunder Fruit ability with strong attack power and speed, it's no wonder that he could defeat Aokiji.

"Do you really think we are old guys?"

"We haven't left the stage yet? Do you believe I will arrest you?"

"Really?" Sander raised his eyebrows and grinned at Garp.

"Then are you ready to die in East Blue? Garp!"

"Two against one, our chances of winning are very high. "

If he and Yixiao fight Garp alone, they might be able to keep Garp in East Blue.

Garp was slightly stunned.

Two against one?

He looked at Yixiao and Robin, then set his sights on Yixiao.

The kid opposite didn't mention the people on his warship, nor did he mention Nico Robin.

It was just two against one.

When people of their strength fight, it is difficult for the headquarters Vice Admiral to intervene.

Does that mean that the blind swordsman may also have top strength?

As if noticing Garp's gaze, Yixiao smiled and nodded at Garp.

"Old man, you don't think my vice captain is one of those small fish with a bounty of hundreds of millions or even billions of berries, do you?"

Sander grinned and showed his white teeth, smiling.

Among the vice captains of various pirate groups in the sea.

Yixiao's strength is guaranteed to be second and fight for first.

Because the strength of Beckman of Red Hair Pirates is unknown.

No one knows whether Red Hair Pirates is the Double Emperor Group.

If we really give bounties based on strength, "Guan should have no problem getting 200 billion or 300 billion berries."

Hearing Sander compare a pirate worth hundreds of millions or billions to trash, Garp's eyes twitched.

He looked at the Thunder God Pirates with a more serious look.

If it was really as he thought.

The blind swordsman also had top strength, then the Thunder God Pirates would be too scary.

With two top combat forces, after replenishing the manpower, they might be more difficult to deal with than the Four Emperors.

The sea is really getting more and more chaotic.

Robin pursed her lips and said nothing when she heard the captain say that pirates worth hundreds of millions or billions were trash.

She was 93 million berries.

Not even trash.

There was a little helplessness on Yixiao's face.

He didn't really want to be famous.

But his captain seemed to be very keen on making him famous. "What are you doing in East Blue?"

Garp asked the same question as Smoker. "Come to spank your grandson. "

Sander said with a smile.

"You bastard!"

"Don't get close to my grandson!"

Garp's forehead veins popped out, and he looked at Sander unkindly.

He believed Sander would not do anything to hurt his grandson.

But maybe this guy could really do a spanking.


He didn't want his two grandsons to have contact with pirates.

It's okay to have a bastard Shanks, but with Sander, his two grandsons might really be determined to become pirates.

"Okay, old man, if you don't want to spank me, I have something else to do, so I won't chat with you anymore. "

Sander waved his hand, and the Thor began to move forward.

The two ships passed by.

The Marines on the warship looked nervous, each holding a sword and a gun.

Bogart's right hand was also on the hilt, as if he could attack at any time.

Garp frowned and finally chose not to attack again.

He had to be responsible for the Marines on the warship.

Although Sander was once a Marine.

But now the two sides are enemies.

If they fight, the other side will not hold back.

Although Bogart is strong, he probably can't stop the blind swordsman.

Watching the Thor gradually go away.

Garp ordered to return to Naval Headquarters.

And ordered Bogart to inform the headquarters about Sander's affairs in East Blue.

At the same time, he emphasized Sengoku's strength problem.

And he ran to the cabin to compete with Senbei.

Naval Headquarters.

Sengoku hung up the phone and looked at the information of the Thor Pirates with a serious look.

He asked someone to report to Logue town. Marine branch issued an inquiry.

Asked why they didn't report the traces of the Thunder God Pirates.

Smoker was not polite to the headquarters Marine who questioned him.

He directly blocked it with a sentence "Marshal Sengoku will bring three Admirals to arrest Sander?"

Marine naturally couldn't send three Admirals to arrest Sander.

Not even one Admiral.

Since Sander defeated Admiral Aokiji, the headquarters' attitude towards Sander is the same as that of the Four Emperors. As long as he doesn't cause trouble, he will ignore it.

After getting away from the dog-head warship.

Sander and his group finally arrived at Cocosia Village. .