
Chapter 54 Robin's Expectations.

After comforting the new crew member, Sander focused his attention on the battle between Yixiao and Crocodile.

At this time, the Yuyan Casino had collapsed for the most part.

The people in the casino had already run out.

They hid in the distance and watched.

They wanted to find out what happened.

Yixiao and Crocodile also walked out of the collapsed building.

Crocodile was a little embarrassed at this time.

His slicked-back hair was messy, and a few strands of hair hung on his forehead.

There were also some cuts on his clothes.

Compared with him, Yixiao was much better.

There was only some dust on his body. "Is that Lord Crocodile?"

Seeing Crocodile, the crowd exclaimed. "What's going on? Is it a pirate invasion? Who is that middle-aged man?" "Lord Crocodile seems to be at a disadvantage!" "Don't joke, Lord Crocodile is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, a pirate recognized by the World government!"

The discussion of the gamblers and the public in the distance did not affect the two people on the battlefield. "It's hard to imagine that someone like you would be unknown on the sea."

Crocodile held a cigar in his mouth and looked at Yixiao in disbelief.

The man in front of him brought him a lot of pressure.

But this is such a person.

He had never heard of it.

You know, Baroque Works is also engaged in intelligence business.

Even so, he had no impression of the blind swordsman. "I don't like to be in the limelight."

Yixiao said lightly.

This time he acted so decisively.

On the one hand, it was because he had just joined the pirate group, and he had to show it anyway.

On the other hand, he learned about Crocodile's conspiracy from Sander.

He wanted to stop this conspiracy.

He didn't want the country to fall into chaos.

Crocodile glanced around.

Seeing that the base camp he had carefully managed was now in ruins, his face was gloomy and terrible.

Suddenly, he saw Sander and Nico Robin standing together.

Sander saw Crocodile looking at him.

He smiled and waved to him.

This scene almost made Crocodile explode.

He didn't offend the other party.

He was eating tomatoes and crocodile meat in the base camp and dreaming about the future.

The other party suddenly attacked.

Without saying a word, he wanted to take away the second-in-command of Baroque Works.

He also destroyed his base camp.

And looking at the way Nico Robin followed Sander.

It was obvious that he had agreed to join the other party.

His ambition and his plan were destroyed in an instant.

For a while.

Crocodile was furious.

He wanted to throw Sander into the crocodile pool and let the crocodiles eat him alive.

"You guy, why do you have such a strong strength and are inferior to Sander, a kid?"

Crocodile looked at Yixiao and asked.

Crocodile is almost forty years old.

There is no problem in calling Sander a kid in terms of age.

"Join hands with me, Baroque Works, you and I are equal. Once you get Pluton, the position of Pirate King will be at your fingertips."

Hearing that Crocodile actually wanted to recruit Yixiao.

Sander almost laughed out loud. He had to talk a lot and tell a lot of secrets to get Yixiao on board.

Otherwise, Yixiao would not want to be a pirate at all.

It was simply a fantasy for Crocodile to win over Yixiao.

Yixiao was very dissatisfied with the pirates who could legally rob, such as the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

"I have no interest in Pluton and One Piece."

Yixiao said softly.

Facing Yixiao's refusal, Crocodile decisively continued to attack.

"Desert Diamond Sword!"

He attacked Yixiao with four huge sand blades in his hands.

The powerful attack force cut a huge crack in the ground.

Yixiao swung the bamboo sword in his hand, and a huge flying slash was swung out.

The two forces collided in the sky.

Sandstorms were rampant, and smoke and dust were agitated.

"That uncle is called Yixiao, and he is my partner who I just recruited today."

Sander introduced Yixiao to Nico Robin.

"Recruited today?"

"I have never heard of Yixiao before."

Robin looked at the two people fighting in the field and said in surprise.

"Hahaha, Yixiao is a low-key person. He is a very gentle person with a strong sense of justice. He closed his eyes on his own initiative because he didn't want to see the evil in the world. He is a person who values ​​civilians very much."

"So you don't have to worry about being betrayed or abandoned. Strictly speaking, we are good people."

Sander laughed and continued to introduce.

"You closed your eyes on your own initiative because you didn't want to see the evil in the world?"

"What a respectable person."

"The captain seems to know Uncle Yixiao very well."

Nico Robin was much calmer and said with emotion.

"It's okay. I came to Alabasta this time to recruit you two. It's such a coincidence that Yixiao is also in Alabasta."

"Just call me by my name."

"I am a very easy-going person except when facing the enemy."

Sander said.

Easy-going? Robin's mouth twitched.

Can someone who destroys the fleet and kills an entire cruise ship be easy-going?

Until now.

Robin is still confused and afraid about her future.

The long-term intrigue makes it difficult for her to trust someone.

"When they finish fighting, I'll take you to the capital of Alabasta to read the historical text."

"Again, you don't have to tell me what you saw."

Sander also knew Robin's current situation.

It was difficult to let go of her heart in a short time.

"Can you also read the historical text?"

Robin asked curiously.


Sander shook his head.

"All I know is what I learned from other sources."

"When we come back from East Blue, I'll take you to Sky Island, which is our territory. The historical text is there, and there are also ruins of a city hundreds of years ago."

"Does Sky Island really exist?"

"Of course it exists."

Sander introduced the story of Shandora to Robin.

"It's incredible! An island can be blown up to the sky!"

After listening, Robin exclaimed.

The magic of Sky Island and the ruins of Shandora made her fascinated.

Adding the two historical texts,

she was full of expectations for the next journey.

Just then.

The battle between Yixiao and Crocodile was coming to an end.