
Chapter 59 Logue Town And Smoker.

Logue town.

The Thunder God entered the port.

The Thunder God Pirates came to this town of beginning and end.

Sander sealed his room and the warehouse where his treasures were stored with the power of the Fusion Fruit.

This is all his wealth.

The priceless Logia Thunder Fruit is also here, and it can't be stolen.

"Captain, do you really not need to leave someone here to guard?"

Robin said a little worriedly.

She didn't know that Sander still had a Logia Devil Fruit, but the mountains of treasures in the warehouse were also worth her worry.

"No, take the money and move freely later, everyone can go shopping, if you want to buy something, go shopping, if you want to go to the casino, go to the casino."

"We will sail again tomorrow, and everyone can play as they please today."

Sander laughed and said.

In fact, with his observation Haki coverage.

Even if a thief gets on the boat, he can find it in the first time.

"Then I will go first."

Hearing Sander say free movement, Higan jumped from the boat to the shore with a whoosh.

Sander didn't want to gamble with him, and he also felt that it was meaningless to gamble with one person all the time.

Now we finally came to a prosperous place.

We must have a good time.

Seeing this, Robin chuckled and jumped onto the shore.

Sander was not worried about her safety.

In the whole Logue town, only Smoker could pose a threat to Robin.

The others were just trash.

Moreover, Robin had been able to walk safely on the sea for more than ten years, so he was quite capable, so he didn't need to worry.

Speaking of 157.

The pirates of East Blue were really unlucky.

Not only did they have to face the Marine hero Garp who occasionally went home for vacation.

To go to the Grand Line, they had to face a Logia ability user.

No wonder East Blue was said to be the weakest sea among the four seas.

Anyone would have to kneel down if they met Logia before they even reached the Grand Line.

Smoke fruit was indeed not strong.

But it also depended on who they were facing.

A group of people who didn't even know seastone and Armament Haki could only wait to die when they met Logia.

Sander strolled on the prosperous streets of Logue town.

After seeing Roger's execution platform, he found a tavern and sat down.

He believed that Smoker would come to him soon.

Logue town Marine branch.

The room of the highest officer was filled with smoke.

Smoker had white hair and two cigars in his mouth.

Smoke kept coming out of his mouth, gradually covering the whole room.

At this time, Smoker was a little decadent and his eyes were confused.

He didn't have the perseverance in the original book at all.

The reason for this was, of course, because of the newspaper about the reason why Sander betrayed Marine.

At this time, there was a rapid knock on the door.


A Marine opened the door, and the thick smoke directly choked him and made him cough.

After coughing for a long time, the Marine recovered.

"What's the matter?"

Smoker sat on the chair, his whole body motionless, only his eyes stared at Marine coldly.

This terrible scene immediately frightened Marine to tremble.

During this period, Colonel Smoker had a bad temper, which was recognized by the entire branch.

If there was no important matter to report, the Marine would not want to approach Smoker.

"Colonel Smoker."

"There is news from the port that the Thunder God Pirates are suspected to have appeared in Logue Town."

The Marine reported loudly to Smoker.

Smoker's eyes fixed and he stood up.

"Who are you talking about?"

He stared at the Marine with wide eyes.

"S...Colonel Smoker, it's the Thunder God Pirates, the captain Thunder God Sander."

The Marine repeated.


"Where is he now?"

Smoker picked up the "Ten Hands" inlaid with seastone and walked outside while asking.

"In Marjorie's Bar." Marine replied.

Smoker walked outside without saying a word.

"Colonel Smoker, do you need to call someone to arrest Sander?"


Smoker stopped and turned to look at the Marine with a bit of disbelief on his face.

"The Marines of the branch combined are not enough to punch the other side, you want to arrest him?"

The Marine blushed immediately.

He just asked a question out of habit.

He regretted it right after he said it.

He wanted to slap himself a few times now.

Damn, he was really crazy, actually wanting to arrest a powerful pirate who could defeat Marine Admiral.

"No need to gather people, I can go by myself."

Smoker turned and left.

"Ah? Go by yourself, that's too dangerous!"

"This is an order!"

Smoker said coldly without looking back.

Marine stopped where he was, scratching his head and could only obey Smoker's order.

Marjorie's Bar.

Sander ordered a cocktail and listened to the little pirate bragging while drinking.


The shout came from behind.

Sander sat at the bar without moving, without looking back.

The next moment, the strong smell of cigar smoke came, Smoker put the "Ten Hands" on the bar and ordered a beer from the boss.

"White Hair, I haven't seen you for a few years, Smoker, you don't seem to have become much stronger."

Sander's mouth corners slightly raised, holding the glass (daad) and looking at Smoker.

"You bastard, don't call me White Hair, you Thunder Boy!"

Smoker said angrily while biting the cigar.

Before in the headquarters, Sander called Smoker White Hair, and Smoker called him Thunder Boy.

The two of them often fight because they are both Logia users.

Of course, Smoker has always been the one who gets beaten.

"Heh, your ability hasn't improved, but your temper has improved a lot."

"It's easier for me to beat you now. I can kill you with just a wave of my hand."

Sander sneered.

Smoker remained silent.

If he can defeat Admiral, it's not a problem to kill him in seconds.

"What are you doing in East Blue? Shouldn't someone like you go to New World to fight those big pirates?"

After a long time, Smoker asked.

"What do you care about me? Can't you come here for a trip?"

Sander glanced at Smoker and said.

"I said, what's the point of you staying in this broken place all day?"

"How much can your strength be improved without fighting?"

"After all, you have been to the elite training camp. If you stay here for a few more years, you will be completely useless."

Sander continued.

Although Smoke Fruit is not strong, he is also Logia.

There is still some future in Grand Line.

This Logue town is a town of beginning and end.

To put it bluntly, it is a place where a bunch of small fish gather.

Logia is placed in this place, and it is really easy to beat those pirates.

This does prevent the East Blue pirates from going to the Grand Line.

But it is not a good thing for Smoker.

Long-term comfort will make a person useless.

"I will apply to go to the Grand Line in a while."

"Tell me what you are doing in East Blue first."

Smoker gritted his teeth and said.

He could only stare at Sander fiercely.

He knew the gap between him and Sander very well.

The other party could knock him down with one hand.

"East Blue is not yours. I come when I want and leave when I want."

"If you have the ability, let Sengoku bring three Admirals with you."

Sander spoke bluntly.

This statement is suspected of bragging.

But if Sengoku brings one less, he is not afraid now.

He and Yixiao are just 2 vs. 3, it is not impossible to try.

Smoker has no way to deal with Sander's arrogance.

"Forget it, I can't do anything about it anyway, let the headquarters worry about it. "

Smoker said dejectedly while sitting on the stool.

Facing Sander, Smoker chose to lie down directly.

He couldn't beat him.

If he really angered him.

Destroying Logue Town would not be a problem.

As an elite from the Naval Headquarters.

Smoker knew too well how powerful the Marine Admiral was.

"That's right. "

"Can a small colonel like you manage me?"

"A few hundred dollars a month, what's the point of playing with your life!"

"If you want to manage it, Sengoku has to come in person. "

"Come on, come on, long time no see, let's have a few more drinks. "

Sander asked the boss to serve drinks, and said to Smoker with a chuckle.

Both of them tacitly did not mention the matter of betraying Marine.

No need.

It has already happened, and there is no point in talking about it.

Before knowing the inside story, Smoker might have questioned Sander loudly when he saw him.

But now.

Heh, Smoker is not ashamed to speak loudly.

What the Naval Headquarters and the World government did has shaken the justice in the hearts of many Marines.

Smoker is one of them.

But this shake is not enough for Smoker to betray Marine like Sander.

Like many Marines.

Although Smoker knows that Marine and World government have various shortcomings and dirtiness.

But he still firmly believes that Marine is generally the righteous force that fights pirates and protects civilians..