
Chapter 29 Celestial Dragons, Chalmaco.


Doflamingo sat on the sofa with his legs crossed and a newspaper in his hand.

"Hey hey hey hey hey! What a scary guy!"

"Is he planning to go to war with the Beasts Pirates?"

Doflamingo's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

As a Shichibukai who made deals with the Beasts Pirates.

He knew Kaido's power better than anyone else.

In front of Kaido, he didn't even dare to think of resisting.

That terrifying momentum is still unforgettable to him.

"Put aside the matter of contacting him for the time being."

Doflamingo ordered.

"Understood, young master."

Trebol responded.

"Have you found out what he went to the Seven Waters for? Is it to build a ship?"

The Seven Waters is a famous shipbuilding site.

The world's largest shipyard is there.

Pirate King Roger's ship was built there.

Sander wants to form a pirate group, and it is also possible to go there to build a large pirate ship.

"It shouldn't be. He seems to have the ability to build ships, but recently someone seems to be trying to find out the location of Celestial Dragons near the Sabaody Archipelago."

"There is a Celestial Dragon near the Seven Waters."

Torebol replied.

As an intermediary in the underground world, Doflamingo naturally has his own intelligence organization.

"Hey, hey, hey, are they going to start hunting?"

"It's so exciting. The world is about to be in chaos!!"

Doflamingo laughed excitedly.

The reason why Sander betrayed the World government has been found out by many people.

So now, Sander's intention to go to the Seven Waters is self-evident.


The fact that Sander refused Kaido's recruitment and killed Jack with one punch caused a stir in the sea.

People speculated whether Kaido of the Beasts would go to war with Sander to get back the place.

But they soon discovered that Kaido did not make any moves and remained in the New World.

This time.

Many people realized Sander's strength.

His bounty of 1.5 billion berries was recognized by many people.

Sander knew nothing about this.

He was still wandering in the sea near the Seven Waters.

Looking for the traces of Celestial Dragons.

Finally, three days after killing Jack in one second.

Sander's observation Haki found a luxury cruise ship.

He went from the deck to the cabin and approached the cruise ship at full speed.

In this world, few people have luxury cruise ships.

The sea is full of pirates.

Even the kings of the world's member countries rarely go out to sea on cruise ships.

The only ones who can start a cruise ship wandering around the sea are the world's nobles - Celestial Dragons.

Because few pirates dare to hurt Celestial Dragons.


The cruise ship appeared in Sander's field of vision.

Compared with the cruise ship, Sander's ship is an inconspicuous small boat.

The entire cruise ship is dozens of meters high and has a total of ten floors.

Many bodyguards in black suits stood on the deck.

On the mast, a white flag fluttered in the wind.

It was printed with a red hoof of the Celestial Dragon.

This is the unique symbol of Celestial Dragons.

"Finally found you, fortunately I didn't give up."

Looking at the flag on the mast, Sander revealed a cruel smile.

He was flashing with lightning, and the power of the ship increased again, and it drove towards the cruise ship at a high speed.

The ship broke through the sea surface.

It set off waves on the sea.

The noise was soon discovered by the bodyguards in the observation room on the cruise ship.

"A ship was found, and it was heading here quickly!"

He reported to the bodyguards on the deck.

"Did you see the flag? Whose ship is it?"

A man in a suit who looked like the captain of the bodyguards asked.

"There is no flag, not even a sail!"

"Are you kidding me?"

"How can the ship move without a sail?"

The captain of the bodyguards was furious.

"But there is really no sail."

"Everyone be prepared, and no one can bump into the Celestial Dragons."

The captain of the bodyguards began to order his men to be on martial law.

Once someone bumps into the Celestial Dragons.

As protectors, the lightest punishment for them is to be branded with the "Dragon Hoof" mark and become miserable slaves.

No one wants to be a slave.

It's too painful to live like that, it's better to die directly.

On the cruise ship, in an extremely luxurious room.

Chalmarco lies on a bed covered with precious fur, enjoying the massage of several naked young girls.

On his head, he wears a square glass cover different from other Celestial Dragons.

He holds more than a dozen chains in his hands, and at the other end of the chain is a slave with a collar.

Slaves come in all kinds.

There are tall and burly men who lie on the ground like dogs.

There are also beautiful women with curvy figures who are not wearing clothes.

The only thing in common is that these people all have dull eyes and tremble.

Suddenly, Chalmarco frowned and opened his eyes.

The girls who were massaging suddenly showed expressions of fear and knelt on the ground one after another.


A gunshot.

Charmark took out his pistol and pulled the trigger without hesitation, killing a slave who was massaging.

The girl's head exploded instantly, and blood splashed on other slaves, making them tremble and dare not move.

"Waste, you can't even massage, what's the point of keeping you?"

"Drag it out to feed the dogs."

Charmark said with a cruel smile on his face.

The bodyguards were not surprised, and seemed to be familiar with such scenes.

They quickly brought tools.

They lifted the body on the ground and carefully cleaned the Bloodline on the ground.

They also sprayed some perfume very considerately.

At this time, the sound of artillery firing came from outside.

Charmark's eyelids moved, and he became interested.

He shook the chain.

The burly man immediately crawled to his feet, carried him on his back, and walked towards the deck.

The other slaves also lay on the ground and followed like dogs.

Several people in white suits and masks followed closely behind.