
Chapter 116 Because I’M Afraid Of Beating You To Death, I’M Giving You Treatment!

A monstrous power burst out from Sander.

The terrifying aura was like a strong wind, pressing towards the Moby Dick.

Marco's face changed, and he almost lost his balance.

Behind him.

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates all looked at Sander with ugly faces.

Some even stepped back as if they were facing the wind, and could only bend their waists and legs to resist Sander's Conqueror's Haki.

Whitebeard, who was sitting on the deck, had a strange look on his face.

Such Conqueror's Haki was comparable to that of the red-haired boy.

He did not send out his Conqueror's to resist.

Instead, he looked at his sons calmly.

He wanted to see how they would deal with it.

After all, the future was theirs.

Sander was younger than them, and he would inevitably compete with them on the sea.

Fighting in advance would also let his sons understand that the sea is big, and the world is bigger.

The truth of "four-four-zero".

Similarly, it would also let him see Sander's strength.

He had only heard about Sander's strength in newspapers.

On the side of the ship, Marco looked at Sander in shock.

Such a powerful Conqueror's Haki is rare in the sea.

I didn't expect to see it today in a man in his early twenties.

He looked at Sander with a solemn look.

"Sander, you are not here to ask for a drink when you attack our Whitebeard Pirates like this!"

Marco said in a deep voice.

His arms turned into blue and white flames and leaped towards Sander.

His right leg wrapped with Armament Haki kicked out at Sander.

"Crane Claw!"

Sander's eyes lit up, and Armament Haki wrapped around his hands.

His right fist was delivered without any fancy.


Marco's face changed, and he felt a terrifying force coming.

He was directly knocked back, flipped back in the air and landed on the side of the ship.

Sander stood firmly on the deck, his feet moving to share.

"As expected of the second-in-command of the Whitebeard Pirates."

Sander praised, slowly ascended into the air, and floated in the air.

"But I'm not here to find you, please make way."

Sander smiled and looked at the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"If you want to see your father, you have to see if you have the ability!"

Marco said coldly.

Sander is indeed famous.

But how could they, as sons, let Sander go easily?

At least he has to show some real ability.

Marco's whole body turned into a human-beast form, his hands turned into experimental wings, and his feet turned into claws.

He jumped into the air and kicked Sander in the air.

Seeing Marco take action.

Sander's eyes flashed.

Conqueror's Haki wrapped around his hand, and red and black lightning filled the sky.

Then, when Marco was about to kick him.

With the help of Observation Haki, his whole body became natural in advance.

When he appeared again, he was already behind Marco.

"Be careful! Marco!"

Flower Sword Vista was shocked and warned loudly.

He didn't make a move.

Two against one, their Whitebeard Pirates can't afford to lose this man.

Flower Sword Vista's voice was not finished.

Sander's fist, which was circling Conqueror's Haki, had already hit Marco's head hard.


In the air, Marco was like a volleyball that was smashed, falling straight to the sea below at a very fast speed.

Before everyone could react, Marco had already fallen into the sea.

Everyone's face changed drastically.


Flower Sword Vista exclaimed.

He held the long sword in his hand and was about to attack.

At this moment, an old and domineering voice came.

"Stop it!"

Whitebeard spoke.

"You are no match for him, let him come."

Whitebeard continued.


The captains of the squads looked ugly, and their eyes were full of unwillingness.

"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and get Marco out."

"Yes, huh!"

Flower Sword Vista gritted his teeth, looked at Sander coldly, and then winked at Namuir.


Captain of the Eighth Squad of the Whitebeard Pirates, big.

It is most appropriate to give him the job of getting Marco out.

Namuir nodded, glared at Sander as well, and then jumped into the sea.

Facing the unfriendly eyes of the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates,

Sander didn't care.

He chuckled and came to the Moby Dick, slowly walking towards where Whitebeard was.

Some people looked at Sander's swaggering appearance and felt a little indignant.

But due to Whitebeard's order, they did not take action.


Sander came to the deck.

He saw the tall man sitting on the deck.

The burly man was half naked, revealing solid muscles and crisscrossing scars...0

There were more than a dozen IV tubes hanging on his body.

He looked like an old man who was terminally ill.


"You are a little late, Sander, I thought you would come to me soon after you challenged Kaido.

Whitebeard looked at Sander and laughed.

"It's a little late indeed."

Sander nodded and glanced at the IV tubes on Whitebeard's body.

"If it's later, even if I defeat you, it won't be meaningful. "

Sensing Sander's gaze, Whitebeard narrowed his eyes and understood what Sander meant.

You think he's too old!

"Little brat!"

Whitebeard glared, and the invisible Conqueror's Haki spread out, pressing towards Sander.

" Laozi is not old yet!"

Sander was not afraid.

He collided with his Conqueror's Haki.

The two powerful forces generated huge wind pressure, causing the crew members of the Whitebeard Pirates to retreat again and again.

The white clouds in the sky rolled back, as if they were torn apart by your powerful force.

"It's worthy of Whitebeard!"

Sander exclaimed in his heart.

He is several dozen years old, with all kinds of hidden injuries on his body, and he still has such power.

How strong would Whitebeard be a dozen or twenty years ago?

Thinking of this, Redes couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

It's a pity that he was not born a decade or twenty earlier, so that he could fight with Whitebeard like this.

The Conqueror's Haki competition ended quickly.

In On the Haki side, neither of them could do anything to the other.

In the surprised eyes of the crowd, Sander shot a green light wave at Whitebeard.


Flower Sword Bista was shocked and was about to attack Sander.

Whitebeard raised his hand slightly to stop his crew.

Then, he took the green light wave without hesitation.

The light wave hit him.

There was no damage as expected by Flower Sword Bista.

On the contrary, they noticed that Dad's momentum seemed to be stronger, although it was very subtle, but it was indeed a little stronger.


"I don't remember that Thunder Fruit has the ability to heal!"

Whitebeard narrowed his eyes and looked at Sander and said.

"Also, you are treating me, aren't you afraid of being beaten to death?!"

Sander shrugged.

"I'm treating you because I'm afraid of being beaten to death, Whitebeard!"