
Chapter 30 Celestial Dragons' Strongest Shield, Cp0

Seeing Sander approaching.

The bodyguards on the cruise ship ordered to fire without hesitation.

They didn't care who was on the ship.

The shells hit all around Sander's ship, creating a wave.

Sander stood at the bow, hugged his arms, and stood still in the face of the shells.

Lightning flashed, and several shells exploded in the sky.

Sander jumped and came to the cruise ship.

The bodyguards on the deck changed their faces and pointed their guns at Sander.

"Who are you? Dare to board the cruise ship of Master Celestial Dragons, are you going to die?!!"

Sander had a blank expression on his face, and didn't even look at these people. He turned his head to look at Charmaco who just walked to the deck.

The iconic glass cover and the pig-like figure made him recognize this as Celestial Dragons at a glance.

"I don't know, but it's good to collect some interest first."

Sander had no impression of this Celestial Dragons.

But it didn't prevent him from killing him.

"Who are you?"

Charmaco looked at the stranger who broke into his territory and was very dissatisfied.

The bodyguards in white suits behind him froze for a moment, then shouted in unison:


Several people came to Sander in an instant, took precautions, and blocked Charmark behind them.

"Hey, you know me, CPO?"

Sander looked at the guy in white suit and mask in front of him.

CP0, an organization directly under the world noble Celestial Dragons.

Known as "Celestial Dragons' strongest shield"

and "the world's strongest CIPHER-POL", he naturally knew what Sander looked like.

"Who is Sander?"

"Catch this guy for me, I want him to be my slave!"

Charmark glared and ordered impatiently.

He did not change his pervert degree because of CP0's caution.

In his worldview.

All those who do not belong to Celestial Dragons are pariahs and mortals.

They are ants that he can control, kill, and abuse at will.

"Saint Charmaco, please return to the cabin immediately. This man is very dangerous."

A CP0 asked respectfully and humbly.

Even if they were protecting each other, they could not use any coercive measures.

Even if Celestial Dragons ordered them to commit suicide.

They had to execute the orders of the other party without hesitation.

"What a joke, no one dares to hurt me."

"I don't care who Sander is."

"As long as he is a pariah, he must surrender obediently."

"Catch him quickly and brand him. I will torture him severely!"

Charmaco took out a pistol and pointed it at the CP0 who was speaking.

Sander glanced at Charmaco's slaves, then at Charmaco, and smiled.

The smile was full of cruelty.

The CP0 was anxious, but he couldn't do anything to disobey, so he could only take out the Den Den Mushi to call for support from the Marine Admiral.

Every Celestial Dragon was offended.

The Marine Admiral had to go out to protect.

Sander did not stop the other party's actions.

He also wanted to catch up with his former colleagues, but he didn't know who was coming this time.

Faced with Charmarco's order, CP0 didn't act yet.

The bodyguard in a black suit on the deck fired first.

The bullet passed through Sander's body without causing any damage.

"Looking for death!"

Sander's eyes glared.

Conqueror's Haki burst out instantly.

The black-suited bodyguards on the deck immediately fell to the ground.

The few remaining ones who barely supported themselves were also charred by the lightning thrown by Sander.

"Damn it, you actually killed my slave!"

Charmarco saw that all his black-suited bodyguards were annihilated, and there was no fear on his face.

Instead, he kept shooting at Sander angrily.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The bullets couldn't cause any damage in front of Logia's ability.

And Sander saw that CP0 had finished the call.

Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and rushed towards several CPOs.

"Finger Pistol!"

A CPO directly used Finger Pistol, one of the Marine Six Styles.

The fingers were wrapped with Armament Haki and poked at Sander's chest.

Sander grinned and stretched out his fingers as well.

"Finger Pistol!"

He also used Finger Pistol.

The two fingers collided together.

CP0's fingers broke instantly.

Sander's Finger Pistol was devastating, piercing his entire arm and shattering it.

There was also a gap between Finger Pistol!

Whether it was the moves or Armament Haki, the two were worlds apart.


The scream of the CPO just sounded.

Sander's other finger had already touched his throat.

A big hole suddenly appeared in his neck.

The scream stopped abruptly, and after a moment of stiffness, he fell heavily to the ground.


Ignoring the fallen body, Sander stepped on the deck and rushed towards another person.

The man's face changed drastically, and he had no time to dodge, so he could only tense his muscles.

"Iron Body·Steel!"

Iron Body wrapped with Armament Haki was used.

"Finger Pistol Gatling Machine Gun!"

Sander's five fingers all performed Finger Pistol.

The fingers turned into afterimages.

It hit the opponent's chest like a machine gun.

This is a move Sander came up with after learning Finger Pistol.

It is designed to imitate the continuous firing of guns.

Puff puff puff puff!

The CP0's chest was directly shot into a sieve.

The defense combined with Iron Body and Armament Haki was as fragile as a piece of paper in front of Sander's indestructible Armament Haki.

Blood flowed all over the floor, and fragments of internal organs and ribs flew everywhere.

In a blink of an eye.

Five CP0s were dead.

So far, Sander has not even used the ability of Thunder Fruit.

He purely used physical skills and Haki.

In his opinion, a few CP0s are not worth using other abilities at all.

The faces of the remaining three CPOs under their masks suddenly became extremely ugly.

One of them swelled rapidly.

In a blink of an eye, his clothes were torn.

Transformed into a black bull with horns on its head.

Zoan Bull Fruit Big Black Bull Form!