
Chapter 56 The Thunder God Pirates Are Established!

The news of Crocodile's defeat soon spread to other places as the onlookers spread the news.

The first person to get the news was naturally King Cobra of Alabasta.

Cobra was sitting on the throne at this time, frowning after listening to the report of the Kingdom Guard. "

Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, was defeated!" "And he was not defeated by Thunder God Sander." "Where did that blind swordsman come from?"

Captain Ikarem of the Kingdom Guard shook his head: "I asked people to search through newspapers and bounties in recent years, but I didn't find this person.

He should be a master hidden among the people." "It's incredible that there are such masters among the people!"

Cobra sighed.

After the Great Pirate Era began.

Everyone chose to go to sea for fame and wealth.

Those who have a little ability will choose to become famous.

Who would have thought that there are such masters among the people. "What's Crocodile's situation now?"

"According to our investigation, Crocodile is actively treating his injuries, and his men are preparing the boat, as if they are going to leave here."

"Leave here from "273"?"

Cobra raised his eyebrows, with a happy expression on his face.

"This is good news for us Alabasta."

Although Crocodile helped them resist the invasion of pirates.

But Cobra always felt something was wrong.

Would a big pirate recognized by the World government be so kind?

Cobra didn't believe it.

But because the other party did not do anything to harm Alabasta, and Crocodile's reputation among the people was getting higher and higher, "he couldn't rashly order the other party to be expelled.

Now that Crocodile is leaving, Cobra is naturally excited.

"Send someone to contact Crocodile's men to confirm whether the other party is really going to leave."

"If it is true, the kingdom can provide some help for him."

"Bailey materials are fine, don't be stingy on this. "

Cobra thought for a while and said.

By doing this, Crocodile can leave as soon as possible and gain the favor of the people, killing two birds with one stone.

"Understood, I will give the order later."

"By the way, where did Sander and others go?"

Cobra asked again.

After all, Crocodile has lived in peace with them for a long time, and Cobra is quite confident in him.

But Sander is different.

A big pirate with a bounty of 2.4 billion, and a master who can defeat Crocodile.

Understand whether the other party has left Alabasta.

Cobra can't sleep.

"It's not clear, their ship can fly, and I don't know where it went.

Ikalem said helplessly.

Flying in the sky, there is no way to monitor.

"I have never heard of a ship that can fly. It would be great if we had one too!"

Cobra said enviously.

Flying is a long-term dream of mankind.

But now, except for some Demon fruit power, it is too difficult to fly for a long time.

"Please make Bell work harder during this period, and let him patrol more around the capital."

Cobra ordered.

Bell is the adjutant of the Kingdom Guard.

Zoan·Bird-Bird Fruit·Falcon-type ability user, can transform into a falcon and fly wide in the sky.

Sander is missing.

For the safety of the capital, it is a good idea to let Bell patrol in the sky.

"I have already asked Bell to go." Ikalem said with a smile.

Just then.

Bell walked in quickly, his face a little solemn.

"Your Majesty, Sander came to Aruba to get it."


Cobra stood up suddenly from the throne, his expression instantly became panic.

"Is he here to invade the capital?"

"Ikalem, as soon as Sander attacks the palace, you take Vivi away immediately.

"Notify the army and be ready for battle at any time. "

"Prepare the toxic water. If Sander harms civilians, we must protect the people and evacuate them at all costs!" Cobra gave the order very quickly.

The toxic water is poisonous.

Drinking it can strengthen oneself in a short period of time.

But the price is death in a short period of time.

Alabasta will not use this kind of thing unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Uh, Your Majesty, don't worry. Sander and his group did not do anything dangerous."

"They are shopping in the city." Bell explained quickly.


"Yes, they bought a lot of daily necessities, clothes, shoes, bedding, food and drinks." Bell said.

Hearing Bell's words, Cobra breathed a sigh of relief.

Shopping is good, shopping is good.

As long as Sander does not invade Alabasta and harm the people of Alabasta, he can give all the supplies in the city to the other party.

Alabasta is not just one city.

As long as the people in the capital are still alive, he can also transfer some supplies and property from other cities.

"Tell the soldiers in the capital not to act rashly, and the people who monitor them to stay away. As long as they don't make any dangerous moves, just treat them as if they don't exist.

Cobra calmed down and ordered in a deep voice.

Sander and his party were indeed shopping.

Before, only Sander lived on the ship.

All the things were only enough for him.

Now that Robin and Yixiao have joined, they naturally have to buy some things.

"Robin, are you really not going directly to the Sacrifice Hall to read the historical text?"

Sander said to Robin while selecting things.

"No need, since the captain knows where the historical text is hidden, there is no need to go to see it so ostentatiously. "

"After all, that is where the royal family of Alabasta has been sleeping. "Just go quietly at night." "Okay, you do it."

Sander shrugged indifferently. "Uncle Yixiao, how about I buy you two clothes?"

Robin shouted to Yixiao.

After a short time together, the three of them became familiar with each other.

Robin was no longer confused and nervous as before.

In her words, a monster that can defeat the Admiral, a strong man who can defeat the Seven Warlords of the Sea, she can't run away, and she dare not betray, so it's better to stay on the ship...0 Anyway, Sander and Yixiao both have good personalities. "Oh?" "Then please help me pick two pieces."

Yixiao did not refuse, and said with a gentle smile.

Except for the one he was wearing, he didn't have any clothes.

When sailing on the sea, it is necessary to have more.

He can't buy it himself because he can't see. "Hey, Robin, you didn't say to buy it for me, the captain. "

Sander said, pretending to be dissatisfied.

"Uncle Yixiao can't see, so of course others have to choose. Can't you buy it yourself?"

Robin rolled his eyes at Sander.

Sander laughed.

He did this just to make Robin integrate into the team quickly, nothing else.

"It's all my money anyway, can't you give me some face?"

"Just think of this as a gift to the new crew, Captain."

"Anyway, there are so many treasures in your storage room."

"They were all robbed from the Celestial Dragons cruise ship, and there are still many that I can't take.

You don't know how rich it is there.

Any piece of furniture is worth millions of Baileys. "That's really..."

They talked and laughed all the way.

The group quickly bought a lot of big and small bags.

The three people changed their clothes.

Yixiao also wore a sun hat on his head.

After putting the things on the boat, Sander found that there were many Alabasta guards near the boat, and they were guarding the boat from a distance.

They were probably sent by Cobra.

Cobra didn't want anyone to steal things on the boat.

It would be bad if he annoyed Sander and his group.

After putting down the things, the three returned to the city.

Yixiao ran to the casino to play.

He said he was going to buy some gambling equipment to prevent himself from being careless on the boat in the future.

Robin went to the bookstore to buy books, and Sander followed him as a coolie.

After walking out of the bookstore, Robin looked at Sander who was carrying hundreds of books and said: 1.4 "Captain, the pirate flag is almost ready, let's go get it. "

Before, because there was only one person on the boat.

Sander didn't think of himself as a pirate group.

Now the team has three people.

It's time to hoist the pirate flag.

As for the name of the pirate group, it was perfunctorily named after the nickname given to Sander by Marine.

The Thunder God Pirates.

Even the ship now has a name - Thunder God.

Arrived at the store.

The boss came out carefully to greet.

"The things you need to do are already done."

Sander and his team didn't have much to do, just a pirate flag and a sail with a skull pattern.

The pattern was very simple, a huge lightning bolt piercing through the skull from top to bottom.

After paying, Sander and the others returned to the Thunder God.

At this time, Yixiao hadn't returned yet.

Robin was packing up.

Sander hoisted the pirate flag, and carried a paint bucket to print their logo on the boat.

After working for a long time.

Yixiao returned to the boat with various gambling tools.

Several people had a good meal on the boat, and then waited for dark, ready to go to the sacrificial hall..