
Chapter 22 Pirate Queen, Boa Hancock.

At this moment, a figure walked out of the cabin.

She was about 1.9 meters tall, with a tall figure, wearing a cheongsam-style dress with patterns and a white cape behind her.

She had long black hair and a princess hairstyle.

Her slightly wide forehead was smooth and flat, her deep blue eyes were slender and delicate, her almond eyes revealed a little coldness, her nose was high and small, and her lips were soft without a wrinkle.

As she walked, her white and slender legs were exposed, and the red high heels on her feet made a crisp sound when they stepped on the deck.

A python with red and white patterns and a yellow belly followed behind her.

The man was the captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

The current emperor of Amazon Lily.

Seven Warlords of the Sea, Pirate Queen, Boa Hancock.

After the abolition of the Shichibukai system, her bounty will soar to 1.659 billion.

Hancock raised his chin proudly, looked at Sander and said:

" Sander, what do you want to do here?"

Sander chuckled:

"Long time no see, Hancock."

"Just came out of Impel down, and happened to meet you. I want to borrow something from you to go to Sabaody Archipelago."

"What do you want to borrow?"

When he mentioned Sabaody Archipelago and looked at Sander, Hancock thought of the bad memories before, and his face suddenly turned bad.

It's not against Sander.

Hancock is still very grateful to Sander.

If it weren't for him, the three sisters would have to wander for a long time if they wanted to return to Nine Snake Island.

"Some drinks and food, and a pointer to Sabaody Archipelago."

Sander replied.


Hancock raised his chin, indicating that he would prepare what Sander needed.

"Thank you."

Hancock nodded slightly and didn't speak.

"Why were you captured in Impel down?"

Boa Marigold, the third sister of the three sisters, asked curiously.

After Sander suddenly escaped from Impel down, others knew that the Marine genius who disappeared was captured by Impel down in the name of betraying the World government.

Sander wanted to give Marigold a thumbs up in his heart.

He was just worried about how to bring the topic here.

Pirate Queen Hancock was one of the crew members he wanted to recruit.

But her character of hating men made it difficult for Sander to recruit her.

The previous one-time encounter could only allow them to communicate calmly like now.

If someone else approached the Perfume Serpent, Hancock would have killed him long ago.

However, Sander, who had read the original book, naturally understood how to gain Hancock's trust.

"My adoptive father was killed by Celestial Dragons. I wanted to take revenge but was arrested by Sengoku and Kizaru and imprisoned in Impel down."

Sander simply told his experience.

If you want to recruit Hancock, the first thing is not to be afraid of Celestial Dragons and stand on the opposite side of Celestial Dragons.

The experience in childhood made the three Hancock sisters afraid and hate Celestial Dragons.

Forced by the power of Celestial Dragons.

Even after the three sisters became powerful, they could not seek revenge.

When a person has a grudge against Celestial Dragons and dares to kill Celestial Dragons.

They will naturally have a good impression of this person.

And he meets this requirement.

However, this alone is not enough.

Hancock's heart knot is the brand on his back.

Only by untying this knot can Hancock truly regard him as a partner.

Hearing the three words Celestial Dragons.

Others exclaimed, as if they had obtained some great secret.

And Hancock's standing body trembled obviously, and he clenched his fists slightly in a place that others could not see.

Marigold did the same.

But she still forced herself to come to Hancock's side and use her tall body to block the sight of others.

To prevent her sister's abnormality from being discovered.

"Will you continue to seek revenge in the future?"

Marigold trembled.

"Of course, Celestial Dragons are not a great existence, and people will die if they are killed."

Sander said as a matter of course.

The world nobles that others revere like gods are nothing but pigs in Sander's eyes.

"They are world nobles."

"If you hurt them, you will be hunted by the Marine and World government, and the Marine Admiral will be dispatched."

Marigold said.

"I don't care, and I will recruit powerful partners."

Sander looked at Hancock and said:

"So Hancock, do you want to be my partner?"


The crew of the Nine Snakes Pirates on the ship were just immersed in the shock of Sander's assassination of Celestial Dragons. Suddenly, they heard that Sander wanted to recruit their captain and froze in place.

"Sander, you did help us before, but it's too arrogant to want me to be your subordinate."

Hancock looked at Sander with a cold face.

Then, a momentum emanated from Hancock's body and pressed towards Sander.

Sander smiled slightly and also mobilized his Conqueror's Haki.

The Conqueror's Haki of the two collided, causing air waves in the Calm Belt, and the stationary sails were blown and rustled.

Neither Sander nor Hancock spread the Conqueror's Haki, but only targeted each other.

But the crew of the Nine Snakes Pirates felt that the boat in the storm could capsize at any time.

"Is this Conqueror's Haki?!!"

"It has the same talent as my sister."

Marigold looked at Sander in shock.

"Hancock, don't be so excited, I'm just recruiting."

Sander took the initiative to remove his Conqueror's Haki.

Sander was not surprised by Hancock's refusal.

He just planted a seed today, and didn't expect to succeed in the first recruitment.

Even if Hancock was willing, she couldn't abandon the Nine Snakes Island now.

Hancock didn't make a move again in the end, and put away his Conqueror's Haki.

"I will not be anyone's crew member."

She raised her chin proudly and looked down at Sander on the boat.

"What if I can solve the Petrifying Eye?"

Sander said with a smile.