
Chapter 118 It's Time To Give Up The Throne Of The World's Number One, Whitebeard!

Top Haki, top taijutsu, top physique!

This is Sander's power now, apart from the Devil Fruit!

You can say that.

Even without the Devil Fruit ability, he is still one of the top strong men in the sea.

This is one of his gains this year.

Since obtaining the Blue Dragon Fruit and Kaido's indestructible physique, after a year of training, his taijutsu has reached the top level.

With these alone, he has the ability to challenge the Four Emperors and Admiral, and even win!

Whitebeard's Kusakumokiri carries the power of destruction, trying to tear Sander apart.

But was blocked by Sander's fist.

This time, Whitebeard did not make a tentative attack like he did on the ship before.

"Come on, Whitebeard, let me see the strongest power in the world!"

Sander clenched his fists and rushed towards Whitebeard with excitement.

The fist wrapped in Armament Haki hit Whitebeard like raindrops.

Whitebeard is tall, but his speed is not slow.

The Kusugawakiri in his hand was a long weapon, but he still swung it with extraordinary force, blocking Sander's fist every time.

The sound of metal and stone clashing rang out in the sea.

The shock wave generated by the collision between the two continued to hit the Moby Dick not far away.

The same was true for other ships surrounding the Moby Dick.

The hulls were all damaged to varying degrees.

"Drive the ship farther away."

Marco looked at Whitebeard not far away and said softly.

"Being too close will affect Dad's battle."

"Should we stay here?" Flower Sword Vista asked.

He was naturally talking about the captains of the squad.

It would be useless for others to stay here, and it would also affect Dad.

"No need." Marco shook his head.

"If someone sees us, they will think that our Whitebeard Pirates are not moral and want to besiege Bodes."

Marco didn't want the reputation of the Whitebeard Pirates to be damaged.

Because that person damaged Dad's reputation.



The others followed suit.

After a while, all the ships were taken to the distant sea.

Marco and several other squad leaders stood on the side of the ship, looking at the tall figure in the distance with a worried look on their faces.

They were not worried that their father Whitebeard would be defeated.

Because in their hearts, their father was invincible.

But they were worried about their father's health.

Especially the Phoenix Marco, no one knew their father's health better than him.

On the battlefield.

Sander waved his fists excitedly.

Every time he collided with Whitebeard, he could feel a strong vibration force, as if he wanted to shatter his Haki and his body.

If he didn't have a body as strong as Kaido.

This vibration force alone would be enough for him.

Really strong, Whitebeard!


One punch knocked Sander back.

Whitebeard stabbed his long knife into the ice, and his coat fluttered in the wind.

A smile appeared on his lips: "Thunder boy, where is your ability to thunder on rainy days?" "Do you look down on Laozi?"

Sander grinned and did not answer.

He bent his legs slightly, exerted force suddenly, and jumped above Whitebeard.

The fist wrapped with Armament Haki flashed red and black lightning continuously, from top to bottom, and smashed towards Whitebeard's head fiercely.

Whitebeard's face remained unchanged, his right hand was across his chest, and he clenched his fist suddenly.

The solid muscles on his arm stood up inch by inch, and the veins bulged.

The bright halo wrapped around the fist and blasted towards Sander through the air.

Boom! The two fists did not touch, but they made a violent collision sound as if they were hitting each other.

Sander only felt that the space in front of him was like glass.

It was shattered by Whitebeard's fist.

Sander's powerful attack was also shattered with it. "Kid, no wonder you went to Kaido for trouble, Kaido didn't go to your territory to make a fuss, you also mastered this power!

Looking at the red lightning on Sander's fist, Whitebeard said in a deep voice.

Just based on the physical skills and Haki that Sander showed just now, plus the Conqueror's entanglement technique, it is enough for the guy in front of him to become the top power in the sea.

There are many people who have Conqueror's Haki.

But there are few people who can Conqueror's entanglement.

This is a power that only a few strong people can master.

Whitebeard has traveled the sea for decades and has seen countless geniuses and strong people, but there are only a few thousand who can possess this power.

It seems like a dozen is a lot.

But you have to know that the Four Emperors now occupy four positions.


Whitebeard clenched his left fist, and red and black lightning also wrapped around his hand.

"If you want to defeat me, these are not enough!"

His left fist blasted out.

Strength, Haki, and fruit ability were fully demonstrated at this moment.

The powerful impact force knocked Sander out, and he fell to the ground and slid for a hundred meters before stopping.

Sander shook his head and climbed up from the ice.

There was no frustration in his eyes, but full of fighting spirit!

Is this the power of the world's strongest?

It's really powerful!

Sander thought to himself.

That powerful physical strength, even now, makes Sander frightened.

That is not the power that humans should have.

But in terms of strength, Sander couldn't match it when he got the power of the giant.

Sure enough, being able to become the top strong man in the sea is a monster in itself!

It's still a bit difficult to defeat the opponent with single-body skills and Haki.

Thinking of this in his heart, lightning flashed around Sander.


In the blink of an eye, Des turned into lightning and disappeared on the spot.

When he reappeared, he was already in front of Whitebeard.

"300 million volts, Thunder Fist!"

The destructive thunder surged out of Sander's fist and blasted towards Yu Huzi.

The roar of electric charge sounded in the sea.

The endless thunder and lightning seemed to tear everything apart.

Whitebeard looked calm, raised his fist high, and hit Sander plainly.


The thunder sounded on the battlefield.

Countless blue and white lights enveloped Whitebeard.


The space sounded like glass breaking.

Countless thunder and lightning were instantly annihilated as the space broke.

"Is that all you can do, Thunder Kid?!!"

"You should go home and scare the kids!"

Whitebeard's domineering voice resounded through the sea.


Sander raised his eyebrows, and blue and white lightning condensed in front of Sander.

"500 million volts, Thunder Dragon!"

The ferocious and domineering Thunder Dragon appeared between the two.

The scales were thick and flashing with arcs.

On the dragon's head, Conqueror's Haki entangled.


A deep and domineering beast roar came.

Under Sander's control, the Thunder Dragon opened its ferocious bloody mouth like a living creature and rushed to the box Whitebeard!

Whitebeard lifted the Cloud Cutting and waved the Cloud Cutting with his right hand to draw a circle in the air.

The vibration force and Haki were entangled in it, and Whitebeard chopped it down fiercely towards the Thunder Dragon.


Whitebeard's arm veins popped.

The huge and terrifying Thunder Dragon responded (good thing) and was split in half. With a roar, the Thunder Dragon dissipated in the air.

And at the moment when Whitebeard split the Thunder Dragon, Sander had already rushed up and came to Whitebeard.

He raised his fist and punched Whitebeard.

The terrifying force directly blasted Whitebeard away.


On the Moby Dick, the captains of each squad changed their faces and couldn't help but exclaimed.

But no one took action.

They all knew that the powerful and unrivaled dad would not fall down like this!

Sure enough. As Whitebeard was sliding, Kurokumochi suddenly stabbed into the ice, leaving a deep cut on the ice, and he himself stopped by friction.


"Very good, Sander!"

"Come on, if you want to defeat me, let me see your real strength!"

As soon as the voice fell.

Sander had already come in front of him.

"You have been sitting in the seat for a long time, it's time to give up, Whitebeard!"

Sander looked indifferent, and played a lucky game.

Whitebeard laughed and fought with Sander. .