
Chapter 55 Go Fight In The New World, Crocodile.

Crocodile was eventually defeated by Yixiao.

Even though he showed strength far beyond his first appearance in the original book.

He was lying on the ground at this moment.

He was breathing heavily.

Blood oozed from the corners of his mouth and forehead, and the cigar was still in his mouth.

Crocodile's face was full of shock.

He actually lost to an unknown person.

The last time he failed was because of the battle with Whitebeard.

This blind middle-aged man is definitely the top powerhouse in the sea!

Why would such a person be recruited by Sanders?

Crocodile was puzzled.

Seeing Crocodile defeated.

Whether it was the civilians watching from a distance.

or the members of the Baroque Works, they all looked at this scene in shock.

"Master Crocodile was defeated? Who is that middle-aged man?"

"Is it a pirate? Will they kill us?"

"Too scary! Master Crocodile is a powerful Logia fruit user, how could he be defeated?!!"

The members of Baroque Works, led by Mr. 1, stood not far away, watching Sander and others vigilantly.

Mr. 1 said: "Should we rush over to rescue the president?"

He covered his chest, and Woods' kick directly broke several of his ribs.

Mr. 2: "Although I don't want to admit it, are you sure we can really rescue the president?"

Hearing this, the others fell silent.

In their eyes, the powerful Seven Warlords of the Sea were no match for the blind swordsman.

Not to mention a big pirate with a bounty of 2.4 billion.

With their strength.

Even if they attacked desperately.

They would not be the opponents of those two people.

"Damn it! Nico Robin actually betrayed the president, who gave her the position of vice president!"

Mr.5 picked his nose and looked at Robin with dissatisfaction.

Sander brought Robin to the battlefield, smiled and stood there with his knife, his clothes were a little messy, but he was not injured.

Robin looked at Crocodile with complicated eyes.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea were defeated by an unknown person.

With Crocodile's arrogance, he should be very depressed now, Robin thought.

"Hey, Crocodile."

Sander looked down at the defeated Crocodile.

"Is this all you have to fight Bullet?"

"That guy Douglas Bullet never forgot to practice even in Impel down."

"You haven't practiced seriously for a long time, right?"

Crocodile sat up from the ground and leaned against a rock.

"If you want to kill me, just kill me. Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

There was no fear on his face.

As early as when he went out to sea, he was ready to bet everything.

Now he just lost the bet.

"Why should I kill you?"

"My goal has been achieved. "

Sander shook his head and said.

He and Crocodile had no grudges, he just came here to recruit crew members.

Alabasta's life and death is none of his business.

Besides, Crocodile's conspiracy has been exposed.

If he still has the nerve to continue to plot to steal the country here, he is not a sand crocodile.

This is also the reason why Yixiao did not kill him.

The strong have their own pride.

You can lose and die, but these guys will not do shameful things.

Shameless people will be laughed at by the whole sea.

" Crocodile, what I said before is true."

"I just don't know if you have the courage to go to the Four Emperors' territory to look for it."

Sander looked at Crocodile and smiled.

"What's the future of wandering around the first half of the Grand Line? Go to New World to fight. "

"You can't even beat the Four Emperors and still want to be the Pirate King? Don't dream!"

"Did Whitebeard break your spirit?"

"If that's the case, then you should just find a place to retire and wait for death, why bother being the Pirate King!"

Sander wanted to encourage Crocodile to go to the New World.

What's the point of a Logia fruit user staying in the Novice Village?

It's too unfriendly to the Pirate Newbies.

Crocodile sat on the ground, veins popping out on his forehead, staring at Woods fiercely.

"You damn guy!"

It was because he lost to Whitebeard that he realized the gap between himself and Whitebeard, so he thought of using external objects to make up for it.

Now, his plan has been ruined before it even started.

"Let's go. "

Ignoring Crocodile's fierce eyes.

Sander smiled and left with Robin.

Wait for them to leave.

Crocodile's subordinates surrounded him and looked at him worriedly.

"President, are you okay?"

Mr.2 helped Crocodile up.


"Then what should we do next? Continue to build the ideal kingdom?"

Mr.5 asked.

"When I recover from my injuries, I will go to New World!"

Crocodile bit his cigar and looked in the direction where Sander and others left.


"What are you doing? Go prepare the ship!"

Crocodile scolded his men.

This bunch of rubbish, they can't help at all! He has indeed been slack during this period.

If it were before, he would never have been defeated so quickly! He wants to set sail again and go to the New World! Only by fighting continuously can he improve his strength.

The first half of the Grand Line was still too comfortable.

There are endless strong men on the sea.

Perhaps it won't be long before other newcomers come here and defeat him again.

He never wants to experience that scene again! He doesn't want to be a stepping stone for others! Moreover, he also wants to see if Pluton is in the territory of the Four Emperors. "Sander!" "Wait, I will find you!"

Crocodile looked in the direction where Sander left and said something cruel.

The edge of the rainy city.

Sander and the other two walked slowly out of the city.

Just when Crocodile said he was going to the New World.

Sander's mouth curled up and looked at Yixiao:

"You should be relieved now."

Yixiao's Observation Haki is also excellent.

Crocodile's words reached his ears.

He smiled and nodded.

Crocodile went to New World, and Alabasta was naturally gone and there might be a crisis.

"Are we really not going to take some water on camels?"

...0 Ask for flowers.........

Nico Robin asked with a tangled face.

Just now, Captain Sander rejected the proposal to take drinking water on camels.

Robin was very worried about this.

From here to the capital, there is a long distance.

If you walk, you will die of thirst without water.

"No, there is everything on the ship." Sander waved his hand and said.

"On the ship?"

"This place is also quite far from the port, and aren't we going to the capital of Alabasta?"

Robin was full of doubts.

She felt that her captain was very unreliable.

"You will know in a while. "

Sander smiled and led the two to the location of the ship.

Not long.

Robin opened her mouth and looked at the ship in the desert in front of her.

She never thought that someone could drive a boat here.

"You didn't carry the boat here?"

Robin asked in shock.

"Of course not, our ship can fly!"

Sander laughed.

Yixiao said: "Flying ship? It seems that our captain has a lot of secrets.

He became more and more curious about Sander.

Nico Robin was the same.

She felt that Sander was becoming more and more mysterious, as if covered with a thin veil, making it difficult to see clearly.

"Come up, there are many empty rooms on the boat."

"Robin, live on the second floor, Yixiao and I will live on the first floor."

Sander jumped on the boat and said.

The two got on the boat.

Yixiao was blind, so he chose a room on the boat and lay on the deck chair.

Robin kept looking at the interior of the ship, his eyes full of curiosity.

While Robin was cleaning the room.

Sander came to Yixiao.

"Yixiao, you will be my vice-captain from now on."

With Yixiao's strength, being a vice-captain is definitely more than enough.

"Vice-captain? You should find someone else. I'll just be a fighter."

Yixiao refused.

He didn't care about these things at all, otherwise he wouldn't have lost his reputation in all these years.

"I really don't want to be a vice-captain. The vice-captain can decide how much protection fee to collect in the place we rule in the future."

"You don't want those civilians to die because of too much protection fee, do you?"

Sander said with a sly smile.

In the future, the island villages that fly his pirate flag will definitely collect some protection fee.

It's just like paying taxes.

Otherwise, why protect those island villages?

Which of the Four Emperors doesn't live by collecting protection fees.

Pirates don't produce, and if they don't collect taxes, they will all starve to death.

Yixiao's mouth twitched.

When Sander recruited him before, he used this to control him.

It's still the same now.

He nodded helplessly.

Sander smiled immediately.

With Yixiao around, he can be a hands-off boss in the future.

Although Yixiao can't see, he can't do many things.

At most, he can get an assistant.

Besides, he doesn't have many places to manage.

It won't occupy territory in a short time.

Driven by Sander, the ship gradually rose into the air and flew towards the capital of Alabasta. .