
Chapter 117 Sander's Ice Age!

Sander was telling the truth.

Whitebeard was injured all over, and he was really afraid that the old injuries of the opponent would relapse and he would be beaten to death.

He was also preparing for the Summit War, so he wanted to play a big one.

He couldn't let Whitebeard die so early.

Sander was telling the truth, but in the eyes of the Whitebeard White Pirates.

This was a complete provocation!

That was their respected father!

What's the difference between provoking the father and asking for their lives?

All the captains of the squads looked at Sander angrily, their eyes full of anger.

If the father hadn't spoken.

They wanted to rush up right now, cut Sander into pieces, and throw him into the sea to feed the fish!

Whitebeard was also stunned when he heard Sander's extremely arrogant words.

"Little devil, do you know what you are talking about?"

Whitebeard's cold voice sounded on the Moby Dick.

He removed the infusion tube inserted in his body, pulled out Kurogiri and slashed at Sander without hesitation.

No one who can become the overlord of the sea has a good temper.

Whitebeard's good temper is only for his family.

"Laozi is Whitebeard!"

Murakumokiri swept towards Sander with wind pressure, trying to cut Sander in half.

Sander's eyes flashed.

His left leg wrapped in Armament Color slowly stretched out, 30 resisting the knife.


A sound like the collision of metal and stone rang out.


The shock wave generated by the collision between the two cracked the side of the Moby Dick.

The moment he collided with Murakumokiri.

Sander felt a vibration coming from Murakumokiri's blade.

That force seemed to disintegrate and melt Sander's Armament Color.

This is the power of Shock Fruit!

His heart moved slightly.

Sander originally deduced the ability of the Blue Dragon form of the Mystical Beast Fish Fruit to awaken the ability, and sold the Shock Fruit.

Sander would naturally not miss the power that could set off a tsunami and shake the earth.

"I'm right, Whitebeard!"

"How much power can you still exert at your peak?"

"Or, how long can you fight at your peak strength?"

Sander grinned.

He didn't doubt that Whitebeard could exert his peak strength.

But how long can Whitebeard, who was suffering from old injuries and needed to rely on infusion to maintain his injuries, fight him?

"Hmph! Kid!"

"You can try!"

Whitebeard snorted coldly and looked at Sander with unkind eyes.

In the past, he still admired this kid who defected from Marine.

But now.

The other party's arrogance made him angry.

He was eager to teach the kid in front of him a lesson.

Let the other party know that he, Whitebeard, is not so old that he can't hold a knife!


"Then try it!"

Sander looked up at the tall Whitebeard.

There was no fear on his face.

His eyes were full of fighting spirit.

The world's strongest man, Whitebeard Edward Newgate!

He also wanted to experience the other party's power.

There are still more than three years until the Summit War. I hope Whitebeard is not that old yet.

He retracted his raised left leg.

Sander slowly floated into the air.

He came to the surface of the sea amid the puzzled gazes of the crowd.

"Come on, Whitebeard!"

All the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates looked grim.

What does Sander mean?

Want their dad to fight the other party on the sea?

Dad doesn't have the ability to fly!

"Asshole Sander!"

"Is this how you challenge Dad?"

The rescued Marco was furious when he saw this scene.

Marco was not so angry even when he was punched into the sea.

After all, although Sander's punch made him dizzy now.

But if it was not the sea but the land, he would not have lost the ability to resist after being punched by the other party.

But now.

This guy who was called the fifth emperor of the sea by the sea.

Is he so despicable that he wants to fight Dad on the sea.

He has no dignity of a strong man!

The captains of other squads also cursed without hesitation.

"Too shameless, Sander!"

"I actually want to fight Dad on the sea, it's an insult to the reputation of pirates!"

"Let's go together and beat this shameless guy!"

But Whitebeard narrowed his eyes and looked at Sander calmly.

He didn't believe that he dared to go to the Beasts Pirates' territory and Kaido fights guys who use this little trick.

Sure enough.

Just when Marco was about to speak again.

Sander tapped the sea surface with his toes.

The Frozen Fruit ability was instantly exerted.

Ice Age!

In the eyes of everyone in amazement.

The sea that was originally surging with waves was instantly frozen.

The ice surface stretched for dozens of miles.

The turbulent sea instantly turned into a piece of land!

Marco swallowed the words that were about to come to his mouth.

He opened his mouth and looked at the scene in disbelief.

Frozen for dozens of miles!

What kind of power is this?

Isn't Sander a Thunder Fruit ability user?

Why is it so similar to the power of Marine Admiral Aokiji!

"The sea is frozen?!!"

Flower Sword Vista stared at this scene with his eyes wide open.

"What's going on?"

"Isn't he a Thunder Fruit ability user? Why is Marine Admiral Aokiji so powerful? Aokiji's power?"

Sachi said with a trembling voice as a drop of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

Behind him.

A middle-aged man with a rough appearance, thick hair, burly figure, and missing several teeth opened his eyes wide.

Two fruit abilities!

Sander actually has two fruit abilities!

Marshall Teach roared in his heart!

He couldn't figure out why Sander had two Devil Fruit abilities!


Admiral of Headquarters Aokiji is alive and well now!

How did Sander get the other party's power?!!

Whitebeard looked at the ice surface, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but only a trace.

He has seen too many strange things in his decades of traveling across the sea.

It is surprising that Thunder Kid has two fruit abilities, but that's all!

"Is this the confidence you have to challenge me? Sander!"

Whitebeard said calmly.

Even though Sander has two fruit abilities, there is no fluctuation on his face.

Sander smiled noncommittally and gestured to Whitebeard.

Whitebeard jumped onto the side of the ship and looked down at Sander.

He exerted force on his legs and rushed towards Sander like an arrow from a bow. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Sander.

"Kid, you can't defeat me with just these!"

"I'm Whitebeard!"

Armament Haki covered the cloud cut, carrying a monstrous power.

The invisible transparent halo wrapped the tip of the knife.

He chopped at Sander fiercely.


Armament Haki appeared on Sander's arms.

Sander greeted him with excitement.

He didn't use any fruit ability.

Sander only used physical skills and Armament Haki to take Whitebeard's attack!

He wanted to try.

Relying solely on physical skills and Haki, what level can he reach!