
Chapter 58 A Bounty For A Smile, The Meaning Of Waiting.

Naval Headquarters.

Sengoku sat in his office processing documents.

A Marine Rear Admiral knocked on the door and walked in.

"Marshal Sengoku, there is news from Alabasta that a pirate with a bounty of 2.439 billion berries appeared there and clashed with Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, in the rainy land."

"Afterwards, Crocodile was defeated by a blind swordsman under Sander."

"Nico Robin, the son of the devil with a bounty of 79 million berries, also joined Sander's team."

The Marine Rear Admiral briefly described Sander's affairs in Alabasta, and then handed the detailed documents to Sengoku.

Ever since Sander slaughtered the Celestial Dragons and defeated Aokiji, his intelligence has become the top priority, higher than the priority of the Four Emperors of the Sea.

Although the Four Emperors of the Sea are powerful and have a wide range of influence, they will not catch Celestial Dragons and kill them, nor will they easily make a big fuss.

Sander is different. He is lawless, and there is nothing he dare not do.

It wouldn't be surprising for Mariejois Sengoku to fight in the Holy Land one day.

It's only been more than a month since Aokiji was defeated.

Sander made a big move in Alabasta again.

He faced the Seven Warlords of the Sea as soon as he made a move.

Sengoku frowned and flipped through the file.

"Does the headquarters intelligence department have any information about this blind swordsman?"

Seeing Crocodile defeated by Yixiao, Sengoku's eyes fixed and asked Marine Rear Admiral in a deep voice.

Don't look at Crocodile's bounty of less than 100 million.

But according to Sengoku's assessment, the opponent is much stronger than the big pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions.

A person who can defeat Crocodile and has such strength should not be unknown.

"The intelligence department has not found much information."

"We only know that the opponent's name is Yixiao, he is a swordsman, and he is suspected to be a Paramecia multi-layer fruit ability user."

"There is no record of previous actions."

Rear Admiral replied.

Marine's intelligence department is still very powerful.

Not only did he know Yixiao's name, but he also guessed that he was the user of the Juju Fruit from the battle with Crocodile.

"Juju Fruit? Another tricky existence."

"It seems that Sander has recruited an incredible guy, and I don't know how he met him."

"And Nico Robin, why did Sander recruit this person to his team, what does he want to do?"

Sengoku looked at Nico Robin again, his face solemn.

This is also a dangerous guy, born in Ohara who attempted to explore the blank 100 years of history.

She and Sander are mixed together.

The degree of danger is even greater.

"Flying ship?"

Suddenly, Sengoku saw in the corner of the report that Sander had a flying ship.

This discovery made Sengoku a little confused.

With a flying ship, how can he arrest Sander in the future?

Just like the previous Golden Lion Shiki.

If Shiki hadn't attacked the Naval Headquarters, they Marines would never have thought of arresting him in their lifetime.

Later, Sengoku saw the establishment of the Thunder God Pirates in the file.

This made him feel complicated.

The original Marine genius finally raised his own pirate flag.

"Immediately wanted Issho of the Thunder God Pirates."

"Bounty 190 million berries!"

Sengoku gave the order while looking at Issho's photo.

The bounty for defeating Crocodile is at least 100 million.

But considering that he is a member of Sander's crew, the bounty is increased by 90 million.

"As for Nico Robin, considering that he is a member of Sander's crew, the bounty is increased to 93 million berries.

Robin did nothing in Alabasta, and his bounty increased by more than 10 million berries.

"It's Marshal Sengoku!"

Marine Rear Admiral saluted and turned away.

Sander's bounty did not change because he did nothing this time.

Except for kicking a small minion away.

The establishment of the Thunder God Pirates caused quite a stir in the sea.

The main reason was not the establishment of the pirate group.

After all, everyone on the sea knew that Thunder God Sander would sooner or later establish a pirate group.

The reason for the commotion.

It was entirely because Yixiao defeated Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea are still very famous.

There have been people who have challenged them in pursuit of fame over the years, but all of them have returned empty-handed.

Now Yixiao has defeated Crocodile.

Becoming a pirate with a bounty of nearly 200 million Baileys will naturally attract everyone's attention.

"Gulala, has Crocodile, the guy who plays with sand, been defeated~~?"

"The first bounty is another 190 million Baileys. It seems that Thunder Kid has recruited a good partner."

On the Moby Dick, Whitebeard laughed at the newspaper.

"Oh, the Thunder God Pirates, has Woods finally formed a pirate group?"

"Come to New World quickly, I have to avenge little Jack, otherwise your lightning can only tickle me."

On Onigashima, Kaido was drunk.

Since Sander defeated Aokiji.

How many people are there on the sea? Rear Admiral Sander is on par with the Four Emperors.

But because of the lack of records of fighting with other Four Emperors, and being alone, there is no title of Five Emperors yet.

Despite this.

Sander still has many fans on the sea.

Many pirates clamor to join Sander's pirate group.

Help Sander to compete for the fifth pirate emperor on the sea and become the Pirate King.

Many people think that Sander has the greatest chance of becoming the Pirate King.

Because he is young enough, less than 20 years old.

He is the youngest top powerhouse on the sea.

The fans are happy that Yixiao joined the Thunder God Pirates.

Nico Robin, on the other hand, was not discussed much in this storm.

Most people on the sea don't even know what the historical text is.

Most of those who know the historical text don't know that Nico Robin has the ability to interpret the historical text.

Therefore, Robin, whose bounty is 93 million berries, was ignored.

Some Sander supporters even dislike Robin's bounty of less than 100 million.

They think that with a bounty of less than 100 million, he is not worthy of being Sander's second crew member.

Sander and his companions were unaware of the discussion on the sea.

At this moment, they were floating on the sea.

Because the wind was a bit strong in the sky.

After a brief discussion, when the sea was calm, they floated on the sea.

Sander and Yixiao were playing dice on the first-floor deck.

There is no way, Yixiao is a bit addicted to gambling. "If nothing happens, just take Des to play.

Robin was not idle on the large balcony on the second floor.

She had to learn Armament Haki and Observation Haki quickly.

Otherwise, she would need to fight with other pirate groups.

She found that there were crew members of the Thunder God Pirates who did not know Haki.

That would make others laugh to death.

Yixiao and Sander were both Haki masters, and they were more than enough to guide Robin.

A newspaper bird slowly approached in the sky.

Robin stopped practicing, wiped the sweat from his face, and waved to the newspaper bird.

The newspaper bird flapped its wings and landed on the railing on the second floor.

Robin took out a hundred Baileys and handed them to the newspaper bird. After taking the newspaper, he gently touched the newspaper bird's head, and the newspaper bird suddenly became extremely docile.


Robin smiled and waved his hand, opened the newspaper and read it.

Two bounties immediately fell to the ground from the newspaper.

"Uncle Yixiao, you also have a bounty. "

He threw the Yixiao bounty onto the deck on the first floor.

Sander took the newspaper and returned to his seat.

"Wow, 190 million Baileys, how much Sengoku looks down on my vice-captain."

"Yixiao, your bounty should be at least 2 billion."

"Blind swordsman, Sengoku still doesn't know how to give nicknames."

Sander took a look and threw the bounty order in a basket with disdain.

Yixiao smiled and opened the dice cup.

"Big, I win."

Sander glanced and said.

He was a little fed up with this kind of gambling that still needed Yixiao's assistance.

It's meaningless.

Yixiao can't even see, and I don't know where he got such a big addiction.

He made up his mind to recruit another partner quickly.

In this way, the four of them can play mahjong.

When playing mahjong, there is no need to report the cards to Yixiao, he can touch them by himself.

It is worth mentioning that there is mahjong in the pirate world, which also saves the need for Des to teach.

"The Twin Cape is in front, Captain, prepare to float the ship."

Robin looked ahead and said. Because Robin is relatively knowledgeable, she is currently the navigator of the Thor.


Sander responded.

Don't ask why Sander went here instead of going directly through the Calm Belt.

Because after traveling through the pirate world, he has never seen the Upside-Down Mountain, and he wants to see the wonders of the pirate world with his own eyes.

Before joining the Marine, he lived in the Sabaody Archipelago.

After joining the Marine, he has been operating in the waters near the Naval Headquarters.

He has never been to the Four Seas and the New World.

When he arrived at the Twin Cape, Sander saw the whale that kept hitting the Red Line at a glance.

"What a big whale, this is an island whale."

"Why did this whale hit its head and bleed?"

Robin looked at the whale Laboon and said curiously.

"Maybe it misses its friends."

Sander said with a smile.

He did not pass through the Devil's Triangle on his journey, and he did not plan to recruit Brook.

He can't always fleece King Luffy, so he has to leave some crew members for him.

But it's okay to bring some news to Laboon.

By the way, see Rayleigh's old friend.

"Captain, do you know something new?"

"Didn't you say you've never been here?"

Robin is no longer surprised that Sander knows many secrets.

"Haha, I do know a little bit."

Sander laughed, and then told Robin and the others the story between the Rumba Pirates and the whale Laboon.

"What an amazing friendship." He said with a moving smile.

For him, who is used to seeing the filth and evil in the world.

Such a moving story can move him even more.

"Where did the captain hear the story?"

Robin asked curiously.

"There is still one person alive in the Rumba Pirates, well, barely half a person."

"々` Let's go, go see the Pirate King Roger's ship doctor, and tell him about Pluton Rayleigh's recent situation."

Sander did not explain Brook's current condition in detail.

I will tell Crocus again later, and the Congress will know.

"Roger's ship doctor? A legendary figure, he is here?"


Thor approached Laboon, and Thor was as small as an ant in front of Laboon.

The waves raised by Laboon made Thor shake constantly, and Sander had to let the ship float up and leave the sea.

After a while, Laboon calmed down.

Sander knew that Crocus, the ship doctor of One Piece, had given him a sedative.

Just as he was thinking about how to get into Laboon's stomach, a figure crawled out from above Laboon's body.

This man had gray hair, glasses, and a petal-like decoration on the back of his head.

It was Crocus, the ship doctor of One Piece.

Sander urged Thor to float towards the other party.

Crocus was stunned when he saw a flying ship, and then looked at Sander and others.

"Today, a big shot is here."

Obviously, Crocus recognized Sander and others.

"Hello, I'm Rayleigh's friend."

Sander greeted the other party.

"Rayleigh's friend, that guy is still alive."

Crocus sighed.

"He's living well, working as a coating craftsman in the Sabaody Archipelago, often selling himself to slave traders for wine money."

"Hahaha, that's pretty good."

"Next time you see him, remember to tell him about me."

Hearing the news from his old friend, Crocus seemed to be in a good mood.

"No problem."

Sander nodded.

"By the way, I have another piece of news to tell you, about the Rumba Pirates."

Sander pointed to Laboon under Crocus' feet and said.

"There is still one crew member alive in the Rumba Pirates, Brook, a swordsman and musician with an afro."

Sander's words startled Crocus.

More than 40 years have passed, and he has long believed that all the members of the Rumba Pirates died in a corner of the Grand Line.

After all, if the other party was not dead, he would definitely come to see their friend Laboon.

"Is he really still alive?"

Crocus couldn't believe it.

"He's still alive, but he's not in good condition."

Sander told Crocus what he knew about the Rumba Pirates.

He also told him about Brook's current situation.

"The members of the Rumba Pirates have never forgotten their promise with Laboon. Brook will come back here one day to fulfill their promise."

"So, tell Laboon about this."

"Maybe he won't hit the Red Line."

Sander said with a smile.

"Thank you for bringing this news. I think Laboon will be very happy."

Crocus thanked.

He didn't ask why Sander didn't take Brook out of the Devil's Triangle.

Those who run to the sea must be responsible for their own actions.

No one needs to help others for free.

"In the future, Brook will meet new partners again and set sail again on the sea until he returns here to complete the unfinished promise."

"Okay, I've finished what I want to say. You tell Laboon about this. I'm leaving."

After saying this, Sander said goodbye to Crocus and left.

He was going to see the wonders of the Upside-Down Mountain.

After Sander and his group left.

Crocus immediately told Laboon the news.

Laboon roared happily to the sky.

With a goal, it never hit the Red Line again.

The loss of the meaning of waiting is more terrible than anything else for Laboon.

Now, its waiting has meaning.

It listened to Crocus's words and took good care of its wounds.

It quietly waited for its companions to return at the Twin Capes, looking forward to meeting them again.

After making up for some small regrets, Sander drove the Thor towards Logue Town.

The place where Roger was executed was worth a visit.

There was also an old friend there. .