
Chapter 23 Sander, The Five Good Youth.


Hancock's pretty face changed drastically, and she felt a sense of panic that her secret had been discovered.

She made a move that might attack at any time.

The pet behind her seemed to sense the owner's uneasiness and roared at Sander a few times.

Petrified Eye.

It was the curse left behind by the Hancock sisters after they lied that they defeated the monster Gorgon in the Central Sea.

Once they took off their clothes and exposed their eyes, everyone nearby would be petrified.

"Devil Fruits are all kinds of strange, and there is a kind of Devil Fruit called the healing fruit."

Sander seemed not to notice Hancock's change, and continued to talk to himself:

"It can heal injuries and restore everything to its original state."

"The healing curse is perfect."

After speaking, Sander smiled and looked at Hancock.

Hancock trembled all over, and she ordered Marigold:

"Let them all go back to the cabin, I have something to say to Sander alone."

Marigold was a little scared and a little excited.

The fear was because of their lies, and the excitement was because the brand behind them could finally be solved.

As long as the brand was solved.

They were no longer afraid of being discovered as former slaves.

Although the other crew members did not understand why Lady Snake wanted to talk to Sander alone, they still obeyed the order and returned to the cabin.

Hancock came to the top of the snake, and the snake carried Hancock obediently to Sander.

"How do you know about the Eye of Petrification?"

"What else do you know?"

Hancock asked coldly.

"I guessed a little."

Sander hesitated and glanced at Hancock's back and said.

There was no one else around except Marigold, so Sander did not hide it.

He really knew!

Hancock's face turned pale in an instant.

The deepest secret in his heart was discovered, and Hancock felt his brain was blank.

His whole body was shaking, his eyes were full of fear, as if he was in an endless abyss, and he would be swallowed by darkness at any time.

She bit her lip, her face full of pain.

From the proud Pirate Queen to a weak and pitiful girl in an instant, tears rolled in her eyes, coupled with her stunning beauty, Sander felt that she was about to be petrified.

He quickly bit the tip of his tongue to dispel the evil thoughts in his mind and keep himself awake.

"Don't be afraid, Hancock, we are friends, aren't we?"

Sander comforted softly.

Sander's soft voice was like lightning across the night, allowing Hancock to see a ray of light in the dark night.


Hancock seemed to have returned to that evening again.

The three sisters were hiding from everyone in Sabaody Archipelago, afraid to contact anyone.

A black-haired boy, wearing big shorts and slippers, smiled and told them not to be afraid, Shakky's rip-off bar would allow them to go home.

They came to Shakky's rip-off bar with doubts, and finally returned to Nine Snake Island.

Not long after.

The boy became a Marine genius...

"Did you guess it at that time?"

Hancock raised his head and asked softly.

"The fishman Tiger made a lot of noise, and there were few strangers on that street."

Sander said with a smile.

"Then why are you helping us?"

"I also hate those pig-like Celestial Dragons."

Sander said as a matter of course.

This is not a lie. Anyone who has read the original novel will hate them.

Of course, you must never say something like lusting after the other person's body.

He can be mean and shameless, but he can't let others think he is mean and shameless.

"Then, will you look down on us who were once slaves of Celestial Dragons?"

Hancock clenched his white hands, seeming a little nervous.

"We are friends, aren't we, Hancock."

Sander didn't answer directly, but let Hancock loosen his hands.

Sander Penultimate's observation Haki can already hear Hancock's gradually accelerating heartbeat.

"Don't be nervous, Hancock, I said, the healing fruit can heal everything, scars and marks will not remain on them forever, I will find the healing fruit for you."

Sander promised softly.

Like a black-hearted boss, painting a pie in the sky.

It can't be considered a pie in the sky.

He knows where the healing fruit ability user is.

The ability to deduce everything can also give him the healing fruit ability.

As for the life span required for restoration, when he got the power of the giant, his life span had already exceeded that of ordinary humans.

Long life span can also be given by other bloodlines.

After a long silence, Hancock looked at Sander:

"I am the emperor of Nine Snake Island and need to protect everyone on Nine Snake Island."

Sander's mouth curled up slightly and said: "I still have a lot of things to do. I don't need you to be my partner on the ship for the time being. The identity of Seven Warlords of the Sea can also save you and Nine Snake Island from Marine invasion."

"You can temporarily form a secret pirate alliance with me."

Food should be eaten bite by bite, some things can't be rushed.

When he has the ability of the healing fruit, he will tell Hancock that using the ability of restoration will consume life.

At that time.....

Tsk tsk tsk, I dare not think about it.

Sander felt that he must have been infected by the villain of Impel down.

Let him, a good young man, start to coax ignorant girls.

"Secret pirate alliance?"

Hancock was a little confused.

"Next, I will hunt Celestial Dragons while looking for partners."

"If the World government knows that I have reached an alliance with you, it may cancel your identity as Seven Warlords of the Sea, and may also send a fleet to encircle Nine Snake Island."

Sander explained.

"You want to hunt Celestial Dragons, the Marine Admiral will hunt you down."

"Hahaha, are you concerned about me? Hancock, but don't worry, a Marine Admiral can't deal with me."

Sander laughed, her confidence hard to hide in her tone.

"How can I care about you, it's just that you once did us a little favor."

Hancock said with a straight face and expressionless.

She returned to her former proud Pirate Queen.

But the pink on her cheeks exposed her true heart.

"Go back, Hancock, wipe your tears, you are the emperor of Nine Snake Island."

At this time, Sonya came to the deck with supplies, looking at her sister and Sander in confusion.

She just walked away for a while, what happened?

Hancock wiped away his tears with some shame and anger, and returned to the deck with his head held high.

"Sonia, give Sander some more Bailey."

Hancock ordered his sister.

"No, there are many pirates in Sabaody Archipelago. If I need money, I can just ask them for it."

Sander refused with a smile.

After moving the wine, food and meat to his boat, Sander took a permanent pointer from Hancock.

Putting the pointer on his wrist, he waved to Hancock:

"Hancock, remember that we are friends. I will come to you again when I find the fruit."

After that, Sander drove the boat and drove quickly towards Sabaody Archipelago.

Watching Sander's back as he left.

Hancock stood on the deck.


"I don't want to be friends with you, hum!"

Hancock walked towards his cabin in high heels with his head held high.

"Notify them to return to Nine Snake Island."
