
Chapter 119 Marine Learns, Sengoku Decides.

Just when Sander was fighting Whitebeard.

A warship appeared in the nearby sea.

"Report Rear Admiral!"

"A frozen pirate ship was found ahead!"


On the deck of the warship, a Marine with short white hair, three cigars in his mouth, and a defiant look on his face was stunned for a moment.

"Frozen pirate ship?"

"Yes, Smoker Rear Admiral, the whole ship is completely frozen."

Rear Admiral was none other than Smoker, who was originally in Logue town.

After leaving Logue town.

Smoker first studied at Naval Headquarters for a period of time, and then began to operate in New World.

With his military exploits in fighting pirates.

Now he has been promoted to Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral, and has the qualifications to become the chief officer of a warship.

"Can you see whose pirate ship it is?"

Smoker asked.

White smoke slowly came out of his mouth and slowly dissipated under the breeze.

That is, on the deck.

If it was in the cabin, where Smoker was, it would have been filled with smoke and it would have been impossible to stay there.

"It's the Sword Pirates!"

"The captain is a swordsman with a bounty of 400 million!"

"According to the information we got, he should be preparing to challenge Whitebeard. I don't know why he is here."

The Marine reported again.

"Challenge Whitebeard?"

Smoker frowned, and his already unruly face looked a little fierce.

"Pull the ship over and see what's going on!"

"Yes, Smoker Rear Admiral!"

Under Smoker's order, the warship quickly approached Sword's pirate ship.

"What happened? Why are they all frozen?"

Seeing everything on the ship clearly, a Marine exclaimed.

At this time, the entire pirate ship was completely frozen, and the pirates on the ship were frozen with it.

"Yes, although it was done?"

Smoker looked at the lifelike ice sculpture, frowned and said softly with some uncertainty.

The only person Smoker could think of who could freeze an entire ship and a pirate with a bounty of over 400 million was the Logia Frozen Fruit user, Admiral of Headquarters Aokiji!

Jumping onto the Sword's pirate ship.

Smoker soon found the only two people lying on the deck and frozen.

"Defrost these two people!"

Smoker ordered.

The Marines immediately found hot water to defrost the two ice sculptures lying on the deck.

Soon, the two's faces appeared in front of the Marines.

"Is this Sword?"

"And his vice-captain?!!"

"Sure enough, it's the Sword Pirates!"

Although the two were bruised and miserable, the Marines still recognized them at a glance.

"What happened to these two people? Why are they so miserable!"

"It seems that they were beaten to death. Was it Whitebeard who did it?"

"It shouldn't be. It's not said that there are people with freezing ability in the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Could it be Admiral Aokiji who did it?"

Everyone looked at the captain and vice-captain of the Sword Pirates and talked about it.

But Smoker denied the speculation that it was Aokiji who did it in his heart.

According to Aokiji's style of doing things.

He would only defeat the two and then put them in the underwater prison.

He would not kill them so cruelly like a massacre.

Also, Aokiji is usually not active in the New World.

Among the three Admirals.

Admiral of Headquarters Aokiji is usually active in the four seas and the first half of the Grand Line.

Kizaru is near the Naval Headquarters.

The most active in the New World is Admiral of Headquarters Akainu.

"Report this matter!"

"We continue to look for Sander!"

Smoker thought for a moment and said.

He came here because there was intelligence that Woods appeared nearby.

He came to find Sander.

"Yes, Smoker Rear Admiral!"

After the Marine who went to report left, Smoker turned and looked in one direction.

"Did you do it? Sander!"

"It seems that you really came to challenge Whitebeard!"

"After a year, are you going to challenge Whitebeard?"

Smoker murmured.

The voice dissipated in the sea with the sea breeze.

The information about the Sword Pirates was quickly conveyed to the Naval Headquarters.

The death of a pirate with a bounty of 400 million is always a matter of great importance to Marine.

"Marshal Sengoku, the Sword Pirates have been completely wiped out. This is the information sent by the front-line Marine!"

A Marine handed the information reported by Smoker to Sengoku.

When he heard that it was about a pirate with a bounty of 400 million, Sengoku took it quickly.

When he opened it, Sengoku's face froze.

The whole ship was frozen?

When he saw this line, the first thing Sengoku thought of was Aokiji.

"Where is Aokiji? Did he go to New World?"

Sengoku asked in a deep voice.

"Probably not.

Admiral Aokiji just appeared in the first half of the Grand Line, and there is no intelligence showing that Admiral Aokiji (daeh) went to the New World."

Marine obviously knew that Sengoku would ask this question, and said it immediately.

Before coming to the office to report, he had already checked the whereabouts of Admiral of Headquarters Aokiji.

There are two ways to go to the New World.

One is to take the Red Line, and this route will naturally be recorded by the Marine and the World government.

The other is to take the fish men island.

No matter which one, there is no record showing that Admiral Aokiji went to the New World.

Sengoku nodded slightly when he heard it.

Aokiji had no reason to secretly go to the New World.

And the act of killing Sword was not like Aokiji's character.

If it wasn't what Aokiji got...

Sengoku's face changed slightly, and he thought of someone.

A person who has not appeared on the sea for a year.

Captain of the Thunder God Pirates, Thunder God Sander! If anyone else has the ability like Aokiji's Frozen Fruit.

That must be Sander.

The great battle near Onigashima a year ago.

They, the Marine, also found traces of Frozen Fruit!

"Is there any information about Sander from the Thunder God Pirates?"

Marshal Sengoku pushed his glasses and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, a few days ago, someone suspected to be Thunder God Sander appeared in New World, not far from where the Smoker Pirates were found.

"Smoker Rear Admiral has gone there to confirm!"

The Marine took out a document and handed it to Sengoku.

Sengoku glanced at it and remembered that the previous document said that Ward was ready to challenge Whitebeard.

"Is Whitebeard also in that sea area?"

The whereabouts of the Four Emperors, Marine has always been concerned.

If it weren't for the fear of angering the monsters in New World, Sengoku would have wanted to send warships to monitor them all the time.

"Yes, Marshal Sengoku, the Moby Dick and several flagships of the Whitebeard Pirates are nearby.

Marine replied.

Sengoku put the document in his hand on the desk, with a thoughtful look on his face.

After a long time, he whispered:

"Sander is going to challenge Whitebeard!"

"After waiting for a year, can you finally not help but stir up trouble in the sea?"

All the information showed.

Sander was going to find Whitebeard.

Sander originally belonged to Marine, and Marine was familiar with everything about him, knowing that Sander and Whitebeard had no intersection.

The only connection was The Fish Men Island.

The Fish Men Island was jointly protected by the Whitebeard Pirates and the Thunder God Pirates!

So, if Sander went to find Whitebeard, there was a high probability that he would lose the opportunity to challenge Whitebeard.

Among the Four Emperors, Whitebeard was the strongest, which was basically recognized.

As a strong man who existed during Roger's time.

Whitebeard's prestige was beyond doubt.

There was no first in literature, and no second in martial arts.

Naturally, the top strong men in the sea were not convinced by Whitebeard's title of the world's number one.

Sander was in his early twenties, and only had strong strength.

It was normal to challenge the world's number one.

Even Sengoku thought Sander went a little late.

He thought that Sander would fight Whitebeard soon after he went to New World.

Unexpectedly, Sander seemed to have disappeared in the past year, and there was no news.

"Tell Akainu in New World about this and tell him not to act rashly without orders."

"Also, keep a close eye on Whitebeard and Sander!"

After a moment, Sengoku ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes, Marshal Sengoku!"